Chapter 1945: Lord Guer!

"Thunder, sacredly, something happened a few days ago!"

What happened in the sacred place of Lei, swept across all directions in an instant, spreading to the entire wild continent!

"I know, I heard the Lord of the Nine Phantoms walked sacredly to Thunder!"

"Yes! Nothing wrong! Nine Phantom Lord Shi Feng, after the sacred walk of Nai Lei, countless deaths and injuries, I heard that even the Holy Lord Lei Lu, and their five sacred sacred land into the peerless state too Elders are now dead or dead. "

"I have even heard that this thunderous land still has a hidden strong man, but stepped into the realm of the true gods of ancient legends. As a result, even the true strong man died in the hands of Shi Feng. what!"

"Did the true **** strong die in Shi Feng's hands? But I heard that this true **** strong was just defeated by Shi Feng and did not die!"

"This stone maple can be defeated by even the true gods. This is really against the sky."

"According to the credible information I got, I heard that the true **** is a sweeping old man, and the reason why Shi Feng went to that mine sacredly is for the sweeping old man. It is said that they used to love each other. Over! "

"Shi Feng falls in love with the sweeping old man? This ... this ... is there such a thing?"

"I heard that it has a high degree of credibility! According to the credible information, the master of the nine ghosts, Shi Feng, was actually an abandoned baby. It was the old sweeper who picked him up and raised him in person. He has taught him peerless techniques and peerless combat techniques, and has almost taught him everything in this life.

It can be said that Shi Feng can achieve today and today because of the sweeping old man! We return to business, as Shi Feng grows up, from a baby to a sensible teenager, he gradually finds that deep down, he has fallen in love with this sweeping old man who raised him to teach him!

One day, Shi Feng really couldn't control the love in his heart, and vowed to courage to confess to his righteous father. As a result, his righteous father also told Shi Feng truthfully that he was actually picking At the moment of his Shi Feng, he has fallen in love with him! "

"I fell in love with Shi Feng the moment I picked it up, wasn't Shi Feng just a baby at that time?"

"Some true love, that's it! When you first see him, you will feel that he is the person you want to find and wait for in your life! Whether he is a baby or an old man!

Finally, Shi Feng and his elder father sweep the old man happily together. For them, it should be the happiest moment.

But one day, I don't know what happened, the old sweeper suddenly left Shi Feng and left there.

Since the sweeping old man left, he has never been back, so Shi Feng resolutely set foot on the road to find his love and sweep the old man!

Killing the Holy Lady of Gu'ershan, killing the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the three gods passed on to the Han, and defeated Han Cheng on the first day. After being hunted down by the ancient forces, they were killed again. All of Shi Feng was looking for the sweeping old man. Happened on the way.

Later, Shi Feng entered the abyss of sin, killed the three evil demon masters, defeated the top ten magicians, and finally learned the whereabouts of the sweeping old man. Therefore, Shi Feng rushed directly from the evil abyss to the sacred land of Thunder, to find his righteousness Father, find his lover, find the old sweeper! "

"So, all these earth-shattering events in our wild continent these days are all because of this sweeping old man?"

"Well, you can say that!"

"Love can really make people look back and move forward ..."


North Mang of Manghuang mainland, Gueshan!

The news that thunder no longer exists sacredly also naturally passed into Gu'er Mountain.

These past few days, Gu'ershan has not been peaceful!

No one is more familiar with the name Shi Feng than they are from Gu'ershan! They didn't expect that now, this person has reached such a point against the sky!

Now, with the sacred land of Thunder in the North Wasteland with them, I don't know why it offends this one. Now that he has fallen, shouldn't it be his turn to gou mountain?

Since these days, all the people in Gu'ershan have been worried, as if that devil is about to be killed!

The oppressive and dull atmosphere has permeated the vast territory where Gu'er Mountain is located.

Gu'er Mountain, a huge golden mountain, pierces the sky, as if connected to heaven and earth.

At this moment, on the top of Gu'er Mountain, the white mist was rolling, and among the white mist, dozens of figures exuding peerlessness loomed in the meantime.

These dozens of people are the strongest and highest status in Gu'ershan!

A white-haired old man wearing a golden jersey is the most powerful of the dozens. He is the contemporary Lord of Gu'ershan and Gu Ze!

At this moment, on Gu Zewei's solemn old face, there was a hint of worry, his brows frowned, and he spoke to the other Gu'ershan strong men, saying:

"In the past few days, my feelings have become stronger and stronger. We, Gu'er Mountain, should really have a great disaster coming!"

"This! The Lord!" After Gu Ze said these words, the strong men present changed their faces immediately, and no one would doubt the intuition of the Lord Gu Ze.

In Gu Ze, the natural martial arts intuition was sharp, which was an open secret in their Gu'er Mountain. For countless years, Gu Ze's mysterious and keen martial arts instinct has not been wrong.

He Gu has more and more strongly sensed that there will be a great calamity in Gu'er Mountain, then there will really be a great calamity!

"Is that the demon head really looking for us on Gu'ershan after annihilating the sacred land of thunder?" At this time, a middle-aged strongman said, saying.

He then said, "Hey, I knew this before. We shouldn't provoke this evil in the first place! Gu Yan, Gu Yan, why did he go to provoke that evil injustice? Not only did she find herself dead, but she is still harmed now. Us. "

This middle-aged strongman is the five elders of Gu'ershan, one of the six elders.

In Gu'er Mountain, the six elders 'status is second only to the existence of the Lord of Gu'er Mountain, except for the elders' high-class antiques.

When the five elders were ancient and finished their remarks, they glanced at the ancient relatives of one of the elders of Gu'er Mountain intentionally or unintentionally!

Gu Qi, that is, the ancient Guershan strongman who hunted down Shi Feng in the deserted ancient Forbidden City, the last maiden Gu Yan came from his veins. From the age, his Gu Yan was too Uncle.

At the moment when the ancients and the words sounded, the ancient Qi could obviously sense that there were several eyes, and at this moment they all gathered to themselves.

At that time, when Shi Feng was still a small man, they didn't care much about Gu Yan and about Shi Feng's pursuit of Shi Feng.

On the contrary, many people standing here at the moment felt that Shi Feng had indeed provoked the majesty of Gu'er Mountain, and he should have been captured alive and taken back to Gu'er Mountain for trial.

Today, this stone maple has transformed into the most horrible existence on the reckless continent. As a result, these people all blame Gu Yan, the dead maiden, and hunted down Shi Feng herself!

These ancient times are even clearer. Those juniors in their own veins are often ridiculed, blamed, and even suppressed.

In their hearts, it was as if their veins were the sinners of Goue.

(End of this chapter)

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