Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1907: I rely! Your sister's! It's him!

Chapter 1907 I Rely! Your sister's! It's him!

"Sure enough! Such heavenly pride, you are indeed the Son of Fire! Haha!"

Hearing the words of Yan Yao, the great prince of the demon tribe, the sage of fiery flame grinned, showing a proud look on his face.

"This demon prince really has a vision!" Huoyu said secretly in his heart.

But then, he quickly relieved in his heart, because the demon prince was right, and he was an outstanding and talented arrogant man. Who else would he have?

"Sacred place of fire, sage of fire." At this time, the demon girl Daiqi behind the eldest prince of the clan also stared at the body of the sage of fire.

Even though he is a demon woman, but she has heard of the famous flames of the Holy Land, and did not expect that this young red-haired young man is the future Lord of the Flames!

The craving at this moment was not as red-haired as it used to be, but a piece of red hair that looked very clean, sharp and handsome.

Looking at the fire, Dai Qi's eyes looked back to Yan Yao, the great prince of the clan, and secretly compared in her heart.

The momentum emanating from the two is similar, and the realm should be comparable, but the fire desire is a lot younger than the elder granddaughter Yan Yan, and the flame holy land is also slightly better than the absolute moon demon land, so, It's still the Son of Fire.

And since this young man is the Son of Fire, there is no accident that becoming the Lord of Fire is a matter of course.

But this demon prince is different. I heard that the Lord of the Moon Demon Land has dozens of children under his knees, and there are several talented people who are loved by the Lord of the Moon Demon Land.

Although there are rumors in the world, this great prince Yan Yan is the future Lord of the Moon, but in the end who is the heir to the Moon and the Prince of the Monster is still determined by the idea of ​​the Lord.

There are still rumors in the world that the great prince of the demon clan is named Yan Yan, which is similar to the pronunciation of the evil king Yan Yin of Wu Hei Yao Di, but the Lord of the Moon Demon Land has the intention of annexing my Hei Yao Dei, and then he As a fiefdom to the demon prince, but did not let him inherit the absolute moon demon.

Wu Hei Demon Land and the Moon Demon Land, although they are both called demon land, but the strength of the Wu Yue Demon Land, can not be compared at all.

Not to mention anything else, the Lord of the Moon Demon Land, but in control of a peerless demon artifact.

Once the demon artifact came out, it would be a breeze to destroy Wu prison demon land.

"The moon of the moon is in control of the demon artifact and the flame of sacred land. It is rumored that there is a mysterious flame artifact. These two might not be as good as him, but in terms of background, they are not necessarily."

While secretly speaking in her heart, Dai Qi turned her head slightly, and quietly looked at the dark figure who was still sitting at the guest table.

Dai Qi believes that this flame sage is traveling, accompanied by two peerless strong men, and the great prince Yan Yan came to Thunder City this day, surrounded by the well-known big demon master shaking light.

The three men have a peerless momentum, but the old man beside that person is incomparable.

So Dai Qi took it for granted that this person was just a very talented person, but in terms of background, it should not be compared with those two at all.

"But talent is good and useless. Before he entered Jiuxing Demigod, with his temperament, he might really offend the existence he couldn't offend, and he hated it."

"This time in Tianlei City, he offended Lei Sacred Land. It will be difficult to say whether he will leave Tianlei City alive at that time."

Daiqi said secretly.


While Yan Zheng looked at the three people in the flames of the Holy Land, the three people in the flames of the Holy Land also looked at the four demons.

Yao Guang, the great demon teacher, has always stood beside the great prince Yan Yan and did not speak, but when the three people in the flame holy place sensed the momentum of Yao Guang's body, their faces were all moved.

According to the information obtained, presumably this is the great demon master who has shaken out.

After the desire of the fire shook the light, his complexion followed, and his complexion moved again. His eyes stared tightly at the stunning beauty of the demon girl Dai Qi.

"I didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman among the demons!" Huoyu said in surprise.

Followed him secretly again: "But since walking with this demon prince, should it be the woman of this demon prince? Such a fascinating thing, I should have been on him a long time ago. It ’s a pity!

Hey, what a pity! "I was talking in my heart, sighing fiercely.

Yan Yan's eyes have not been removed from the three fronts of the Fire Holy Land. He quickly noticed the eyes of the Fire Holy Son.

"The hero loves beauty, but it's normal. If this Dai Qi is just an extraordinary woman, why don't I give her the Flame Son, but this woman is not the same and can't send him." Yan Yan secretly said.

Following him, he also smiled to the three distinguished guests in front of him and said, "Some people please come in!"

While talking, Yan Zheng made a "please" gesture to them.

"Ha ha!" The old man in the flame holy place nodded, "ha" smiled and walked into this guest room first.

Following that, the gentle middle-aged man also entered.

Although the **** of fire is the Son of Fire, the future Lord of the Holy Land of Fire, but in terms of age, it is not as good as these two.

After they entered, he followed.

"Oh, the prince has already had guests here." When the old man in the flame holy place entered, he saw the three stone maples sitting at the guest table with their backs to them.

Hearing the words of the old man, Yan Xun immediately smiled and replied: "Hehe, but just met, I feel a little bit of fate, invited a seat, how honorable is the three guests."

Yan Ye's voice was not low, and it was immediately introduced into the ears of the three of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng ignored it and still sat there.

Qingyan's eyebrows twisted slightly.

The old man had a cold smile on his old face, and said in his heart, "This so-called prince of the monster tribe has taken a big step on his way to death!"

"Perhaps they will die forever because of their stupid prince of the demon tribe, it is time to change hands!"

"Oh, is that it?" The old man in the flame holy place smiled at Yan Yan's words.

The gentle, middle-aged man also had a meaningful smile on his face.

"Huh? This is it?" And the fierce virgin did not laugh, staring at the dark figure, how he felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"This person ... this person ... I rely on it! Your sister, it is him!" After superimposing that dark figure with the demon figure in the impression, the astonishment suddenly exploded, and the handsome face changed suddenly , Eyes opened extremely large!

He was pretty sure at the moment, that person! It's that demon!

(End of this chapter)

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