Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1946: Nine Ghosts

Chapter 1946: Nine Nether Hades

Feeling that strange look, the old face of the elders and elders of Taishang has become extremely ugly.

His ancient relatives, did not know that things would turn out like this before! Shi Feng, who was still hunted down by them half a year ago, at that time, who knew that he would become the master of the nine ghosts today.

"That evildoer, how did he do it! Hey!" Gu Qi said secretly in his heart, and at the end he sighed deeply in his heart.

Is the calamity of Gueshan really coming?

Gu'er Mountain, is it really going to be destroyed because of my veins? Would I be a sinner to Gu'ershan?

"You guys, what do you do next? Do we just sit and wait? Is n’t Gueer destroyed in the hands of our generation? In this case, I am really unwilling!" A senior elder Gu Yuan said.

"But what else can we do! Thunder is sacred, but a true **** is strong, and all are defeated in the hands of his stone maple. What are we going to do against this devil?"

Today, the strongest method of Gu'er Mountain is the real artifact, and a large array passed down from ancient times, the Gu'er array.

But these are not as good as that true **** strongman, and even worse than a true **** strongman who controls the battle of true artifacts.

"Ah! I shouldn't have deserved it, I shouldn't have offended this demon! Gu Yan she, but it's a **** one! We Gu'eshan, who chose such a virgin, is really going to die my Gu'eshan! "

It was the elder Gu Yuan who made this sorrowful voice. When Gu Yuan shouted these words, he glanced at the elder Gu Qi who was too senior.

"Huh!" Hearing these people's words, hearing Gu Yuan's sorrowful cry, and sensing his poor vision, Gu Qi made a cold hum.

"To this day, what use do these people have to say these words!" Gu Qi said coldly in his heart.

"Well, you don't need to say any more." At this time, Gu Ze, Lord of Gu'er, finally issued a cold drink and interrupted these words.

Then, just listening to him again, he said, "It's useless to say now, we should think about how to deal with that demon head!"

"Our Gueshan is not the opponent of that devil at all, how can we face it? Or stay to fight the devil and kill him eventually. Either run away now, or kneel down and beg for his life." That Middle-aged strongman five elders.

"Ah!" When he heard the words of the five elders, everyone sighed at this moment except Gu Qi and Holy Lord Gu Ze.

It seems that this can only be true! However, I heard that the devil was so cruel and handy that he would kneel down and beg him, and he would not necessarily kill his life!


Beihuang, Guli City!

On an extremely large and spacious space altar in the center of Guli City, a huge golden beam of light suddenly fell, causing the altar and the land in this area to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the golden beams of light falling from the sky suddenly collapsed, and a wave of thousands of people appeared on the altar of vast space.

"All people step down the altar in accordance with the order!" At this time, only a shout rang out, it was the guard of the altar in Guli City who was maintaining order.

Then, I saw a crowd of thousands of people walking down this space altar from eight directions. Among the crowd, three people were walking with the flow of people. It was Shi Feng, Qing Yan, and the old man.

As the crowd moved around, the old man suddenly spoke at this time and said to Shi Feng beside him:

"My lord, the city of Guli has arrived. This city of Guli belongs to the ancient territory, the size of the ancient territory is three times larger than that of the **** monster land we entered earlier, and this large ancient territory is ancient Dominion's territory? "

Earlier, Shi Feng told the old man that, since he came to this northern wasteland, he went to Gu'e Mountain for a trip. Now that he has reached this town of Güli, Gu Li City, the old man immediately said to Shi Feng.

"Oh." Upon hearing the old man's words and hearing the three words of Gu'ershan, Shi Feng's face moved with a grin, and he said, "Have you entered the territory of Gu'er Mountain?"

"Yes, my lord!" When the old man heard Shi Feng's voice, the old man replied respectfully.

Then, just listen to Shi Feng again, and said, "Well! Then follow the Lord, go to this mountain of Gu'e!" Now that I have entered this territory of Gu'e Mountain, the account of Gu'e Mountain , Naturally should count!

The Lady of Gu'ershan had already died tragically in her own hands in the Frozen City. In Shi Feng's mind, the old Guershan old man who had deserted him in the desert for a while!

See what else they have to say to themselves when they come to Gue Mountain!


There are two space teleport altars in Guli City. One is the one where the three stone maples landed earlier. The space teleport altar is specially used to receive warriors from other cities.

The other teleportation altar is dedicated to teleportation. At this moment, the three stone maples were walking towards the space teleport altar.

"Stop it for me!" But at this moment, there was an old and majestic drinking, and it sounded through the sky.

When people heard the voice, they looked up, and saw an old man in a white robe floating above the sky. The drinking sound just came from the old man's mouth.

"He ... who is he? How dare he fly over our city of Guli? But the breath of this person is so strong!"

"No ... I don't know! This old man has an extraordinary spirit and dares to float above the ancient city of Guli. The origin is definitely not easy!"

"Well! It should be!"


Although people don't know the old man, but from his demeanor, he already feels that this should be a person who is qualified to fly over Guli City.

With the appearance of the old man in white robes, Shi Feng's attention also gathered on him. This is a martial artist who has stepped into the eight-star demigod. It is naturally not simple.

Then, I saw the flash of the old man's body, and then he swooped down and dived towards the dense crowd below him.

With the old man's rapid teleportation, many people have lost sight of his body, but Shi Feng's gaze is still gazing at him.

At this moment, the old man in white robes turned his right hand into a claw, like an eagle rushing down, grabbed the crowd, followed closely, and Shi Feng's eyes stared at a purple shadow that ran among the crowd. A young girl in purple running away, full of panic, on her cheeky face.

"Ah!" A sweet shout followed from her mouth, at this moment, the power of the whole body involuntarily started secretly, like a desperate fight.

However, at this moment, the stone maple that focused on the woman in the purple dress seemed to feel something suddenly, and her face changed immediately, exclaiming: "Nine Youming Gong!"

(End of this chapter)

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