Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1929: Three elders whose granddaughter was raped first and then killed

Chapter 1929: Granddaughter Three Elders Killed First

"Where did the thing dared to be so arrogant and sacred in my thunder?

In the sacred place of thunder, suddenly a sound of fury burst out loud.

When he heard this angrily, all the people in Thunder sacredly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

"The three elders! It is the three elders!"

"Finally ... Finally, finally there is a Jiuxing Peerless!"

"They dared to trespass our sacred land, kill innocent people in our sacred land, and say such rebellious words, they just don't put our thunder in sacred eyes! They deserve to die!"

"Well, that's right! We are sacred, geniuses, powerful like clouds, and nine-star demigods are many. Not anyone can be sacred in our mines!"

"Now the three elders, the peerless powerhouse, have been alarmed, and there are also many brothers and sisters who have gone to the peerless powerhouse in the door of the Baobao. Behind us, we are sacredly peerless powerhouses, will surely come one after another!

"These three people are definitely dead! And their ending may really be like the three elders say, to destroy the nine!"

"Have you heard that, just a few days ago, Lei Rui, the elder grandson of the three elders, was raped and killed in Tianlei City!"

"Yes! I have heard! This matter is indeed true. For that matter, the Lord himself went to Tianlei City a few days ago!"

"Well, I know that too! And I got the gossip even more.

It is rumored that Lei Rui is actually not the elder granddaughter of the three elders, and the reason why the three elders raised her is to wait for her own enjoyment in the future. "

"If that's the case, it would be too irritating!"

"Yeah! So in the past few days, the anger of the three elders has been at its peak, and the three of them have come to our thunder to make troubles sacredly. Wait and see, how did these three die!


The disciples of Lei Shengdi, looking at the three elders who appeared appeared to discuss.

The three elders, sacredly, wore purple robes, and their old faces were full of anger, as if they had taken explosives, their bodies moved quickly, and they slammed down towards the three people walking above the square.

The vast square, Shi Feng and the three are still walking slowly, still look indifferent.

Looking at the appearance of these three persons, it seems that the elders who rushed down did not look at them at all.

And when they appeared, the three were still so. The three elders who got angry immediately went crazy and screamed, "Destroy this seat to all, miscellaneous!"

While saying these words, the three elders clapped their right hands and snapped shots towards the square where the three Shi Feng were located.

A thunderous palm appeared like a huge fly swatter.

"The bombardment of the Nine-Star Demigods!" When the sacred disciples of Lei saw the huge thunder palm, their faces suddenly changed, and they exclaimed in shock.

Countless disciples stared at the huge thunder palm at this moment, and their bodies trembled involuntarily, until Jane reached a state of horror!

It is a frightening blow from Jiuxing Demigod!

"With such a powerful blow, can those three people survive?" Innumerable people thought involuntarily.

Anyway, they think that if they are under such an attack, it will be dead!

"Huh!" Just then, Shi Feng, who was walking leisurely, suddenly gave a disdainful hum.

No one knows what happened at this moment. I saw the Thunder Palm that was about to bombard the square, and disappeared without a trace. The three people who were walking under the Thunder Palm continued to walk leisurely. .

"To ... what the **** happened? The three elders attacked? What about Thunder's huge palm?"

"It disappeared ... how did the three elders' attacks disappear?"

"Who knows what happened just now? Mo ... Mofei? It was the three that broke the three elders' blows invisibly?"

"How is this possible! That's the three elders! That's the peerless powerhouse of the nine-star demigod! That's the three elders' angry blow!"


Seeing the thunderous palm disappearing, a disciple of Thunder's sacred land immediately uttered an incredible shock.

Immediately afterwards, people remembered that the previous martial arts realm entered the eight-star demigod realm of thunder and lightning protection was killed in the hands of these people.

"How ... how is it possible!" At this moment, the most shocking thing must be that the three elders themselves, their own attack, was so broken!

"Uh!" Then, the disciples of Lei Shengdi saw again, the three elders suspended in midair suddenly shook suddenly at this moment, and made a cry.

And at this moment, "snap", I saw the body of the three elders bursting like a watermelon, bursting with red blood splattering in all directions.

The elder three elders of a nine-star demigod, fell!

"Dead ... dead! That's it for the three elders, dead!"

"Why ... how can this happen! Even the three elders ..."


Seeing the three elders who were so high on weekdays died like this, an individual really felt like he was dreaming.

In their hearts, the nine-star demigod strong, that is invincible, how could it die!

Then people saw that the splashing red blood flowed again, just like the people who were previously killed by the sound wave, toward the young man wearing the dark battle armor below.

Shi Feng, Qing Yan, and the old man continued to walk in this square. At this moment, about a thousand kilometers away from the three people of Shi Feng, a purple stone staircase appeared, extending upward, as if extending to the endless end.

The three of Shi Feng seem to be walking very ordinary, but just in an instant, the three of them seem to be walking a thousand miles. At this moment, they have already crossed the purple stairs and walked up.

The disciples of Lei Sacred Land looked at the three figures in this way. No one approached them, and no one stopped them, just watching them.

Going up from this purple step is the most sacred and most central place of the Holy Land of Thunder, where the Temple of Thunder is located!

The Temple of Thunder, in ancient times, was the dwelling house where the ancestor of the sacred land, White God of Thunder, lived. At this moment, all are the powerful and noble people of the sacred land!

Then, the young indifferent voice sounded again: "Lei Ye, Lei Lin, the Lord of the Lord is here, and he is not ready to get out of this Lord of Lord!"


This young and indifferent voice echoed again and again in this world for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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