Chapter 1884: Decision!

The death knell rang, and sorrow and sorrow continued to echo.

Emerging demon guards fly away instantly, and those innocent demon beasts also continue to utter a fierce roar, and the beast body turns to ashes.

This area, the blood rushes, has permeated a strong smell of blood, and it has become a human area.

Shi Feng, originally did not even think about massacre in this prison of my demon, but these demon tribe, he wants him to open the killing ring, incarnate to kill God.

"Where is the Yan Xie Demon King, the Jiuxing Demi God Demon King?"

Shi Feng opened the road with the **** emperor's bell. The three of them completely ignored the monsters and demon guards who appeared, and the three figures continued to teleport all the way to the east. At this time, the old man opened his face with respectful expression and answered Shi Feng's words:

"Well, yes, my lord. Yan Yin Demon King, that is the peerless demon king in the realm of Jiuxing Demigod!"

"Oh!" Shi Feng lightly said "Oh", and then he said, "Well, can there be a true God of War weapon?"

"This ... has never heard of it," the old man replied.


Shi Feng said again, "Oh", his eyes flickered. After waiting, he caught a few monsters and questioned him, and asked if the demon king had a true weapon.

Since these demons have offended themselves, if the demon king has a real weapon, he will kill them directly.

What kind of demon king, who doesn't know anyone, kills him directly.

At this moment, the old man spoke again, saying, "I have heard a weird rumor about him."

"Strange rumors?"

"Strange rumors? What weird rumors?"

Hearing the words of the old man, Shi Feng and Qing Yan opened their mouths and asked him.

Mainly because I heard the word "strange".

The old man said: "I heard that the Lord Yin Yan will marry a demon concubine every year, and if he marries his demon concubine, he will die within one year."

"You'll die within a year!" Qing Yan exclaimed when he heard the old man say, Qing Yan said:

"It will die within a year, and these demon princesses must have been killed by this Yanyin demon king!"

This wicked king of evil in the underworld was so abominable that he even killed his wife. However, this should already be very obvious. All the former princesses were killed by this evil king of evil, and will there be a demon woman marry this demon king? "

"Yan Xie Demon King, but this demon king of my prison demon land, is the most powerful existence of my demon land, who dares to disobey?

Defying the demon king's life, but it's going to reunite the nine races! "Said the old man.

"The demon woman he saw was really pathetic." Qing Yan sighed.

The woman who was favored by the king of Yan Yin demon was sentenced to death for less than a year.

And how sad it is to marry a demon man who even killed his wife!

"Yan Yinxiu King? Fairy Princess? Princess!"

Listening to the dialogue between the old man and Qing Yan, Shi Feng secretly murmured these words, and in his mind, the stunning young girl who had previously seen the demons appeared.

"So it is, poor princess." Then, Shi Feng murmured again secretly, and suddenly understood something.

"Oh!" At this moment, the sound of Zhong Ming, who had just fallen silent, was loud again.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"


The sound of painful screams rang again in front of the three of Shi Feng.

The thousands of demon guards who just appeared instantly turned into flying ash under the evil power of the Emperor God. Among them, there was a demon general with a seven-star demi-god.


"General Xuanwu, dead!"

Above the void, above the fiercely flying Jinling Demon Dragon, the guard next to the proud Li Yao girl, received a new battle situation and issued an incredible exclaim.




"His! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

"how can that be!"


Immediately after, the Jinling Demon Dragon rang out incredible bursts of exclaiming, and the sounds of breath taking off.

The demon general Xuanwu, but a demon general in the Seven Star Demigod Realm, in the rumors, the combat power is extremely strong.

In my prison demon land, countless big demon confessed that he was the first demon of the seven-star demigod.

Not long ago, they received news that countless demon guards were killed by that human race, and they had expected that the Xuanwu demon would come in person and take down the two abominable human races.

Then let them taste the most painful punishment of the demons.

But it was not expected that even General Xuanwu died in their hands, what a powerful existence it is!

Could it be ... is the Eight Star Demigod Realm impossible?

But ... but is that human race man so young, such a young eight-star demigod, human race, so outrageous?

"This ..." Recalling the young Terran young man who was against the sky, there were several silver armor guards who had changed their looks and had a lingering fear.

Previously, they drew swords at the man and rushed out with a strong war and killing intention.

He even taunted him!

That, but even General Xuanwu can kill him. At that time, if he wanted to kill himself and others, even the Jinling Demon Dragon could not stop it.

That is the existence of these people, instantly spike.

Although it is known that beside the new princess, there is a strong guard secretly sent by the demon king personally, but they are strong in what realm. They have low status as guards, but they have no right to know.

Even Xuanwu General can kill the existence, who knows if those strong hidden in the dark can stop that human race.

At this moment, these demon guards only felt that they had walked along the edge of death.

"Even Xuanwu was dead in his hands!" At this moment, the demon girl quietly murmured the words in her heart.

"I didn't think of it! I didn't think of it!" In the mind of the demon girl, the former "that person" reappeared, echoing that person's words that she had said to her, her originally calm heart, Suddenly became unable to calm.

At the moment, her right hand tightly pinched the white jade Jane, and at this time, she was no longer hesitating. The white right fist suddenly pinched at this moment, and instantly pinched the jade Jane into After crushing, he said secretly in his mouth:

"I hope you can help me! Everything, I count on you."


"Well!" Zhongming resounded like a death knell.

Where the three of Shi Feng had passed, there was a constant mourning. My demon was in a terrible place today.

Not long ago, I heard that some people were trespassing to my demon land and killed innocent people. The demon immediately led his Majesty demon guard to kill.

But now, I heard that all the demon guards who went to kill the human race were completely annihilated, and even the demon killed Xuanwu in the hands of that human race.

Now seeing the three of Shi Feng, the demon guards the demon guards as if they had seen a ghost, and then fled at the fastest speed.

But now, since the killing ring has been opened, all the demon and demon guards in Shi Feng's soul force induction, he has not let go, and all have to die.

But at this moment, Shi Feng, who had just urged the Emperor God Bell again, suddenly felt a little trembling.


(End of this chapter)

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