Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1938: God can't destroy this Lord!

Chapter 1938 Heaven Can't Destroy This Demon Lord!

"Elderly sweeper, you cannot be defeated! You must not be defeated! You are our hope for survival!"


Thunder sacred everyone shouted in their hearts.

"Eh!" But at this moment, only a roaring old painful roar sounded.

With this painful roar, the hearts of countless people suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

This roar naturally shouted from the mouth of the old man sweeping the floor.

The thunder on the real hammer of the God Thunder has completely dissipated, and the God Thunder on the sweeping old man has completely collapsed, and the body of the sweeping old man is still suffering the impact of peerless forces.

The old body was trembling constantly under the power of peerlessness.

"Uh! Uh! Ah ..." Moan groaned in pain, still emanating from the old man's mouth.

"Thunder God of War!"



The stone maple above resounded with a cold and ruthless drink, and a thunderous roar broke out on him.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's two real weapons in his hands were violently bombarded on the heavenly god's bell below his feet.

"Boom!" Peerless force rushed down again, and the power of the old man who had swept the floor has not disappeared. The more violent power came again and swarmed on the old man.

Until this moment, the dignity on Shi Feng's face disappeared, the corners of his mouth were raised, showing a sneer.

"Oh!" At this time, while expressing pain, a mouthful of red blood spewed out of the sweeping old man's mouth.

Later, people saw the body shape of the sweeping old man, and he fell violently again. At this moment, he looked unusually embarrassed, and his rough linen was broken, like a sandbag.

"Oh!" There was another violent sound. The body of the sweeping old man fell again in the huge pit.

When the roar fell, silence, this world suddenly became unusually silent!

But silence was silent for a moment in this heaven and earth, and only an old laughter suddenly sounded: "Victory! My Lord is invincible, victory, haha, hahahaha!"

It was the old man under His Majesty, who was still standing on the purple steps with Qingyan. At this moment, Zhengtian sent out a loud laughter.

Just now, the old man, like these people in Lei Shengdi, kept mentioning his heart, as if he had already mentioned his throat, after all, this time, this **** killing God encountered a real true **** strong, only exists in A character in ancient legends, and he controls a true God of War weapon.

If this deity is defeated and killed, then the self who came with him will definitely not end well.

But it was not expected that this **** of killing the gods is against the sky again! He actually defeated a true god!

Thinking of this, the old man yelled out loudly again: "Long live the Lord of Nine Youmo, live long live the Lord of Nine Youmo live!"

Cries, this world echoed for a long time.


The old man's shout of excitement broke the silence in this world, and naturally passed into Shi Feng's ears. Shi Feng didn't care much about it, only making a "hum".

Then, he saw the Heavenly Emperor's Bell under his feet and the two magical artifacts in his hands, which began to fade away and then disappeared.

At this time, Shi Feng put her hands behind her, and slowly fell down the huge pit.

"Hehe, hehe." The sweeping old man lying in the center of Jukeng was still stained with red blood at the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he saw the dark figure gradually fall, and on his old face, a self-deprecating wry smile appeared.

Originally, I thought that the reckless continent was invincible. It turned out that I was just a frog sitting at the bottom of a well.

Next, the sweeping old man slowly spoke to the killing **** above, saying, "Old is ruined. Come to kill or kill."

In addition to the sweeping old man above the giant pit, there are the five elders who are sacred to the thunder. At this moment, looking at the shadow of the downcast, the five old faces are full of bitterness, and one of the elders is full of Shouted sadly: "I wait, guilty!"

"Hey!" Then, an elder elder sighed deeply: "I knew this so we should listen to what Lei Yue said, but it was because of the suspicion of a few of us that Lei was sacred and would suffer this calamity. ! "

"Yeah! It's the five of us so suspicious! Lei Luan didn't lie to us at all!"

"I was tough at the time, and I didn't believe in Lei Yue at all. I really ... have no face to see our ancestors of the Holy Land of Lei!"



At this moment, a remorse had emerged from the hearts of these elders.

This time, they will not only lose the magic medicine, but also the artifact of their sacred land, and even the lives of the five of them will be lost.


Shi Feng's figure floated on the huge pit and did not continue to fall. His eyes still looked at the sweeping old man below, and said, "Ben gives you a choice!"

"Choose?" Hearing the demon's words, the sweeping old man's brows gradually frowned and asked Shi Feng.

And at this moment you can hear from the voice of the sweeping old man that he is full of weakness.

Shi Feng didn't make any mistakes, and she simply said to the sweeping old man, "You must either die or become the slave of the Lord!"

"This ..." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the sweeping old man didn't answer for a while. Then, a bitter smile appeared on the old face, which was exactly the choice he had given him before.

Now, he came over to make his choice.

I remembered that I had said this to the demon in a gesture of a winner, and the old face of the sweeping old man was suddenly ashamed and blushed.

Then, just listen to him again and say, "How can the old man do, can you not destroy the sacred land?"

"Isn't the thunder sacred?" Shi Feng murmured, and he said coldly:

"The Lord of the Lord gave them these people a chance before, but they did not take the words of the Lord of the Lord at all, so they all had to die!"

"So they all have to die!"


Shi Feng's bland, but cold, murderous voice, echoed sacredly in the thunder, and countless people trembled involuntarily after hearing this voice.

Many people really want to escape from here, but they dare not act rashly, for fear of a move, it is the end of those former brothers and sisters.

Nowadays, they have already seen that the previously dead brothers and brothers are not just dead. Their corpses and blood have dried up, and they have become extremely dry corpses. It's infiltration.


Hearing Shi Feng's ruthless words, the sweeping old man opened his mouth and said in a pleading voice: "You, why are you here! The crime is so heavy, aren't you really afraid of condemnation?"

"Heavenly condemnation?" Hearing the word "Heavenly condemnation", Shi Feng's face was even more disdainful, saying: "The Lord of God often suffers from thunder, which is what you call God of Heaven. Many times God wants to destroy this Lord But he cannot destroy the Lord! "

(End of this chapter)

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