Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1905: Soul Artifact

Chapter 1905 Soul Artifact

From the string of cyan necklaces worn by the big demon division shaking light, Shi Feng seemed to hear the horrible and terrible sounds.

As if all ghosts cried.

"This string of blue bone necklaces was originally made from hundreds of millions of souls! It's a cruel means!" Shi Feng said secretly, feeling the grievances emanating from this string of blue bone necklaces.

The people who make these utensils are really hurtful.

"Several, these two are our great prince Yandi, who is the demon moon terrible land, and our great demon teacher, who shakes the light!"

At this time, the beautiful woman of the demon tribe spoke and introduced to Shi Feng and others.

The big demon shook his eyes, looking long ago at the three Shi Feng who entered the guest room, and the big prince Yan Yan, after hearing the words of the beautiful lady, looked away from the demon girl Dai Qi He turned away and looked at Shi Feng, Qing Yan, and the old man.

Just now, there was a smile on his face, but when he saw the three of them, his face moved slightly.

"Three people, it's not easy! The young man and the old man of this race, even I can't see their realm!" Yan Yan said secretly in his heart.

The old man is better, the young man is really too bad. "He, what exactly is it?"

Then, Yan Xun immediately shook light from the big demon teacher beside the secret autobiography.

"His Royal Highness, Master Daxue, these three are Daiqi's friends of the clan." Then, the beautiful lady introduced Yan Yan and Yao Guang.

At this moment, Yan Yan already knew from the shaking light that the young man and the old man were in the state of the Seven Stars and Demigods, especially for the talented young man who was against the sky.

After hearing the beautiful woman's words, Yan Zheng nodded and smiled gently: "Several friends are Daiqi, so naturally they are my friends, please sit down, everyone please sit down."

"In fact, we are just the same way, and we are not friends. I don't even know their names." After hearing Yan Ye's words, Dai Qi said softly and explained to Yan Ye.

And at this moment, Shi Feng, Qing Yan, and the old man can clearly feel that the monster girl who had met in Wu prison for a while now feels different to them now.

Not long ago, she wanted to seek their asylum, and followed her with a pitiful and weak appearance.

And at this moment, that tender feeling had disappeared from her.

"Oh." Hearing Daiqi's words, Yan Yan was a moment ago, he did not expect that Dai Qi would say so.

But then he immediately smiled, hiding the embarrassment on his face instantly, saying:

"Since I came to the Prince, this is the guest of the Prince. You are welcome. Sit down and talk about it. The Prince brought a few pots of Jueliang wine from the stunned moon, and we will taste it together."

"Several people, since His Royal Highness sincerely invites to taste the Moonlight Wine, let's sit down and talk." At this time, the beautiful woman's mature face also smiled at the three of Shi Feng.

But she didn't expect that Dai Qi would say that in front of everyone just now.

"This girl's mind has always been exquisite. It stands to reason that the Grand Prince just now can clearly see that the Grand Prince intends to associate with these people, but she, why did she say that?" The beautiful lady said in confusion in her heart.

Following her gaze, she looked at Dai Qi again.

"Ah!" At this moment, Dai Qi sighed secretly in her heart. She just wanted to imply that the great prince, this person, had previously dealt a fierce hand to the sacred person of Thunder.

But I didn't expect it, and now I look rude, "I knew it so, I should have heard from His Royal Highness!"

With this in mind, after Dai Qixuan was about to enter the city, the matter between Shi Feng and Lei Yue sent a message to Yan Yan, Shaoguang, and her Alye.

In the meantime, she has bullied herself by the thunder, and Shi Feng has omitted what happened for her.

After receiving Dai Qi's message, it was obvious that the three demons' faces moved immediately.

"Thunder sacred land mine, thunder yin!" Yan Yan secretly thought of these two names, frowned slightly.

Although the two names are strange, they are surnamed Lei.

Next, Dai Qi spread a voice again and said to the three demon: "Dai Qi just heard the passers-by mentioned, this thunder is said to be the cousin of Lei Lin, the holy son of Lei!"

"Cousin of Holy Son of Thunder Holy Land!"


Hearing these five words, the complexion of the three tribe monsters immediately moved again.

Although they have not seen Lei Yue and Lei Lin, since they are the sacred son of Lei sacred ground, there is no need to question the deep background.

And they also know that today is a very rare day in Thunder City. A woman with a strong background was raped and killed first, and the whole city was sealed off. Even they could not leave the city during this time.

"A woman with a deep background had an accident before, and now a cousin of the saint is being killed in Lei City on this day. It is estimated that Lei is sacred, and soon someone will come to you."

At this time, Yan Zheng looked at Shi Feng again and said secretly in his heart.

At this moment, he had some regrets to let these people sit down.

Even the beautiful woman of the demon tribe was blaming Daiqi for not saying that it had caused them unnecessary trouble.

Da Yao Shi said nothing, but his eyes still stared at the young man who was so young and stepped into the realm of Qixing Demigod.

Hearing the invitation from the demons just now, Shi Feng has taken the lead in sitting, and Qing Yan sat beside him.

Without Shi Feng's consent, the old man stood respectfully. He heard Shi Feng say "sit," and he sat down with gratitude.

The great prince of the monster tribe Yan Yan originally wanted to entertain the few with the moon and moon wine of their absolute moon demon land, but after learning from Daiqi that these people had a festival with Lei sacredly, Yan Yan has never stopped Moon demon liquor.

For a time, the four demons did not say anything to the three of Shi Feng, as if they had been seated, they put them aside.

Shi Feng's attention was still on the rocking blue bone necklace, looking at the blue bone necklace and secretly saying again:

"This green bone necklace has no grade, but in addition to the evil and eerie power, it also makes my soul's power feel a special feeling!

Could it be that this is an artifact that strengthens the soul attack? "

The devices that can strengthen the soul attack, whether in the Tianheng continent or the barren continent, are few and far between.

Anyway, Shi Feng hadn't seen this wild land before.

On the Tianheng continent, in a secret place in the desert northwest, he had killed a ghost who claimed to be the ghost king a few years ago, and obtained a mask of a grimace.

That grimace mask can strengthen the soul attack.

Seeing the blue bone necklace worn on the front of Shaking Light's chest, this special feeling of giving Shi Feng's soul power is very similar to that face mask.

(End of this chapter)

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