Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1932: Sweeping old man

Chapter 1932: Sweeping The Elderly



The disciples of Lei Shengdi, when they heard that the killing **** announced the death penalty to them, immediately opened their mouths one by one, and the heart suddenly trembled involuntarily.

"Oh!" Just listening to the sound of a peerless bell, and then sounded from Shi Feng, a peerless sonic force swept away from Shi Feng again, raging violently in all directions.

"Oh no!"

"Run! Run away!"

"Quick! Run away!"


Zhong Ming sounded, and the horrified shouts kept ringing again. Among the sacred land of Thunder, a famous disciple immediately started to retreat.

Many people began to regret in their hearts. They had just had the opportunity to escape, but they stayed here to see the peerless collision, so that they are now in such a dangerous situation.

"Everything in the world stays on the front line. Don't do anything, it's too good!"

And just as the disciples of Lei Sacred Land fled, they only heard a sound of desolation, as if from ancient times, suddenly sounded.

Under this voice, the sonic power surged from Shi Feng suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Huh?" Even Shi Feng, who stood proudly on the real hammer of Shen Lei, changed her face calmly and indifferently at this moment. Someone even broke the power that she urged with the real artifact!

This is definitely not a simple existence!

"Who! Who!" Shi Feng drank coldly, and made a sound.

And just as Shi Feng's low-pitched voice sounded, an old voice immediately responded: "After all these years, I myself have forgotten my name."

The sound this time sounded ordinary, like the voice of an ordinary old man, old and hoarse.

"This ... this voice?"

"Huh? The voice?"

"That voice?"

"He? Is he?"

"How could it be! How could it be him! But this voice?"


After hearing the old voice, in the sacred land of Thunder, many disciples heard the master of the voice and issued an incredible exclaiming sound.

Immediately after seeing the purple square, an old man wearing coarse linen, gray hair, and ordinary appearance appeared. In his hand, he held a broom, like an old man sweeping the floor. Qingyun walked step by step.

"It's him! It's him! We are the holy sweeping old man!"

"Elderly sweeper, really old sweeper!"

"How is that possible! Isn't the old man sweeping the floor an ordinary person who hasn't practiced martial arts? He ... how could he be him!"

At this moment, the person in the sacred land of thunder already knows that the one who broke the sound wave power just now is the sweeping old man walking leisurely on the square.

A fugitive Lei Shengdi disciple has stopped his fleeing figure, and on top of his face, a horrible expression suddenly appeared.

"The old man sweeping the ground, didn't he hear that when he was young, he accidentally spit a sputum in front of the gate of our sacred ground, and was punished by an elder. He will stay in our sacred ground forever and sweep it to our death?"

"Huh? Isn't that the old man sweeping the floor was the son of one of our great sacred people. Because of his natural waste, he was abandoned by that great man and he did nothing. Later, after the big man died, he swept the ground sacredly in our mine?"

"What I heard is a little different. This sweeping old man is said to have fleeed from his hometown to the Thunder Realm. An elder saw him as poor and gave him a meal. The sweeping old man was grateful to Dade from now on. Stayed in our sacred land of mine, this life willingly sweeps the ground for our mine. "


Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion in the sacred land of Thunder. I did not expect that this old sweeping man who could not be ordinary in people's minds spread different stories!

"Sweep the floor!"


At this time, even the strong men, headed by six elders, were suddenly shocked when they saw the sweeping old man.

"Old man sweeping the floor!" At the same time, even the five elders erupted in shock.

The five of them lived for a long time, but the sweeping old man has been sweeping the ground in Lei Sacred Ground since they became disciples of Lei Sacred Ground.

But it was not expected that after so many years, the old sweeping man was still in the sacred land, sweeping the ground!

"Sweep the floor!"

"Sweep the floor!"


At this moment, Lei's sacred ground kept exclaiming these four words. Originally, in the sacred place of Lei, the sweeping old people who were too lazy to look straight at it had become the focus of this world.

People already know that this is a hidden true powerhouse!

What a horrible existence this voice destroys the power of killing God!

"Ah! When I was walking some time ago, because the sweeping old man was standing in front of me, I pushed him away very rudely. I wonder if he remembered to hate me? I ... What should I do? ? "

"Will the old man kill me?"


The disciples who had offended the sweeping old man suddenly showed extreme panic on their faces, and were filled with regret.

Who knows that this sweeping old man will exist like this!

Even the disciples regret it, knowing that the sweeping old man is so horrible, he should have been better with him before. Maybe he valued his qualities, accepted himself as an apprentice, taught his peerless skills and peerless combat skills, and helped himself to the top. peak.

In the wild continent, there are also many well-intentioned teenagers who are very good to the beggar who hides his identity and strength, and gain the favor of the beggar, so the beggar is transformed into a peerless power and imparts the legend of a peerless god.

Because of those legends, many people in the Manghuang continent have learned to do it, and their disciples in the Holy Land are no exception, but they have ignored this true peerless strongman among the martial arts, sweeping the old man!

"Old man, are you a person of thunder and sacred land?" Shi Feng, who was above the proud hammer of the proud god, looked down at the old man holding the broom and asked.

This old man feels very simple to him!

And he can break away his attack, it is naturally not simple existence!

"That's right!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, only the old sweeper answered softly.

Then, he spoke again, saying, "Let's go, as long as you leave Thunder Holy Land now and swear that this life will not step into Thunder Holy Land anymore, I can save your life."

"Do you keep the devil's life? Hehe!" Shi Feng grinned and sneered at the words of the sweeping old man.

Although this old man didn't feel simple to him, he didn't expect it to be so arrogant! How dare to be arrogant in front of his master of nine ghosts!

Then Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to the sweeping old man below: "Old man, the demon master knows that you are indeed a lot stronger than those wastes. Your realm should have entered the realm of true God?"

(End of this chapter)

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