Chapter 1906: Flame Sage

The four demon monsters didn't say anything for a while, and the three of them were silent for a while, and the guest room that was originally laughing was silent for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull and embarrassing.

Even the old man's brow on the old face was slightly frowned. From this suddenly fell into a dull atmosphere, looking at the contrast between the people of these monsters, I felt that something was not right, and immediately passed on the stone maple. Audio:

"My lord, these demon people, like what kind of ghost!"

"Hum!" Shi Feng shuddered when he heard the old man's voice, "Don't dare to measure them."

"Also!" The old man's old face grinned and sneered, secretly.

If these monsters want to do anything to this ghost, they just kill themselves.

Even if among them, there is a great demon master shaking the light in the peak state of the nine-star demigod, no exception.

Thinking of this, the old man said, breaking the dullness of this elegant and quiet guest:

"Jieyue wine, old decay has heard that, only the royal family of the absolute moon demon land, or the demon heroes who contributed to the royal family, are eligible to enjoy it. However, it is unexpected that old decay is qualified to sit down and taste . "

After the old man had said these words, his eyes were fixed on the face of the old prince Yan Yan, who was looking forward, and his old face was looking forward.

Just now Yan Ye said, he brought a few pots of Jueyu fine wine to taste with them.

And the absolute moon wine, as a person in the North Wild, the old man has indeed heard of it.

Not only has he heard that, when he was young, he even had the opportunity to take a sip when he was in the wilderness.

The taste of Chunchun's wine is endless and interesting, which makes the whole person intoxicate as if floating in the air, he still remembers it.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed!" After hearing the old man's words, Yan Yan suddenly smiled again. Although he was embarrassed, he couldn't see the slightest embarrassment on his face.

Then, when Yan Yan said again, she smiled at the three of Shi Feng and said, "My prince just remembered it wrongly. Because I was in a hurry, my prince forgot to bring out the absolute moon wine."

"Oh, is it?" The old man smiled when he heard Yan Yan's words: "If the old age is not wrong, the fragrance of the wine in this pot is the fragrance of the absolute moon wine."

While the old man was saying this, the old finger pointed at the purple jade jug in front of Yan Yan.

"This ..." Upon hearing the piercing of the old man, Yan Huan's face was embarrassed, and even a little anger appeared.

I said so, obviously I didn't want to take out this moonlight wine to share with them, but I didn't expect this old man to be so ignorant!

Now that ruthless man is sitting beside him, the old man doesn't care what he is, the big prince of the demon clan, or the big demon master who shakes light.

"This jug of wine is indeed an absolute moon wine," Yan said, but only followed him, and only listened to him: "Here is my prince, there are a few distinguished guests waiting to come, so this jug of wine is taken out Entertain those distinguished guests. "

"Oh!" The old man said "Oh" with a sneer on the old face when he heard Yan Ye's words, "Did you think that the ones you said are more noble than us?"

Hearing the words of the old man, Yan Zheng nodded his head seriously and replied: "In my heart, those guests are indeed more honorable than the three of you."

"Oh, who are those in your mouth?" The old man asked curiously.

But just after the old man's voice had just fallen, he followed, just listening to the sudden sound of a sound like a hong bell outside the door: "Can the great prince and the demon master be here? The flame holy place is invited to come!"

"Sacred place of flames!" Hearing the four flames of holy places, the curious old man was originally shown, his face moved again, and a look of surprise appeared again.

He sensed it immediately, and there were two shocking breathes outside the door.

There are two powerful men above him who make him feel trembling!

In particular, there is a hot momentum, which is comparable to that of the monster tribe master.

"Two nine-star demigods!" The old man exclaimed secretly in his heart.

Seeing the astonishment on the old face, Yan Yan grinned and sneered, as if he was a victor, he spoke proudly to the old man and said, "The distinguished guests invited by my prince are here."

After making these remarks, Yan Ye and Daguang Shi Yaoguang got up at the same time. When they saw both of them stood up, the beautiful woman and Dai Qi also stood up.

Subsequently, the four of the monsters walked towards the door of the house at the same time.

As the great prince of the moon demon, he went to open the door for those people.

"The sacred place of fire is far away in the east, and I heard that it has been in conflict with the sacred place of Lei. At this moment, it appeared in the city of Tian Lei, the sacred place of Lei."

Since contacting Shi Feng, the old man has discovered that the new owner didn't even know much about the Manglan continent.

However, the old man also felt nothing, it is estimated that the demon evil once spent all his energy on cultivation, and did not pay attention to the history and forces of these wild continents.

Only with unremitting efforts can we achieve today's peerless achievements.

"Um." Shi Feng responded softly when he heard the old man's words.

Several people who appeared outside the door were already in his soul induction. Two peerless strong men at the level of nine stars and demigods, and one was his old acquaintance.

The door of the guest room was opened by Yan Ye personally. When he saw the three men standing outside the door, Yan Ye immediately held his fist and smiled gently:

"You can be invited, and Yanmou is really flattered. Yanmou specially prepared my special product for you, Jueyue. I also hope you will not be suspect."

"Haha, where is the great prince? Wonderful moon and wine, will the old man be disgusted! Haha, hahahaha! Upon hearing the words" wonderful moon demon wine ", the old man is already hungry!

A white-haired old man laughed loudly after hearing Yan Yan's words.

Listening to the laughter, the old voice just like Hong Zhong was made by the old man.

"The name of Jueyue Demon Wine has been heard for a long time, and I have long wanted to taste it and taste the world's best taste!" A gentle-looking middle-aged man also said to Yan Yan with a smile.

The white-haired old man and the middle-aged man, the martial realm of the two, are in the realm of Jiuxing Demigod.

Hearing these two words, Yan Yan's gaze was fixed on a red-haired young man.

This young man is younger than him, but the martial arts realm has already entered the realm of six stars and demigods.

The red-haired young man has such a peerless and innate talent, "This is not ..."

The red-haired young man grinned and yelled at the **** grand prince Yan Zhuo, saying, "Being angry, the great prince is polite!"

"Sure enough! Such heavenly pride, you are indeed the Son of Fire! Haha! Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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