Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1880: Demon beauty

Chapter 1880 The Demon Race Is Beautiful

The giant golden dragon dived down and stopped shortly when it was about to rush into the earth violently. The giant dragon circled the void, and the huge figure was suspended above the stone maple.

And just then, just listening to the anger of a man, he suddenly sounded:

"Where is Er Nai? How dare you break into the land of my demon monster? Did some strange magic light fall into this place before, did you two make a ghost?"

The talking demon man, wearing a silver scale armor, with a pointed green armor on his head, has a rough face, and his martial realm is in the realm of two stars and demigods.

Of these 13 demons, twelve "persons" are all dressed in the same style as this demonic man, wearing silver scale armor and prestige. He looks like a guard of the demons, like guarding the gold Girl.

This is a wonderful young girl who looks only about fifteen or sixty years old. Although she is not very old, her appearance is very beautiful, her essence is excellent, her features are extremely delicate, like the most outstanding works of art carved by God.

Even Qing Yan had a sense of shame in front of her.

And the momentum emanating from her body, the identity of this demon woman must be noble!

But even if she is noble in this area, Shi Feng doesn't put her in her eyes at all. She is noble again and can honor herself, the nine ghosts who control the billions of souls of the entire evil abyss!

Just a four-star demigod woman.

Shi Feng didn't answer the demon man's words, but spoke, in an irresistible tone: "What kind of demon land did you just talk about? Where is it in the north, the north, the south, the north and the south? How far?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the people of the monster family above the giant golden dragon immediately froze, but did not expect that the trespasser would not only answer the question, but would ask questions in a strong tone.

Even the beautiful demon woman had a slight change of face.

"Huh! Presumptuous!" And immediately followed, listening only to the demon man just now, pointing at Shi Feng and Qing Yan below, making a loud yelling, above his rough face, also Full of anger, he opened his mouth and said,

"Uncle Ben asks you a word, but you actually ask him back? It's just death!"

As I said these words, I saw a strong sense of war on the body of the demon man.

As a two-star demigod, although he couldn't see through the realm of the person below, he also didn't put it in his eyes. Here, it was the land of my demon, but the land of his demon.

What's more, under their body, there is this golden spirit demon dragon that can be in the realm of six stars and demigods!

And her guarded by the twelve, she has a distinguished status, and looking at them, the twelve demon guards, is actually not that simple.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the remaining twelve demon guards, and all of them sent out a strong sense of war.

"Oh!" Even the golden spirit demon dragon beneath them, sensing the war intentions of the demon guards above, sent a violent roar, making the world shake.

But at this moment, Qingyan felt the feeling of the golden dragon to her, not as terrifying and terrifying as imagined.

At this time, she also gradually understood that this golden dragon was just a dragon in shape. Otherwise, with the dignity and power of the dragon, how would these monster people be allowed to stand on its dragon body.

"How ancient dragons are so easy to see!" Qing Yan secretly said.

At this time, looking at the demons above, Shi Feng opened his mouth with a sneer. He did not expect that the ants did not answer their own words, but sent out a war to themselves, it was really tired.

However, just as Shi Feng was about to make a shot and abolish all the people above, I saw the wonderful young girl in gold clothes slowly speaking, "You must not be rude!"

The sound is like the clear spring flowing in the mountains, unusually clear and beautiful.

"Ah! Yes!"



At this moment when the girl in golden clothes sounded, those demon guards exuding a strong sense of war immediately responded, and even the war intentions on them disappeared immediately.

The Jinling Demon Dragon, which was snarling and roaring below, immediately calmed down.

Shi Feng, who originally intended to abolish all these demons, stopped because the girl was "not rude."

Perhaps these people escaped because of the words of the demon woman.

In fact, the demon girl didn't know why. When he saw this young man wearing a dark armor, the man gave himself a very special feeling.

The feeling this person gave her seemed as if it were not easy.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the demon girl, polite to Shi Feng below, and said:

"Tianhuang Holy Land, I've heard of it. We are a demon sacred land in the extreme west of the North Famine, while the Tianhuang Holy Land is in the center, far away."

"Oh, are you?" Upon hearing the words of the demon girl, Shi Feng frowned slowly, and answered softly.

It seems that there is another way to go.

Then, Shi Feng said again, and asked, "There is no space teleporter here?"

"No!" I saw the demon girl slowly shook her head and answered Shi Feng's words.

Then, just listening to her again, she said:

"A long time ago, I heard that there is a space teleportation array in our Hell Fairy Land that leads to the Terran Territory. Later, due to some changes, the demon king at the time ordered that all the space teleportation arrays in our Hell Fairy Land be destroyed Now. "

And immediately after the voice of the demon girl, behind her, a silver armor guard said angrily:

"It's not that your sinister and cunning people have failed to keep their promises and do something despicable. Huh!"

Upon hearing the words of the guard, the demon woman nodded slowly, behaving in agreement with his words.

The other demon guards, as if recalling something, looked towards Shi Feng and Qing Yan, all showing resentment.

If there wasn't that demon woman, look at these guards in resentment at this moment, maybe they have already killed Shi Feng and Qing Yan.

Looking at these demons, one by one, Shi Feng secretly said that they should be people of the previous tribe. What did they do to them and be sorry for them.

This is extremely possible.

Human races tend to betray their own people, and even betrayal and thunder, let alone treat these aliens.

"Since this place is at the extreme west of the middle desolation, go to the Heavenly Desolation Holy Land and go all the way east." At this moment, Shi Feng said secretly.

Now that there is no space teleporting array in this Hell Monster Land, it has been going east, and I will go out of this Hell Monster Land first.

"If there is nothing else, let's say goodbye to this." At this moment, the wonderful young girl of the Yao clan spoke again, and said to Shi Feng politely.

"Well, thanks for pointing the way." Upon hearing that, Shi Feng nodded to her, and then only heard him whisper, "Next!"

(End of this chapter)

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