Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1939: Three conditions of Shi Feng!

Chapter 1939 Shi Feng's Three Conditions!

"Many times God wants to destroy this Lord, but he cannot destroy this Lord!"

Although Shi Feng's words are extremely arrogant and arrogant, this is the reality. He who bears undead monsters often suffers from sky robbery and sky thunder, and he is not afraid of any such condemnation.

"You!" Hearing this evil, the sweeping old man was speechless for a while, this is a guy who is not afraid of condemnation and unscrupulous.

"Ah!" Then, the sweeping old man gave a deep sigh, remembering that everyone in Lei Sacred Land was about to suffer from this man's poisonous hand, showing pity and pain.

At this moment, I saw Shi Feng opening her mouth again, and the young, cold voice echoed in this world: "From now on, Thunder sacred land ceases to exist, and no one should call himself a sacred land, Otherwise, die! "

"No one can claim to be the person of the Holy Land of Thunder any more, otherwise, die ..."

"Otherwise, die ..."




"This ... so!"


When hearing Shi Feng's words, countless faces suddenly changed again at this moment.

Since the evil was announced again, it also meant that at this moment he had given a chance to all those who were sacred to mine.

As long as you don't call yourself a sacred place in the future, you can escape this disaster today.

At this moment, nobody said anything.

Countless people have already decided in their hearts that today, people who do not call themselves sacred places by any means, in the future ... let's talk about it in the future.

After being silent for a while, many talented people spoke and promised to that one vowed: "The order of the Lord of the Nine Secluded Monsters, I dare not do anything from now on. From this moment, I will leave the sacred place of Thunder."

"I would also like to escape from the Holy Land of Thunder!"

"me too!"


Hearing Shi Feng's voice and shouting, at this moment, I saw the sweeping old man's eyes slowly closed, as if waiting for Shi Feng's attack to take his life.

"Old man, do you want to die?" At this time, Shi Feng said, and asked the sweeping old man below.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the sweeping old man slowly closed his eyes and slowly opened again, looking at Shi Feng above the suspension, saying: "Old, naturally do not want to die! But if you let old decay set a master-servant contract with you To become your slave from now on, it's better to die than to die. "

The sweeping old man, as a true **** strong, naturally has his dignity as a true god.

"This is also true!" Shi Feng nodded in understanding when she heard the words of the old man sweeping the floor.

Then he said: "Old man, Ben Shao decided not to kill you, nor make a master-servant contract with you!"

"Oh?" The old man's face suddenly changed again, and he gave a light "Oh", as if a bit surprised by Shi Feng's words. He didn't say anything, he knew that Shi Feng would continue to talk, and he waited for Shi Feng to continue to say Go on.

Shi Feng said: "But you need to promise the Lord a few things. If you promise, you will not only die, but you will be free."

"Sure enough!" The sweeping old man said secretly in his heart, naturally he did not think that this evildoer would let himself go for nothing.

"You say it first." Without hearing his condition, the sweeping old man would naturally not agree to this.

Shi Feng said: "First, from now on, you must not claim to be someone who is sacred to thunder, what can you do?"

"I am defeated by your hands today. I will no longer claim to be the Holy Land of Thunder. From now on, everything in the Holy Land of Thunder has nothing to do with me!" The old sweeper answered, agreeing to Shi Feng's first condition.

Then, Shi Feng said, "The second thing is, if one day, an alien race claiming to be a protoss invades, you need to listen to this demon master's order and fight with all your strength!"

"Protoss!" When the word "protoss" was heard, the old face of the sweeping old man changed again, showing a look of surprise.

Obviously, he had also heard of that alien race, the Protoss!

The sweeping old man said with a firm face, "If the Protoss invades, even without your orders, I will fight with them with all my strength! Since you have the heart of the Protoss, I promise you that if the Protoss comes, I will listen to your orders , Listen to your dispatch, go all out! "

"Okay!" Hearing the words of the sweeping old man, Shi Feng shouted a "OK", and by his words, by his real state of God, he was qualified to survive!

"The last one!" Shi Feng had one last condition, just listening to him continue to say, "Give up the hammer of the sacred land of Thunder! This true God of War weapon will be owned by the demon from now on!"

"The winner is the king, the loser is the pirate, and you are defeated by your hands. From now on, I am not qualified to hold it." The old sweeper said, and then saw that his left hand moved, and the handle was held by him. Shenlei's real hammer rushed up and rushed towards Shi Feng.

Sensing the violent thunder's force approaching quickly, Shi Feng reached out and grabbed it. The next moment, he caught the real thunder hammer that came from the handle and suddenly caught it.

"Boom!" Only a violent thunderous sound burst out loud, and a peerless thunderous force swept in all directions.

"True Thunder! God Hammer!" Looking at the thunder **** in his hand, Shi Feng secretly thought about these four words.

"Drink!" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard an old drinking sound coming from below, and the old voice came from the mouth of the sweeping old man.

And with this shout, I saw the sacred mark of thunder existing in the real hammer of Shenlei, suddenly burst, and suddenly the real hammer of Shenlei became an ownerless thing!

The imprint of the god's thunder hammer is rumored to be left by the ancient **** of thunder, Bai Yilei, and then passed down an ancient secret.

As long as you use that secret method, you can control it!

At this moment, the ancient mark of endless years exists, and in this way, it is completely destroyed.

Thunder Lord, the Holy Lord of Thunder, and the five elders of the Holy Land of Thunder, at this moment naturally have sensed the condition on the God Thunder God's hammer, and his face suddenly changed again.

The things passed down by the ancestors, that's all, it's easy to change!

"Ah! No!" At this moment, Lord Lei Yi, Yang Tian issued a very sad roar.

Countless eyes, at this moment, suddenly gathered on the figure in the distant void, "Holy Lord! It is holy Lord ... no, it is thunder! The thunder was originally here."

Someone who had a sacred place of thunder found thunder, and said immediately. When he subconsciously called Lei Yu as "Holy Lord", he immediately changed his mouth.

Now under the "will" to kill God, Thunder has ceased to exist sacredly, and where is the Lord?





At this time, there were also countless people who found Lei Yue, who stood alone in the ancient void, with utter grief, and screamed with sorrow, and his eyes gathered on this mighty figure instantly.

Once the sacred Lord of Thunder, in this vast world, exists like a god, controlling the life and death of billions of souls, and now ... the people in this world ca n’t figure out what he will be. .

(End of this chapter)

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