Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1937: Justice defeats evil!

Chapter 1937 Justice Overcomes Evil!


Once again the violent collision sound shocked the world!

The Emperor's Bell at the foot of Shi Feng, once again violently collided with the real hammer of Shen Lei.

Under the power of Shenlei's Real Hammer, I saw that Tiandi Shenzhong trembled again and again. As if there was a tendency to collapse, it was clear that Shi Fengguang urged Tiandi Shenzhong to collide with Shenlei's True Hammer, which was obviously less powerful.

"Come again! Drink!" And at this moment, Shi Feng issued a sudden swig, a stooped, will grasp the two true God war weapon in his hand, and violently blasted at the foot of the violent Tiandi God Bell on.

"Boom!" The violent roar had not yet fallen, and this even more violent roar sounded again.

Shi Feng blasted both of the real artifacts into the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, combining the power of the three real artifacts, rushing out.

This time, under Shi Feng's urging of three real artifacts, it was Shenlei's real hammer's turn to shake wildly.

The sweeping old man's left hand still clenched the magic thunder hammer. At this moment, he felt the violent force surging on the thunder hammer, and his old face suddenly changed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, people saw the sweeping old man who had stepped into the realm of true God. At this moment, his body trembled suddenly, and then he saw that his body fell down violently.





Then, bursts of shouts came out of people's mouths constantly, and the people of Thunder Sacred Land also suddenly changed their faces.

"This ... the old man sweeping the ground, stepping into the realm of the true god, even fell under the power of the nine ghost masters!"

"Nine ... The Lord of Nine You Monsters ... so terrifying! So terrifying!"

"How is it possible! How could this stone maple be so powerful! Even the true god-level powerhouse was defeated in his hands!"

"Originally, we had a mysterious True God Power who sacredly threw out this demon, but at this moment I didn't expect that ... even the True God Power was ... defeated!"

"Hurry! Run away! This peerless fiend is here, but here, I really can't stay any longer!"


At this time, when seeing the sweeping old man fall, Lei sacredly countless people's hearts gave birth to escape.

But at this moment, "Ah!"





Just listening to the painful roar, roaring from all directions, and then Shi Feng's cold voice echoed in this world: "Fugitive, die!"

The screams that just came from all directions were Lei's sacred disciples.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has been sweeping in all directions. As soon as the fugitives move, they are instantly killed by him.

Kill these people, like killing ants!



Numerous disciples of thunderous sacred land, seeing just a blink of an eye, many of the brothers and sisters who were beside him were still alive the moment before, and at this moment they have lost their livelihood, and they died in the shock of death.

And they also realized that life was so fragile in the presence of this fiend!

"Master ... brother!"





Then, the roar of sorrow continued to sound, some roars sounded like heartbreaking!

Just at that moment, someone with deep affection died.

Someone in love died.

Some people, for their elders who have great gratitude, or their father-like master died ...


"This ... this ... these nine ghost masters ... this stone maple ... this killing **** ..." Due to this incident, the Lord Lei's complexion changed again, uneasy, again in his My mind emerged.

Just feel that today, this heart is too ups and downs.


For those sorrowful roars, Shi Feng ignored them at all, and his eyes were always gazing at the falling old figure.

"Oh!" The roar rang again, with a sweeping old man holding a broom and a real thunder hammer, and fell back to that huge pit with a violent figure.

Due to the fall of this body, the entire purple square trembled again.

However, despite the shock of the sweeping old man's body, Shi Feng's face was still full of coldness and still a little dignified. It seemed that he didn't dare to care in the face of the falling sweeping old man.

At this moment, Shi Feng's hands suddenly moved again, and the two true **** war weapons in both hands struck violently on the Heavenly Emperor's Bell below his feet.

"Boom!" The rumbling sound of the sound of the sky and the ground rang again, and Shi Feng once again urged the power of the three artifacts, shook down, and killed the sweeping old man.

"Ah!" At this moment, I saw the body of the sweeping old man lying on the ground standing upright in the huge pit. Yangtian shouted, and a thunderous sound like a thunder broke out instantly.

The sweeping old man seemed to be mad at this moment!

"Boom!" The violent **** thunder rushed up from the sweeping old man, towards the void.

At this moment, the sweeping old man is no longer the sweeping old man on weekdays, as if the thunder **** came to the world, carrying the immortal thunder spirit momentum, his body stormed up.

At this moment, I saw the left hand of the sweeping old man moving fiercely again. The clenched thunder hammer in the hands shook the peerless thunder, carrying the potential of thunder and thunder, and violently blasted towards the peerless force that shook Smashed away.

"Boom!" The roar of roar rang again.

The blow of the old man sweeping the ground can be said to be the hope of all the holy land of Thunder.

If the sweeping old man can block the attack of the **** killing, it proves that he can still fight the **** killing, they thunder the sacred people, there is still the possibility of survival.

If the sweeping old man cannot stop, then all hope will be wiped out.

"Bless the old man sweeping the floor, stop the power of that devil!" There was a young disciple of Thunderly Land, praying secretly in his heart.

"Grandfather sweeping the floor, you must defeat that bad guy!" Said a young and beautiful girl in Lei Sheng Di.

However, just a few days ago, when the girl was walking sacredly by Thunder, she accidentally stepped on the broom that the sweeping old man was sweeping. At that time, she also scolded the sweeping old man as immortal, and said that she could let him do this. The bad old man will disappear forever in this world.

But at this moment, she did not expect that she had honored him as a sweeping grandfather. The incident that happened a few days ago seemed to have been completely forgotten by her.

As if she had a double personality, or twin sisters, it seemed that the arrogant girl was not her at all.


And under the eyes of everyone, people saw the real thunder hammer in the hands of the sweeping old man, and the shining thunder gradually faded, and even the holy thunder on the sweeping old man was constantly being suppressed by the strength of the other party.

The hearts of countless people in Ray holy land referred to his throat with the state of the sweeping old man at the moment.

"No! No! You can't beat the old man!"

"Undefeated, grandfather sweeping the floor! You are all hope for our sacred land!"

"Hold on! Hold on, sweep the old man! Justice, you can defeat evil!"


(End of this chapter)

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