Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1930: Shenlei Real Hammer!

Chapter 1930 God Thunder Real Hammer!

"Presumptuous! Who is so sacred in mine mine!"

"court death!"

"Huh! How could I be sacredly mine?"

"What kind of person? What a courage!"


Immediately after, only listening to the sound of violent drinking, sounded from above the purple steps.

Followed closely by a strong momentum, rising violently from above.

At this moment, Shi Feng had sensed the peerless breath of six nine-star demigods rising from above!

A three elder died just now, and suddenly there were six other peerless powerhouses with nine stars and demigods. The sacred ground of Thunder was really deep!

And among these six peerless momentums, Shi Feng did not sense the breath of the thunder sacred Lord Lei.

The green face and the old man beside Shi Feng felt the peerless momentum rising above them, and the faces of the two finally changed greatly. This was caused by the deep fear and oppression in the bottom of their hearts, which could not be controlled.

The next moment people saw dozens of powerful figures appearing above the purple steps. The leaders were six old men!

These six are presumably the six who have raised six peerless momentums. Behind these six elders, there are more than ten eight-star demigod strong, and seven-two demigod strong 20-odd!

These characters are all sacred, distinguished, talented, and powerful people. Once they came out, they instantly attracted the attention of the disciples below.

"The elder, two elders, four elders, five elders, six elders, seven elders!" A disciple called out the names of the six elders:

"And the protectors, the lords!"

Unexpectedly, these characters are dispatched today!

However, it is normal to want to come. Today, Thunder came sacredly to these three elders, and gave the three elders to the cruel man who didn't even know it.

"You, is the Lord of the Nine Phantoms in Lei's mouth?" Just then, listening to an old, majestic, like nothingness sound, echoed in this world.

Immediately afterwards, another disciple of Thunder and Sacred Ground exclaimed in shock: "You ... Look, this sky!"

"He ... they ... one two, three, four, five, these five ... Mo ... Mo Fe ..."

"It's them! The five elders of our sacred place are too elders, and the five of our most senior and most powerful place!"

"It's them! It's really them. I didn't expect that even these five people were shocked!"

"Jiuyou Lord ... just ... just now I seemed to hear Jiyou You Lord ..."

"Jiuyou Lord, I ... I seem to hear it too!"

"Jiuyou Lord, is that the one, Jiyou You Lord!"

"Shi Feng!"

On the higher sky of those dozens of powerful men, five white figures appear to be seemingly empty, as if they no longer belong to this world.

Previously, everyone in this heaven and earth was shocked at seeing these five, and then, was shocked by the title of "Nine You Demon Lord"!

Hearing the words "The Lord of the Nine Spectres", people's minds naturally emerged from the one who is now famous in the world, and all eyes gathered towards the one wearing the dark battle armor. .

Only eighteen years old, wearing a dark battle armor, with a cold face, is really like the one in the rumor!

At this moment, not only the disciples of the sacred land of Lei were shocked, but even the dozens of strong men in the sacred land of Lei were shocked.

"The martial arts realm is in the realm of seven stars and demigods, isn't it ... it's really that one!" At this moment, Lei Zhang, the elder of the sacred land, exclaimed in astonishment.

A bad hunch instantly appeared in their hearts.

Originally they were thinking, who is so brave, dare to break into the sacred land of thunder, and dared to shout to the Lord and the Son to come to death in the sacred land of Thunder, it turned out to be this one!

Lord and Son, how did you get into this one?

"Meet you too elders!"

"Meet your ancestors!"

At this time, although they were shocked in their hearts and their feelings were not good, they still met the five people who were up.

"Meet the five ancestors!"

"Meet the ancestor!"


Then, a disciple of Lei Sacred Land, all kneeling on the ground, worshiped at the five pious gods above the sky.

At this moment, Shi Feng grinned sneerly and sneered, responding to the words of one of the elders just now: "It is the Lord of the Lord!"

"He! It's him! I never thought it was him!"

"It's him!"

"Really this!"

"Lord of the Nine Demon, Shi Feng! No wonder, no wonder, we haven't seen him at all, and the three elders have died!"


Hearing Shi Feng's confession, bursts of exclamation continued to be heard from the disciples' mouths.

The five elder elders didn't expect that this Lei Yue said "the Lord of the Nine Secluded Demons" really has someone!

Age, eighteen or nine, the martial arts realm is really only in the Seven Star Demigod Realm, which basically matches what he described.

Then, another elder elder said, "Did you really kill the three evil devil masters? Defeat the top ten devil?"

After hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng slowly spoke again, responding: "What did this demon do? Off! You! Fart! Something!" When talking about the last four words, Shi Feng said every word!

And when everyone heard that arrogant discourse and looked towards this person, they suddenly saw the dark figure standing proudly on the purple steps, which had disappeared, leaving only the old man with the young woman. Then, the one who moved the world was unknown.

At this moment, there were countless changes in countless faces, the dozens of strong men suspended above, and the five men suspended higher in the sky were suddenly shocked.

"Fast! Five of us, we will join hands to sacrifice the Thunder Warrior!" One elder elder yelled at the other four.

That man, who disappeared from under their eyes, proved that he was not easy.

The next moment, the five elders concluded an ancient mysterious handprint at the same time, an ancient desolate breath, suddenly rising from the five of them.

Immediately after, "Boom!" A sound of peerless violent resounding sounded, and the next moment, I saw a huge incomparable phantom shadow appearing in the sky.

As soon as the thunder hammer's virtual shadow appeared, the five figures that seemed to be illusory immediately were swallowed up.

"Thunder hammer! Real thunder hammer!"

"Really the real thunder hammer! Our sacred land is the strongest weapon!"

"Okay ... so strong! Is this ... the coercion of the True God's Artifact? I feel that even heaven can be blasted by this Artifact!"


As soon as the thunder hammer phantom came out, exclaimed again.

It turns out that Thunder is not only controlled by these five sacred medicines, but even the only true war weapon is controlled by these five people!

Now, the real thunderbolt of the **** thunder only shows a ghost image, and its true body has not yet been condensed, so it has swept away such colossal coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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