Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1936: Amazing God?

Chapter 1936: Heaven's Magic Skill?

"Continue! Suppression!" Shi Feng on the clock of Ao Li Tian Emperor issued a cold drink.

At the same time, I saw Shi Feng lifting her right foot and stomping down!

"Oh!" The Emperor God's Bell was shaken again at the foot of Shi Feng, the trend of upward rush stopped long ago, and he fell violently towards the Shenlei Real Hammer below.

The sweeping old man below found out with his left hand at this moment, grabbed the real thunder hammer in his hand, and saw his left hand trembled violently, "Boom!" A purple **** thunder split from the thunder hammer, split Heavenly Emperor God Bell and Shi Feng falling down.

"Extermination!" The emperor's **** bell at the foot of Shi Feng and the two real artifacts in his hand, at the same time gushing peerless divine power, the split thunder thunder instantly annihilated under three divine powers.

But at the same time, the real thunder hammer in the hands of the sweeping old man struck fiercely into the void. "Boom!" Another thunder blast sounded, and this time the thunder roared as if from the higher sky Above!

The sweeping old man's percussion just seemed to resonate with the heavens and the earth. I saw a purple giant thunder splitting the sky, and it fell like a thunder from the sky to Shi Feng!

"God ... the power of thunder!"

"Okay ... so strong!"


"This ... this power!" Looking at the thunder that fell from the sky, even the look of the Lord Lei Ye changed greatly.

This thunder is indeed comparable to the sky thunder. I did not expect to reach the realm of the gods, which could resonate with the heavens and the earth and lower the peerless thunder!

At this moment, countless people in Thunder have shivered involuntarily under the thunder of Tianlei.

"Under such a thunderstorm, the Lord of the Nine Spectres should be crushed to pieces and ash flying away!" Many people naturally came up with this idea.

"Huh! Demon Demon Thunder cannot destroy the Demon Lord, not to mention the Thunder!" Shi Feng looked up at the mad Thunder coming down and said disdainfully.

However, the next moment, people saw him and the Heavenly Emperor's Bell under his feet, all devoured by the peerless thunder.

And just when many people felt that the battle had finally come to an end, the young low drunk sounded again, and then, in full view, people saw the thunder devouring the mad monster, and it was instantly destroyed. .

That dark figure of the young peerlessness once again appeared in the sight of everyone, to see what it looked like, under such a peerless thunder, it seemed as if it had not been hurt at all.

"This ... this ... it's still like this under the thunder, aren't these nine ghost masters immortal?"

"That's right! He ... he ... I remember, Shi Feng, the master of the nine ghosts, it is rumored that he is indeed pregnant with an ancient immortal body, an immortal demon body!"

"Yeah ... yeah! Undead!"

"This ... can't kill him with such power, sweep the old man, can you kill him?"

"Yes! It must be! The sweeping old man, but the true **** strong, is comparable to the existence of our ancestor White God of Thor!"


"What a perverted body!" And at this moment, seeing that demon sin was intact, even the sweeping old man exclaimed in shock.

The sweeping old man didn't expect that this person was not only talented and wicked, but also unmatched in combat power, even the physical body was so abnormal.

This is simply an eternal evil!

"But! Time should come, too." At this moment, the sweeping old man looked at the black figure and said secretly.

The time has passed almost ten breaths from the war just now. The sweeping old man thinks that his Thunder God of War should be over.

Followed by, the sweeping old man slowly opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng above: "You must look at the old one. How many gods can you swallow to restore your full strength instantly?"

"A lot!" Shi Feng answered coldly, just listening to the words of the old man sweeping the floor.

Shi Feng at this moment is indeed as expected by the sweeping old man. The state of Thunder God of War has passed, and his combat power has been lost again.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng again operated Jiuyou Gonggong. In the blood stone tablet, a large amount of death's power suddenly appeared, and he was swallowed by him instantly.

And just then, the sweeping old man seemed to feel something suddenly, his face changed again, exclaimed: "Swallow the power of death?"

"God's Magic!"

"Yes, nothing wrong, this is indeed a magical power of heaven!" Said the sweeping old man with great certainty.

"Boy, do you practice the magic of the heavenly waste? Could you be a person in the heavenly wasteland? You are the son of the generation of the heavenly wasteland?"

Under the swallowing of Jiuyou Gong, the exhausted Jiuyou power in Shi Feng's body instantly filled, and when he heard the sweeping old man's words, his cold and handsome face changed.

The old man even saw his power to devour death, and he even regarded his Jiuyou Dinggong as what God ’s desolation power?

Heavenly Harmony? Heavenly Son?

What is cultivated in this desolate and holy place is also the power to devour death? Moreover, the nine ghost functions were regarded by the old man as the desolate magic skill of that day, and the tone was so certain, it has been proved that the desolate magic skill that day should be very similar to his nine ghost magic function.

Shi Feng didn't expect that there were similar exercises in this reckless continent for the Nine Youming Gongs created in his previous life.

His trip this time was originally to go to that deserted sacred place, but now he did not expect that the practice method of this deserted sacred place is similar to that he created, but he wants to see that heavenly sacred place increasingly.

Then, the sweeping old man below shook his head slowly, and said, "Son of the heavenly holy land, I remember coming to our mine sacredly a few years ago, not you."

"So, are you stealing the magic of the wild?"

The exercises created by himself were actually described by this old guy as stolen learning, and then an angry expression appeared on Shi Feng's face, saying coldly: "Old things, this exercise was created by the demon himself. It ’s called Jiuyou Gong, not the God of Heaven's God! ”

"Thunder, God of War!" Followed, Shi Feng drank again, "Boom!" A peerless thunder violently exploded, and suddenly exploded from his body.

Inspiring the peerless momentum that the evildoer rises again at this moment, knowing that his cultivation is actually "God's Magic", although the sweeping old man is a strong step into the realm of true god, his old face still appears at this moment. A touch of dignity.

This person's mysterious space should contain a large amount of death force. If this is the case, the magic of God and the War God of Thunder are a perfect match!

Suddenly, the sweeping old man who had been full of confidence knew that this would be a hard fight!

I didn't expect that I hadn't shot for many years. At first, I didn't think of anyone like today. , But did not expect, this shot, now encountered such an opponent.

"Kill!" An indifferent killing intention swept out of Shi Feng's body, and the celestial **** clock that had been unable to stop at his feet moved fiercely again, carrying this peerless mad monster, again shocked and under.

(End of this chapter)

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