Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1881: The opportunity is for her.

Chapter 1881: Opportunity Is For Her.


When these two words rang out in Shi Feng's mouth, a white light flew up and shot at the beautiful demon girl.

"Huh?" The demon girl's eyebrows twisted slightly. "Hmm", the beautiful face showed an incomprehensible look, reached down and grabbed, and caught the white streamer that shot from the sky. in.

The guards of the monsters changed their faces quickly, and they only reacted at this moment. The man lost the mystery to the person they were protecting.


"Human race! How dare you attack the princess! Seek death!"




Suddenly, the world resounded again and again, and the sound of drawing swords.

A wave of killing and warfare immediately rose from the bodies of the twelve guards.

"Oh!" Long Yin roared again.

But at this moment, the demon girl didn't pay attention to these things beside her, but lowered her head and looked at the things in her hands.

This is a white jade bamboo slip, and the girl felt a cold mark from this jade bamboo slip.

Shi Feng also ignored the guards and the golden dragon, his eyes only gazed at the demon girl, saying:

"You show me the way, as a thank you, give me this jade slip.

There is my mark in this jade slip. If you crush it, I can do it for you once, provided that I haven't left this demon land before.

Some things, you look at it yourself. "

When Shi Feng said this, it seemed as if there was something in it.

And when the demon girl heard Shi Feng's words, she seemed to hear the voice of this person, and her face moved slightly.


The guards who were angry just now rose up, fighting and killing. When they heard Shi Feng's words, they all seemed to hear a joke, and couldn't help laughing.

"This tribe is really talkative and can't say anything.

Shoot for her once? If she's really in trouble, she'll need him to do it once.

Haha, do it once!

What a funny word! "

"Some people are overwhelmed! They think they are! They don't want to think about who he is or what the other is!"

The guards mocked with scorn.

"Ha ha!" Some guards issued a yin and yang strange "ha" laugh, without a word.

"Hahaha ... haha!"


For the taunts of the ants, Shi Feng was too lazy to pay attention to them, they were not qualified to let them alone.

Is it possible that, in his capacity as Lord of the Nine Wraiths, he could not argue with these ants?

That's really a drop status!

If it were normal, he would kill the ants, but at this time, he kept the ants' humble lives for the sake of the demon girl.

The demon girl quietly accepted the white jade, lowered her head, and looked at the young people who stood on the earth.

At this moment, she seemed to see him through.

However, she was unable to see through.

I don't know why, but this person gave her a deep sense, even she didn't know why she felt it.

At this time, just listening to the demon girl whispering to Shi Feng below, saying, "I'll wait to continue, just don't stop there!"

"Um." Shi Feng nodded slightly when he heard the demon girl's words.

"Let's go." Then, the demon girl said to the other twelve guards.

"Yes! Obey!"


The demon guards responded in unison.


Shi Feng and Qing Yan saw the golden spirit demon dragon again, and opened the huge dragon's mouth to roar loudly.

Immediately after that, I saw that huge dragon body suddenly moved again. The dragon soared into the sky, flying to the void and flying to the boundless sky, but in an instant, it disappeared into the sight of Shi Feng and Qing Yan.

Qing Yan retracted her gaze, turned her head, and looked at the man next to her.

It was to see that the demon woman had gone, and he still looked at the void.

On the pretty face of the woman, she immediately showed jealousy, pursed her mouth, and said with displeasure:

"Everyone has gone far, can't they just bear it?"

After hearing Qingyan's words full of jealousy, Shi Feng grinned and looked back, secretly whispering: "In fact, at that moment, if she crushed the jade Jane I gave her, I could let her relief.

But she didn't do that.

But I gave her a chance. She could not fight for it, it was up to her. "

This beautiful demon girl, Qing Yan saw twelve guards guarding her, but she didn't know that there were two powerful demon powers hidden in the void of those people. Eight-Star Demigod Realm!

Shi Feng even saw that the girl looked at the masters of those people, but she had been placed under house arrest. Her strength had been sealed by a mysterious monster.

Although the state is in the state of a four-star demigod, in fact, it has lost its combat power.

However, Shi Feng also saw that the demon guards showed her respect to her from the heart, and he even noticed that there was a demon guard just now, calling her "Prince"!

Later, Shi Feng shook her head and threw these thoughts out of her head, ignoring them.

Anyway, I still give her the opportunity, if she knows how to fight, it's up to her.

Then, Shi Feng and Qing Yan continued to stand on this land, waiting for the leading old man to return.


Void, flying above the golden spirit demon dragon.

"Princess, did we just let those two go? The strange and mysterious dark magic light we saw earlier is most likely the two of them made a ghost, and these two peoples dare to break into our prison I am afraid there is a wrongful attempt! "

At this moment, a demon guard said, and said respectfully to the beautiful girl.

After hearing the words of the guard, the demon girl said, asking the guard, "Did you not send a message to inform the demon guards who are patrolling in this area, have you gone there?"

"This ..." After hearing this, the demon guards spoke for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, she would know the news he secretly sent out.

Hasn't her magical power been sealed?

The reason why you sent a message to the demon guard in the area is not that you have not ordered the two to be captured.

The golden spirit demon dragon under you, but your mount.

There are also the two peerless powers who are secretly guarding, but only follow your orders.

These twelve guards, dare not shoot without your nod.

After the demon girl asked the guard that sentence, she no longer ignored them, and then bowed her head slightly, staring at her fair right hand and staring at the palm of her hand.

At this moment, the white jade slip appeared on her palm again.

(End of this chapter)

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