Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1963: Hundred Sword God Killing Techniques

Chapter 1963 Hundred Sword Gods Killing Technique

The way to the God War continent is related to the deserted holy land that day!

The nine meditation powers created by himself are now involved in the wasteland of that day.

And at this moment, the way to that small world was also a deserted holy land that day!

Heavenly Holy Land!

Heavenly Holy Land!

It's that sacred place again!

It seems as if fate is involved, as if a large invisible hand arranges secretly, and each one of the targets is directed to the heavenly wilderness.

Seeing Shi Feng and the old man's face with surprise, hearing their exclamation, the woman in white frowned slightly, but said nothing.

After a while, the surprised look had receded from Shi Feng's face. At this time, she had a preliminary understanding of what she called the "small world", and Shi Feng ignored her.

In his right hand, the storage bone ring that he had previously hidden in the storage ring appeared again. It was the storage bone ring of the woman in white.

"Ring!" The woman in white whispered secretly when she saw the ring.

She wanted to get the ring back, but she didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that the madman would treat her hard again.

At this moment, Shi Feng thought, an old black-purple scroll appeared in his hands.

This black-purple scroll, Shi Feng paid special attention to it.

As soon as the scroll came out, an unusually cold, extremely strong killing breath swept across all directions.

"This!" And when she saw the scroll taken out by Shi Feng, the pretty face of the woman in white immediately moved, and then secretly said, "Hundred swords gods kill!"

Hundred Sword Gods Killing Tips, urge Hundred Swords to kill the enemy! It sounds simple, but it's not simple!

This hundred swords, but a hundred swords of God-level swords, one hundred gods gathered together, one hundred swords kill together, that really is invincible!

But ... a hundred-handed magic sword, how can there be so many magic swords in this world!

Not to mention a hundred-handed magic sword, it is a hundred god-level instruments, and the entire concealed continent can not be found.

"Hundred sword gods killing tricks!" At this time, the woman in white said to Shi Feng:

"The killing tactics of the hundred sword gods were obtained by my grandfather in an ancient tomb that year. It is said that they originated from a powerful hand in ancient times! It is the sword skill of the true god!

However, my grandfather once said that if this tactic is urged, it is estimated that even the true God Triple Sky Power may urge the True God Triple Sky combat technique, it may not be able to resist it!

It's a pity ... "When speaking of the word" pity ", the woman in white grinned and sneered, and then slowly spoke again, saying:

"This is an unparalleled sword skill that cannot be cultivated in this life! My grandfather said that although the magic sword can be replaced by other artifacts, even in our world, even if we have a small world and a large world, there are no hundred artifacts!"

"You little world, don't you have a magician?" Shi Feng asked.

"God-level master!" The woman in white seemed to know what Shi Feng was thinking, and still sneered and said:

"Divine-level artificers only exist in ancient times. The true **** warriors of the big and small worlds are left over from ancient times. In this world, it is no longer possible to produce artifacts."

After hearing the words of the woman in white, Shi Feng looked down at the black-purple ancient scroll in her hand and said, "It seems that this anti-sky sword skill is really impossible to cultivate at this time."

What Shi Feng thinks is only for now!

If he had obtained it on the Tianheng continent, he might think that it is really impossible to cultivate this god-level sword skill.

But now he knows that, in addition to the Tianheng continent, there is this savage outside world, there is the savage inner boundary that this woman says, there is a warland, and there are many other continents.

Maybe one day, I will go to several other continents myself, or maybe I can really collect hundreds of true God weapons.

One hundred artifacts, one hundred artifacts, what a mighty power!

Thinking of this, Shi Feng swept away, and the sword skills recorded in this ancient scroll kept pouring into his mind.

Soon, the killing tactics of the hundred sword gods have been thoroughly imprinted in Shi Feng's mind, just to see how the future will happen.

Later, Shi Feng threw the ancient scroll of black and purple into his storage ring, and then he looked at the woman in white again.

"Huh?" Seeing him again, the woman in white shook her eyebrows again.

Shi Feng said again slightly, and said to her, "When I took your storage ring, I was very nervous seeing you, even when I took your artifact and that god-like snake, I didn't see you like this.

But I thought that I had searched everything in this ring and found nothing beyond the artifact. Why? "

"Nothing." The woman in white said calmly when she heard Shi Feng's words.

"Nothing?" Shi Feng didn't believe it at all. Judging by the nervous look, there must be something inside that made her nervous.

"If you don't want to suffer any more, speak out this little doubt!" Shi Feng said with a sneer.

"You! You!" The woman in white stared coldly at the man in front of her, who threatened herself again.

"Three!" At this time, Shi Feng no longer talked to her nonsense, and began to count down!

"This bastard!" Seeing the man in front of him, the woman in white clenched her fists quietly, and yelled at him, "Because there is something for me in this place!"

"Oh!" When she heard the woman in white, Shi Feng said, "Oh, what a pity? Oh, that's it!" Now he understood, no wonder the woman would be so nervous.

After all, her age is also a woman who has a love for the first time, and the sentiment given by Qinglang falls in her own hands ... Oh!

At this point, the woman in white put out her right hand to Shi Feng, palm up, and said to him, "That thing is just a very ordinary thing. It means a lot to me, but to you It's useless, you return it to me. "

"Ben Shao is also a reasonable person, let's say, what is that thing?" Shi Feng said.

What if it was an ordinary thing that was useless to her, as she said.

"That's a phoenix gold jade bracelet." The woman in white said.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said again, "Oh", and followed his thoughts and glanced inside the storage bone ring.

To be honest, this storage bone ring is rich in items, like the phoenix gold jade bracelet she said, she really did not notice.

"Oh, I found it, presumably this is it!" Followed, just listening to Shi Feng murmured again, a golden mang flashed above his right hand, a golden jade box with exquisite workmanship and exquisite style appeared to him instantly In the hands.

Following this, Shi Feng stretched out her left hand and slowly opened the golden jade box. Lying in the box was a golden jade bracelet shaped like a phoenix and made of golden jade!

The power of Shi Feng's soul swept again towards this golden jade bracelet, which gave him the feeling that there was nothing special, as if it were an extremely ordinary golden phoenix jade bracelet.

After seeing this phoenix gold jade bracelet, the woman in white changed her face again and quickly yelled at Shi Feng again: "That's it, give me!"

(End of this chapter)

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