Chapter 1876: Go North

"The demon Lord, his subordinates do feel familiar, but they can't remember where they heard it.

Maybe, what the subordinates heard at that time was just that the name of the continent was similar to that of the Lord, and it was not necessarily the **** war continent that my Lord asked! "

The old man showed a sad look on his face and said to Shi Feng.

This old man, in fact, even if he felt familiar with "God War Continent" just now, he didn't intend to tell this deity to kill him. The older and better the man lived, he didn't want to trouble himself.

After hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng said coldly again, and said to him, "Think about this for the Lord, when and where did you hear it!"

When Shi Feng said these words, the old man suddenly sensed that a cold chill fell from the sky, instantly covering him.

It made him, like a falling ice cellar, kneeling in the empty old body, shivered fiercely at this moment.

The old man quickly opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng with a begging tone:

"Yes! Subordinates obey! Subordinates obey! The subordinates are old, Lord Lord, please allow your subordinates to think about it! Please Lord Lord to give your subordinates some time!"

At this moment, the old man really regretted it, really blame himself for talking so much and committing such a thing.

And the old man has a feeling that if he can't remember the war with the continent, he will certainly not end well.

Maybe this killing God may not sacrifice the evil weapon in his hand.

There is no such thing as killing God.

Hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng said, "Okay! The demon Lord will give you some time, think about it."

"Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! Your subordinates will do their best to think! Your subordinates will do their best, please be assured.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng responded softly and nodded slowly to the old man.

Later, Shi Feng's eyes looked at the crowd in all directions again, and he said again, "Who, have you heard of the Divine War Continent? Those who provide clues to this demon master must have a great reward."

When Shi Feng said these words, the power of the soul swept out from all directions, sensing the changes of everyone in this void.

However, in the end, Shi Feng didn't find it. One person looked like he had heard about this war on the mainland.

After all, this is a mysterious and unknown continent.

"God fights the continent! God fights the continent! God fights the continent!" The old man over the kneeling crowd began to murmur these words.

The more he read these four words, the more he became familiar with it. He felt that he had heard it from somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"Where did you hear about Divine War Continent? Or which ancient books have you seen? Where is it? Why can't you remember? Why can't you remember!"

With this in his mouth, he saw the old man's old face, his brows frowning tightly, but he couldn't remember, and at this moment, he had become a little manic.

"God fights the continent! I must remember it! Otherwise, it will really be over."

While secretly speaking these words, the old man looked at the black figure again.

After Shi Feng's previous white robe was broken, he replaced it with the dark battle armor condensed from the ancient characters of Xuanguang, like a demon, standing above the peerless beast.

The old man saw that the **** of killing was glaring at himself at this moment. The face facing himself had become more and more cold, as if filled with murderous intentions.

"Ah! No! God battles the mainland! Ah! God battles the mainland!" Suddenly, a distant picture flashed in the old man's mind.

The old man's original frowning eyebrows loosened immediately, his eyes widened, and then he saw him shouting at Shi Feng: "My lord! I thought of it! I thought of God fighting the mainland!"

"Oh!" Shi Feng's face moved a little after hearing the old man's words. In fact, no one noticed that the body hidden in the dark armor was trembling just now.

"Come on!" Shi Feng yelled at the old man immediately.

"Yes! My lord!" The old man responded quickly, and at this moment he had sensed that the force of coldness covering himself had dissipated.

The old man said again: "Many years ago, the subordinates in the shrine of the Tianhuang Holy Land accidentally saw the genealogy of the Tianhuang Holy Land. This genealogical record records that the ancestors of the Holy Land were the oldest ancestors of the Heavenly Famine It ’s from that **** war continent! "

"Well! Nothing wrong! That **** is fighting the continent!" When he said this, the old man's face was full of seriousness.

As if he was afraid that Shi Feng didn't believe it, he was still worried that this **** of killing would suddenly kill himself, and worried that he would sacrifice himself to the evil weapon, and the old man immediately opened his mouth and said:

"My lord! Many years ago, my subordinates were disciples of the barren holy land that day. When their subordinates entered the barren holy land, they cleaned their ancestral hall.

At that time, when his subordinates saw that there was no one in the ancestral temple, they secretly looked at their genealogical tree, and they just saw the first page of the genealogical tree, recording their ancestor! "

"The Heavenly Sacred Land? The Heavenly Sacred Patriarch? Where is this Heavenly Sacred Land?" Then Shi Feng spoke again and asked the old man.

Even if he can get a little clue about this divine war on the mainland, Shi Feng wants to go and take a look.

Although it is said that the ancestor of that holy place came from the divine war continent, it must have been a long time ago, but Shi Feng still wanted to go to the barren holy place that day.

See if there is any relic left by the ancestor there, or there is any information about that war continent.

Hearing the Lord of the Nine Wraiths again asking questions, the old man hurriedly respectfully replied, "My Lord, the heavenly wasteland is in the north wasteland."

"Beihuang? OK! Then the demon went to the Beihuang!" Shi Feng said.

When he heard the word Beihuang, he also remembered that there was still an end to the resentment.

Shi Feng still remembered that Lu Yu had said to himself that the Gu'er Mountain was located in Beihuang.

At that time, Gu Yan, the goddess of Gu'er Mountain, wanted to kill herself, and eventually Gu Yan was killed by herself.

Then the Gu'er Mountain sent a peerless powerhouse and united several forces to hunt and kill themselves in the deserted ancient Forbidden City.

At that time, he was weak and almost caught up with them.

At that time, if they were really overtaken by them, they must have fallen.

Now it's time for them to pay the price!

"Gu'ershan!" Shi Feng murmured these words in his mouth, then turned his head, looked at Jiuyou Demon, Ximu, and said:

"Xi Mu, Ben Mo mainly went to the north wasteland, and all the matters of this evil abyss are left to you."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xi Mu held his fist and said three words simply: "Relax!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded to Xi Mu, followed, and looked at the old man again, and said, "Would you like to accompany this demon master to a deserted holy place that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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