Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1966: Flame God Fruit!

Chapter 1966: Flame God Fruit!

Shi Feng's body rushed violently, and the woman in white kept up.

At this time, Shi Feng had completely lost the incomparable sensation of heat and lost all the pressure, just like being in an ordinary void.

Soon after, Shi Feng and the woman in white reached the incomparably huge phoenix Phoenix, stopped, and hovered quietly.

Compared with the huge flame phoenix, their tiny bodies are like two ants.

Although this flame phoenix is ​​already a remnant soul, it is lifelike, like a living phoenix beast.

At this time, the woman in white turned her head and said to Shi Feng, "You must have sensed it?"

"Um." Shi Feng nodded gently when she said, "I didn't expect that there was another heaven and earth in this remnant soul? That heaven and earth gave me a sense of extreme danger, I am afraid not simple."

When speaking of the last few words, Shi Feng's tone suddenly became a little dignified.

At this time, the woman in white also said solemnly: "It is said that after the fall of the ancient **** beast Phoenix, his remnant soul turned into a world and became an ancient ruin! It is said that in this ancient ruin, there is the heritage of the ancient **** beast Phoenix! The treasure it left behind.

It is even more legendary that among the ancient ruins of this phoenix incarnation, there is a natural fire of the beast Phoenix! In any case, there must be great fortune in it, but there are also unimaginable dangers. "

"Have you been in?" Shi Feng asked the woman in white again.

"I went in." The woman in white said, "But as soon as I entered, I immediately retreated. Those who entered with me at the time were not as lucky as me. They were too late to quit, and all died in it, including one of them. It's a true **** dual-force who has a real war weapon! "

"True God!" When hearing the woman in white, Shi Feng murmured these words secretly.

Even the strongest of the true gods' two-days died before they had time to quit, so if they really entered, they would be unpredictable.

This ancient ruin is indeed fierce enough!

Seeing the man next to him still looking up and staring upwards, the woman in white asked with a sneer and said, "Do you want to go in?"

She was looking forward to him.

After hearing her words, Shi Feng shook her head slightly and answered, "I won't go in!"

Shi Feng thought that at this moment, there is no need to take this risk, and there are still many important things to do.

Maybe one day, his martial arts reached the trance, in order to step on the road to stronger, may enter this dangerous ancient Phoenix ruins.

At this moment, I saw Shi Feng's right hand turned into a claw, facing the giant flame phoenix above, suddenly sucked!

Immediately, I saw a fire fruit burning like a flame, flying out of the phoenix, like a little sun, exuding the extreme heat and flying towards the stone maple below.

"This!" The woman in white became tense at the sight of the fire fruit, and it seemed that she knew what the fire fruit was.

"Fruit fruit of true **** level? No, this has exceeded the true **** level. The rank should be above that true god? Hahaha!" Shi Feng stared at the fire fruit with blinking eyes and sent Laughing cheerfully.

Now he has a miracle medicine that is sacredly obtained from thunder, the white thunder tree, and the momentum that this flame fruit emits has surpassed that white thunder tree too much.

This should be the fruit of the **** tree above the level of true God.

Followed by, Shi Feng said to the white suit next to him and said,

"Should you hide this flame **** fruit in this phoenix remnant soul? You have previously prevented Ben Shao from coming up, you are afraid that Ben Shao will find this **** fruit."

"What is it!" Now that this person has been found out, the woman in white is not quibble either, and replied coldly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the flame **** fruit flying down, caught by Shi Feng in his hands. Seeing this, the white woman's fair face was full of distress.

Even more distressed than she lost the true God of War weapon and the beast!

She had been reluctant to take this flame **** fruit. She originally intended to use it when she stepped into the real God's realm in the future. By then, she would definitely be able to do more with less, and perhaps get unexpected results like the legend.

But it was not expected that it fell into this man's magic hand. It's really uncomfortable!

The woman in white was full of loss and distress, while Shi Feng, on the other hand, was full of joy, as if holding a large fireball in her right hand, staring at it with her eyes, the power of her soul was fully sensing it.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked the woman in white: "The grade of this fruit should have surpassed the true gods. What grade is it?"

"True God, Triple Sky!" The woman in white said coldly to Shi Feng!

"True God!" After hearing these five words, even Shi Feng followed suit!

I didn't expect that the true God is triple!

The medicine of the true **** is the peerless treasure, but I did not expect that there is a magic medicine of the triple **** of the true god!

This time, it really makes a lot of money!

Shi Feng is confident, and now she has Bai Lei, the medicine of the true god, and the majestic death force and blood in the blood stone monument, plus the **** fruit grasped at this moment.

With these, you can definitely enter a stronger state in the future!

In the realm of nine stars and demigods, Shi Feng already felt completely okay! The real God that once existed only in ancient legends can go for it.


Today's Shi Feng, but the eight-star demigod realm can kill the existence of the true god. If he stepped into the true God's words in the future, his combat power would certainly be unimaginable.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" He pursued martial arts all his life and was so precious, thinking of becoming stronger, Shi Feng couldn't help laughing.

And after seeing this man win his own **** fruit, he smiled and smiled. The woman in white was even more angry and breathed in her heart. Both fists clenched tightly.

Then, on top of Shi Feng's right hand, a burst of demon-colored light shone, and the flame **** fruit like a big fireball was instantly put into the space of the blood stone monument.

Later, the Phoenix Gold Jade Bracelet appeared again in Shi Feng's hands, and now this golden jade bracelet is naturally a treasure for Shi Feng.

This is, however, a key to unlocking the remains of ancient Phoenix gods and beasts!

Even if the ruins of the ancient phoenix Phoenix are extremely dangerous, if it is born, even if it is known that the moth extinguishes the fire, there will surely be countless warriors to follow.

The ancient phoenix, the phoenix, is too tempting for the warriors in the world.

After gazing at the golden jade bracelet in his hand for a while, followed, Shi Feng secretly moved the secret method that the white woman had taught him before.

That ancient mystery can avoid the flames of the phoenix, and the mystery must also be cast in order for the phoenix soul that covers the sun to return to this golden jade bracelet.

"Oh!" Then, just listening to a clear cry, and then echoed in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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