Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1962: small world!

Chapter 1962: Small World!

"True God Triple Sky?"

Shi Feng murmured the strange title of "True God Triple Sky", but the sound of his suspicion fell into the ears of the woman in white.

The woman in white thought that he should be shocked when he heard that he was in the wild, and there was a super-mighty God in the triple world.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a cold face on her cold face, and said to Shi Feng:

"I've heard that you're savage outsiders, and now even the true **** is hard to see, and it has become a legend. Not to mention the true **** triple sky."

"In that case, the previous state of the orange serpent, in the division of your martial arts, is called the true **** one heaven? Above one heaven, it is two heavens?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Yeah." The woman in white didn't even think about it, and replied.

"Huh?" Followed her and looked at Shi Fengxiu's eyebrows, but then she stretched out and said secretly:

"I seem to have heard them talk about it. It ’s rare to see the real God in this wild and wild world. It seems so. The real state of the true **** is the strongest state in their consciousness, so there is no double sky. , The division of the triple sky! "

Shi Feng heard the woman's answer in white, and murmured in her mouth: "So it is!"

"In their world, the realm of true gods does not need to be divided into stars. Above the true gods, then there is a true **** dual sky! In their world, there is a true **** triple sky!" Shi Feng secretly said in his heart again.

Now that he has seen the True God, he can fight against the ordinary True God, and with Shi Feng's current fighting power, he can completely suppress it.

The true **** dual sky and the more terrible true **** triple sky, he has not yet encountered such a powerful man, it is hard to say.

Then, Shi Feng murmured again: "What kind of realm can those six snakes unite?"

As he said these words, Shi Feng's eyes stared again at the brightest part of the six-colored light, and his heart looked forward faintly.

The six-headed serpent has his mark and is under his control. He naturally hopes that it will be as strong as possible! Surpass everything, help him Shi Feng destroy all enemies.

"Roar!" The roar of the ferocious beast continued, and the whole void was boiling like boiling water.

At this time, Shi Feng, the woman in white, and the old man all felt the breath of six peerlessness, suddenly rising from the bright light.

The complexion of the three changed again at this moment.

With the rise of the six peerless breaths, the six-colored light that shone in all directions began to gradually dissipate. A peerless six-headed giant snake appeared in the sight of the three stone maples.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" The six snakes have been united, and the six snake mouths have suddenly opened wide, fiercely screaming, making a roar of roar, making the void that is already boiling, boiling The ground is more violent, as if it is about to be destroyed.

"This!" Shi Feng's full attention at this moment was condensed on the powerful six-headed serpent.

The momentum of the six-headed serpent has obviously surpassed the previous orange serpent. However, it should not have crossed the realm of the heavy sky, almost reaching the peak of the heavy sky, one step away from the double sky.

This is how Shi Feng feels.

At that moment, the woman in white slowly spoke, saying, "The true God is at the top of the sky!"

Although she hasn't stepped into the double sky, she can hear from her tone that the peak of the heavy sky after the six snakes became one still surprised her.

However, it is indeed surprising that the five-headed serpent, previously only a creature of the level of nine stars and demigods, integrated into that orange serpent, but stepped into the peak of a heavy sky.

These realms, these mighty powers, compared to the previous one, are just one place at a time.

Although the six-headed serpent is one body, in terms of combat power, it is actually equivalent to the six strong gods.

So to see the state of these six snakes at the moment, even the white woman from the stronger world had to be shocked.

After staring at the six snakes for a while, Shi Feng said gently, "OK!"

"Let's go!" Shi Feng said to the woman in white next to her, her body moved, and she went to the six-headed snake.

Seeing Shi Feng breaking through, the white woman was not moving. After four or five breaths, her body fluttered and she followed the man.

Soon after, Shi Feng and the woman in white successively fell on the huge six-color snake body. When they fell, the old man followed, bowed slightly, and stood quietly beside Shi Feng.

"Let's hurry!" Followed, Shi Feng gave another order to the six snakes below.

"Oh!" Under the order of Shi Feng, the six big snakes roared again and hurriedly to the east, and continued to the ancient sacred mountain, Gu'er Mountain!


"So, your world is called Mang Inner Boundary, and it also belongs to Mang Continent?"

On top of the six giant snakes flying wildly, Shi Feng said to the woman in white.

"Yes!" The woman in white answered. Then he said, "The wild continent is divided into the outside world and the inner world, and it is also called the big world and the small world! Our wild world is the small world!

The two realms have been in communication for a long time, but some unknown changes occurred in ancient times. The strong in our inner world sealed the inner realm with great magical powers to prevent people outside you from entering. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng nodded again, and Leng Jun's face looked thoughtful.

Shi Feng was disappointed when he heard that this wild and desolate inner boundary is not a **** war continent. Then he spoke again and asked her, "Do you know that God is fighting the mainland?

"God fights the continent?" The woman in white shook her head when she heard the words "God battles the continent" and said, "Never heard of it."

"Really?" Shi Feng frowned and asked her.

"I have never heard of it." The woman in white replied again.

She now has her own mark. At this moment, Shi Feng felt her whole heart, knowing that she did not lie.

"Okay!" Shi Feng said, "So, how can you go to your wild inner bounds?"

For that stronger world, Shi Feng is naturally attractive.

He pursued martial arts all his life, and naturally knew that only in a stronger world and a broader world can he break through and become stronger.

"You have an ancient force outside the wild, called the Heavenly Haram. There is an ancient place there that can lead to our inner boundary." The woman in white did not hide, and bluntly told Shi Feng.

She doesn't think it's necessary to hide it.

"Abandoned sacred place!" Shi Feng and the old man were surprised at the same time at the same time. They did not expect that it would be that abandoned sacred place again!

(End of this chapter)

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