Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1933: War-swept old man!

Chapter 1933: Swept The Old Man!

The sweeping old man walking above the purple square has now reached the five elder elders who are lying or lying down. The walking steps finally stopped. Hearing the words of Shi Feng, the old face was indifferent. Speak slowly and say:

"If this state is the real state of God you say, then it is old and you should step into that real state of God!"

"What! Real God!"

"Although the old sweeper said so, it is clear that he has admitted that he has entered the real state of God!"

"Undead old man! True God Realm! I did not expect that after our ancestor Bai Yi Lei Shen, we have another true **** in the reckless continent!"


In the legend of Manghuang continent, the **** of thunder in white is the last true **** of Manghuang continent! Since the thunder **** in white, there is no true **** in Manghuang.

At this moment, I did not expect that another true **** was born, and it was from their thunderous land.

The old voice of the undead old man resounded in the heavens and the earth, and the people in Lei Sacred Land who had previously urged them to flee had already stopped fleeing.

Every look, at this moment, have gathered together in this old figure that no one paid attention to on weekdays.

Elderly sweeping the floor, no one knows his name, no one knows where he comes from, no one knows how long he has lived, no one knows how long he has swept the floor in Lei sacredly.

I don't know, the sweeping old man, such a powerful existence, why does he always stay in the sacred ground of Thunder to sweep the ground?

Does he like sweeping the floor so much?

The sweeping old man, just for a moment, has become the focus of this world, the limelight, has covered the Nine Phantom Lord, Shi Feng, above the sky.

"This old man sweeping the floor, it turned out to be, it exists!" At this moment, even the Holy Lord Lei, who was in the sacred place of Lei, was suddenly shocked.

For so many years, to be honest, Lei Yue hasn't seen the sweeping old man squarely. If he hadn't seen it at the moment, he wouldn't remember Lei Sacred Ground, and such a sweeping old man.

However, due to the appearance of the sweeping old man, all the hopes that Lei Yue had completely destroyed before were re-burned.

"This sweeping old man, perhaps, can really defeat this killing god?"

"Perhaps this **** of killing is dying in the hands of the sweeping old man today?"

"If the killing **** is killed by the sweeping old man, then his three real artifacts, and all of him, will belong to the sacred land of Thunder ... all!"

Thinking of this, Lei Yue's heart that had originally fallen to the bottom of the valley suddenly soared violently, and on top of his mighty face, full of excitement immediately appeared.

This **** of killing, he has such an anti-sky combat power in a seven-star demigod, and naturally has an unknown secret.

And if you have all the secrets of this **** of killing, maybe you will also have the ability to fight against the sky. If that is the case, then the **** of killing the **** of seven stars and half gods can defeat the peak of the **** of nine stars and gods. Isn't it possible to kill God?

"Elderly sweeper! I did not expect that our thunder sacred land, this old sweeper, and such an old man!"

Thinking of those, with these words in his mouth, for a moment, Lei Yue became full of excitement. At this moment, looking at his excitement, it seemed as if he could not wait to give his chrysanthemum to the sweeping old man.


"Fight now, old man!" At this moment, in the sacred land of Thunder, only that young and indifferent voice echoed again.

Although Shi Feng already knew that the old man below was a strong man who had stepped into the real state of God, he still had no fear on his face, but was eager to fight him!

The strong man in the demigod realm, he Shi Feng, has not been killed!

Immediately afterwards, they saw a skyrocketing war will, suddenly rising from his body.

I want to destroy this thunderous land, and since this old man is a person of thunderous land, if he wants to stop himself, then he will die.

The sweeping old man's eyes still stared at the dark figure in the void. Hearing Shi Feng's words, he felt his fearless warfare, and said, "So, then, you will stay with me forever. Holy land! "

While saying these words, I saw the old man's left hand with five fingers wide, and gently pushed up.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly felt that the thunder sledgehammer under his feet burst out with a force of unparalleled **** thunder.

With a single palm, the Shenlei Real Hammer bursts into a peerless divine power. The old man seems to have been united with the Shenlei Real Hammer, and the Shenlei Real Hammer is like this old man sweeping the floor!

"Block!" And at this moment, Shi Feng burst into a sudden drink, and the two real magic weapons in his hand blasted down again, welcoming the real thunder hammer.

"Boom!" Desperate roar!

The sacred land, which had just calmed down for a long time, shook violently again.

Although Lei was violently shaking at this moment, the sweeping old man stood still in the square, as stable as Mount Tai.

"Well!" Then, a frivolous voice came out of the sweeping old man's mouth, and said, "This evildoer really has two hits!"

With these remarks, the figure of the sweeping old man flashed and disappeared into this turbulent square.

However, although the sweeping old man disappeared, the five embarrassed elders still felt an invisible and peerless power covering and protecting themselves.

These five people have already been hit hard under the power of Shi Feng. If there was no old man sweeping the floor to protect them, they might have been destroyed by the shock of the earlier.


In the void, Shi Feng, who was holding two true God of War weapons, had stopped the sweeping old man from spurring the real hammer of Shen Lei.

However, despite the block, the expression on Shi Feng's face was abnormally dignified.

To tell the truth, although Shi Feng used two real God war weapons to block the blow of this God Thunder's real hammer, he already felt the difficulty.

A true God strongman urges the device of the true God, and the power he launches is really not comparable to those strong people he has ever encountered!

Shi Feng already knows that this is an opponent who needs to use his all-out war!

"Thunder, God of War!" Followed closely, just listening to a loud drink, suddenly burst out from Shi Feng's mouth.

"Boom!" At the next moment, an extremely violent thundering sound of thunder burst out loud, and at the same time, a peerless momentum suddenly soared into the sky.

Just for a moment, Shi Feng seemed to suddenly become a person again.

"Huh? This is it?" When Shi Feng's momentum changed greatly, an old suspicion erupted again.

The old man sweeping the floor has now appeared under the huge magic hammer. His right hand, still holding his broom, his left hand, has been pressed on the real thunder hammer.

"Thunder, God of War?" Then, just listening to the old man sweeping out again, he ... even knew this Thunder God of War!

(End of this chapter)

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