Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1883: Hesitant monster girl

Chapter 1883 Hesitant Demon Clan Girl

The **** flames swept out, and in an instant, the hundred demon guards surrounding Qingyan and Shi Feng had been swallowed up by this strange **** flames.

Above this land, a sea of ​​bloody fire suddenly appeared, exuding an extremely cold atmosphere, as if it could condense everything in the world.

The hundred demon guards didn't even make a scream, they turned grey under the **** sea of ​​fire.

The power and blood of a hundred ways of death have been sealed by Shi Feng in the Nine Secrets method, and the blood stone stele has been inhaled.

The power of a hundred souls was instantly swallowed by Shi Feng.

The burning fiery sea of ​​flames, Qi Qi rolled back towards the center, and was constantly swallowed back by Shi Feng. The original body of Shi Feng and Qing Yan swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, again showed its figure.

In a moment, a hundred lives were perished, but Shi Feng didn't blink his eyes, and so did Qing Yan.

For almost half a year, she has become so embarrassed that she has already seen life and death.

The next time, Shi Feng and Qing Yan continued to wait for the old man who was familiar with the Holy Land.

Soon after, Shi Feng and Qing Yan finally saw, in the void, an old figure with a rapid and rapid shift appeared in the gray animal skin armor, and it was the old man who had come to inquire.

After three breaths, the old man flashed to Shi Feng's body and stopped, hurriedly kneeling towards Shi Feng on one knee, yelling with a fist, "See you my lord!"

"Say it." Shi Feng said calmly, looking at the old man.

The old man said: "My lord, my subordinates have already discovered this place is the territory of the Lord of Yan Nie Demon, my **** demon land! My **** demon land is located in the extreme west of the North Wilderness. . "

"Oh." As soon as the old man's voice fell, a coquettish laughter sounded.

Hearing the tender laughter, the old man looked up slightly, looking at Shi Feng still indifferent, and the young girl who had an unclear and unknown word with the **** of killing was grinning.

On the old face of the old man, a look of doubt was immediately revealed, and asked Qingyan: "Girl, the old sentence just now is true, I wonder why the girl laughed?"

"Do n’t she believe what I said is impossible?" When the old man finished this sentence, he immediately realized what he was worried about. He was worried that the killing **** didn't believe what he said, and he looked back at Shi Feng and was full of him Sincerely said:

"My lord, the subordinates just said, the sentence is true. My lord has great gratitude to his subordinates, and his subordinates dare not deceive them! Hope my lord will know it."

Seeing the old man's old face was a little nervous, with a smile on his face, he said to him:

"Boss, I'm not disbelieving what you said, it's that you've been out for so long. We've known the news."

"This ... this ... this ... it turned out to be so." When he heard Qing Yan's words, his old face was full of embarrassment.

"My lord ..."

What the old man originally wanted to say to Shi Feng, Shi Feng immediately waved his hand, interrupting his continued words:

"No more nonsense, get up and we're on our way."

"Yes, my lord!" The old man said in response, followed by the figure standing on one knee slowly standing up, and then, seeing the flicker of the figure above this land, disappeared on this land .

The three of Shi Feng flashed quickly to the east.



Above the fierce and fierce golden spirit demon dragon, at this moment, the two demon guards standing beside the beautiful demon clan changed their faces.

"Huh?" The demon girl found that the two guards next to her looked a bit wrong, and asked them, "What happened?"

Hearing the young girl's words, the Silver Armor did not hide it, and spoke slowly, still with an unbelievable tone, saying, "Prince, no general is dead!"

"What! There is no delusion!" Hearing the words of the demon guard, even the young girl's beautiful face changed, and her face was shocked.

No delusion, but the six-star demi-god realm is strong, and my prison demon is well known, Wu deluded by the master of the demon king, passed him the six-star demi-god technique.

And some days ago, there are still spreading, no arrogant talents outstanding, live up to the expectations of the demon king, have successfully learned the six-star demigod combat skills!

A six-star demigod who has cultivated six-star demigod warfare skills is enough to fight against the ordinary seven-star demigod strong, even ... dead!

"He ... he ... how exactly does he exist, even without any delusion, he was killed by him!"

Immediately following, the young figure in the dark armor appeared again in the mind of the demon girl, her white right hand shrunk into the sleeve, and the white jade Jane appeared again in her Hands.

Her mind echoed that sentence again: "I have my mark in this jade bamboo slip. If you crush it, I can do it for you once!"

At this moment, hesitation appeared on the face of the demon girl, and then she slowly looked up, and then looked up at the void above.

Then she lowered her head slowly and sighed secretly again, "Oh!"

At this time, the voice of the demon silver armor guard who had previously spoken, and his voice passed into the ears of the demon girl:

"The two races did not expect that even a general without a delusion would be able to kill them.

However, the two of them are not far away from death. There is no delusional general, but the demon king is a demon general who is valued and killed in our demon demon. How can the demon king let off those two people! "

"Well, it is impossible for them both to survive. The abominable human race, who trespassed to our **** devil, didn't say, and even killed the people of our demon race, it should be a thousand swords!"



At this time, the silver armor demon guards nodded in succession.

In their hearts, the two people who trespassed into the prison land of my prison and dared to kill the demon generals were already dead.

I just don't know how they will die at that time, we must not let them suffer too much.

"He is now in a position to protect himself, and I am still thinking that he can help me escape this difficulty."

When she said these words, a smile appeared on the pretty face of the demon girl, but it was a little ridiculous, self-deprecating.


In another area of ​​Wu Hei Demon, Shi Feng and the three men moved quickly. It was found that in all directions, there were constant emergence of demon guards, and these emerging demon guards were aggressive and exuding strong killing intentions.

These demon guards, Shi Feng, rushed to himself at first glance, it seemed that he had previously killed the hundred demon guards, and he was already known by the demon.

"Since these demon people want to find their own death, then they have less of it, they are all good! All, go to death!"

When Shi Feng said these words, she only listened to "咚!"

An extremely violent sound of Zhongming sounded, as if the death knell was knocked in this piece of my demon.

(End of this chapter)

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