Chapter 1964 Phoenix.

In Shi Feng's induction, this is really just an ordinary golden phoenix jade bracelet. At this time, Shi Feng didn't hesitate to pass the golden jade bracelet directly to the white woman.

Seeing Shi Feng's actions like this, the woman's pretty face seemed to change again and became a little excited, even the white right hand reaching out to Shi Feng was a little trembling with excitement.

Her heartbeat, as well as her breathing, became a little hasty at this moment.

"Huh?" The nature of the woman in white was naturally felt by Shi Feng's keen soul.

She seemed to be excited from the heart and couldn't hold back.

Frowning suddenly, Shi Feng felt something unusual. Looking at her, it shouldn't be as simple as an ordinary affectionate thing.

However, this golden jade bracelet still pinched in my hand, I did feel it very carefully, this is really just an ordinary thing, I feel nothing strange.

What the **** is this? What an ordinary affection?

The thought flashed in Shi Feng's mind. Although he was thinking so, he still handed the bracelet to the woman in white.

But just when the white and slender jade hand was about to be caught on that golden jade bracelet, Shi Feng's hand suddenly shone with a golden light.

Seeing this golden mang, Shi Feng's eyes suddenly condensed. This golden light is the light of the old lady, the source of all things!

The source of all things, at this moment, the golden mandala sparkled in his own hand holding this golden jade bracelet.

By no means unusual!

Shi Feng's hand holding the phoenix gold jade bracelet immediately retracted, avoiding the fair and slender jade hand.

The gold bracelet was about to be retrieved, but now it is empty. The pretty face of the woman in white has suddenly changed, staring at Shi Fengjiao and yelling, "You! Why are you!"

Obviously, this coquettish drink was full of coldness and anger.

"Sure enough, it is famous!" Shi Feng ignored the woman in white, but looked over her right hand.

At this moment, Jin Mang, the source of all things, was still shining on his right hand, wrapping the phoenix gold jade bracelet.

The source of all things, even if Shi Feng has now stepped into a terrible situation that was once difficult to reach, with peerless power, he still cannot see through this thing.

Previously, he searched his own body with the power of a four-star demigod keen soul, trying to find the source of all things.

He searched carefully from top to bottom and bottom to top, but still could not find out where the source of all things was hidden in his body.

These days, the source of all things has not appeared, so that Shi Feng had doubted whether this old lady has quietly left her body.

At this moment, when she saw the familiar Jinmang shining on her right hand, Shi Feng knew that the goods were still in her body, but she couldn't find where it was hiding.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Shi Feng heard the sound of a bird-like croak echoing, crisp and loud, ringing through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a flare burst out of the golden jade bracelet in his own hands, and rushed to the higher sky.

"Hmm! Hmm!"


The whole piece of void was instantly rendered into a fiery color at this moment. The hot waves of heat came from above. The six big snakes under Shi Feng's three feet seemed to sense something, and then they once again sent out a burst of roar The sound, as if, was a startling growl.

However, these six big snakes are now a big demon in the realm of heaven and the peak of the sky. How can there be something in this world that surprises him?

At this moment, Shi Feng, the woman in white, and the old man instantly felt the peerless power from the sky, and they all raised their heads and looked up.

The six-headed serpent stopped in a fierce flying form. At this moment, the three stone maples immediately saw the sky, showing a huge fire-like giant that covered the sky.

This is like a huge flamingo with wings flying high. The huge bird is burning, as if it can burn everything in the world, like the king of birds, overlooking the world!

"This ... this is ... this is the ancient **** and beast, Phoenix!" The old man with an old face changed when he saw the huge firebird, exclaimed in shock.

This shape, that mighty power, really resembles that of an ancient godless beast.

Under that mighty power, the old man's body had been trembling for a long time, and the body had to kneel involuntarily to it.

"Phoenix!" Even Shi Feng, secretly thinking about the two words, felt that she had become very small under the flame bird.

He Shi Feng, but now can kill the existence of the true **** strong!

"Appeared again! Hey!" The woman in white sighed at this moment.

It seems that this firebird is the source of her nervousness because the storage bone ring was taken away by Shi Feng.

Then, Shi Feng gathered the power of the soul in the void as if suddenly felt something, the face of the young Leng Jun changed again, and then exclaimed again:

"This! This is just an image? No! This is a remnant! The remnant of the Phoenix!"

Shi Feng can be sure, this is indeed not a living ancient beast!

However, despite this, he was very shocked. The remnant of this ancient **** and beast could make him so. So how terrible was that ancient **** in the end?

And how does such a terrifying creature die? How to become the remnant of today.

In this world, can there still exist to kill such a horrible creature?

It's really hard to imagine!

After seeing this phoenix remnant soul, Shi Feng really realized that the road to martial arts is really endless.

No strongest, only stronger!

With a bang, Shi Feng's old man was finally unable to resist the divine power that was pressed down on the sky. He bent his knees and knelt down directly towards the flame bird.

When Shi Feng saw that the Phoenix was just a remnant, the pressure suddenly reduced a lot, and he said, "You're here!"

When Shi Feng finished this sentence, her body moved immediately and rushed towards the huge firebird above the sky.

"Huh? Is this him?" The white woman murmured when she saw Shi Feng doing this, but then, she didn't stay on the six big snakes for a while, her figure also moved, and she rushed to be more empty .

"It's so hot!" When Shi Feng's figure approached the giant bird, I felt a hotter rush, and the more I got closer, the more hot I felt.

At this time, the woman in white had already rushed to Shi Feng and said to him, "Do n’t waste any effort. I have also tried to approach the phoenix remnant soul, but the hot breath that comes up is no longer What we can live with!

Even the superpowers of the true God Triple Sky may not be able to approach it! "

Hearing the words of the woman in white, Shi Feng's face was still fortitude, and he did not stop his rushing figure at all.

(End of this chapter)

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