Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1967: Vision, judge good or bad!

Chapter 1967: A Vision Appears, Judges Good or Bad!

Under the operation of that ancient mystery, the phoenix above immediately descended into a pillar of flame, carrying the scorching divine power, and fell fiercely into the golden jade bracelet in the hands of Shi Feng.

Gradually, I saw the flame phoenix that covered the sky, the huge flame figure began to fade away, and eventually disappeared.

As the flames completely dissipated, the void, which had become hot and chaotic, gradually returned to peace.

Darkness swallowed up the whole world in an instant. It turned out that it had already entered the night, but the flames had already turned into the sky, without paying attention to it.


"What the **** is going on? It's finally possible to enter! But how did the Firebird disappear!"

"I just saw a vision of heaven and earth. It is said that the beast and phoenix are here, but there is a mysterious force that has blocked us all. I don't know where the beast is now!"

"Yeah, I also came in pursuit of a vision. Just now, I did see a huge flame phoenix! The gods and beasts are in the world, is there a great change?"

"It is rumored that today, there is a peerless fiendish monster Nine Wraith Lord born. Could it be a heavenly vision, lowering the ancient **** beast Phoenix to suppress the Nine Wraith Lord?"


Suddenly, in this void where several people of Shi Feng were located, a group of people gathered from all directions, and the sound of horrified noises continued to sound from all directions.

It seems that the phoenix, the beast of the god, appeared earlier and has attracted nearby warriors.

And from their words, it turns out that many people have arrived long ago, but there was a mysterious force that stopped them before, so that they could not enter the void in which this beast and phoenix appeared.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

However, as people in all directions were still approaching this void, suddenly there was a rage of horrible beasts, deafening and shocking.

It was the six big snakes. Yangtian yelled out loudly, the six snake heads were dancing wildly, and six peerless fierce violent momentums were raging in all directions.

"This! This momentum? This ... what does this really exist?"

"Vicious creature! Unparalleled fierce creature! This fierce and imposing manner, and the violent roar, are absolutely unparalleled!"

"Quick! Run away!"

"But ... but, isn't the **** beast phoenix here in this world? Isn't this fierce momentum that the **** beast radiates?"

"No matter how fierce he emits! This momentum and that roar are absolutely not good, hurry! Run away! If you don't run, just wait to become the food in the belly of the ferocious beast!"

"Ah! This! What a ferocious beast!"


Peerless beasts roar, fierce momentum soaring into the sky, the warriors who were originally attracted by the phoenix beast immediately turned around and fled back and forth.

The six-headed serpent, but the true deity's peak-level demon, who can counter its momentum, who dares to approach this void.


Shi Feng collected the phoenix gold jade bracelet in her hand into her storage ring.

Since Shi Feng took out the Phoenix Gold Jade Bracelet for the second time, the eyes of the woman in white have been staring at the Gold Jade Bracelet. You can see the obvious coldness.

This phoenix gold jade bracelet is a legendary treasure in the wild wasteland. After all, it involves the remains of the incarnation of the ancient **** beast Phoenix. I have for this purpose not known how many peerless powerhouses have fallen. I heard that hundreds of years ago Because of this, the forces were slaughtered by a group of cruel people.

This thing happened to fall into his own hand by coincidence, but it was a godsend, but he did not expect it, and was taken away by this person.

The ancient ruins of the Phoenix incarnation, although you can't go now, don't mean that you can't go in the future.

In this life, I want to aim at the realm of the true God Triple Sky!

In the realm of the barren wilderness, although the realm of the true God Triple Sky is the pinnacle realm, in ancient legends, there is a more terrifying existence.

In this world, if you want to break through the pimple, those dangerous ancient ruins must be the best choice for the super strong.

And this phoenix gold jade bracelet is an ancient relic that can be carried around, and it is also an ancient relic of the phoenix incarnation. For those super strong who cannot break through the trance, the attraction is absolutely endless!


The woman in white thought about this, and at that moment, Shi Feng said, "Go!"

The moment Shi Feng's words sounded, he saw his body flicker.

Then, the white shadow of the woman in white was also flashing. The figures of the two flickered down to the six-headed serpent below, but in an instant, they returned to the huge six-headed serpent. Six-color snake body.

"My lord!" Seeing Shi Feng's return, the old man spoke respectfully again.

"Keep on your way!" Shi Feng said coldly, and gave an impermissible order to the six snakes under her feet.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The six-headed snake made another roaring rage, the mouth of the snake opened wide, showing its tusks, and the six snake faces still looked extremely fierce, as if they had become frantic, and the six heads were still dancing wildly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this huge snake body suddenly move again, and continued to soar towards the east direction where Gu'er Mountain is located. Wherever it passed, the space kept boiling.

Under the mighty peak of the true god, the martial arts passing through this void immediately avoided the distance, and no one dared to approach.


On the other side, the news of the birth of the **** beast Phoenix and the peerless fierce monster suddenly swept across the Quartet like the wind.

On this day, many people can't forget that the ancient **** and beast Phoenix above the sky was born, and the fire is shining.

There are also many people who won't forget, the shocking roar, the unparalleled fierce power that keeps shaking.

"Are these fierce or gina?"

"There is such a strange phenomenon. Isn't the reckless continent really a big catastrophe?"

"First there was the peerless fiendish stone maple, and then there was such a weirdness. I vaguely felt that the reckless continent would not be calm for a long time!"


The Six-Large Snake is still flying.

At this time, the old man had obtained Shi Feng's permission and sat on this snake body cross-legged, quietly comprehending the eight-star demigod combat technique given by Shi Feng, "Star Luo Magic Kill"!

The woman in white stood quietly, staring at the endless sky in front of her, wondering what she was thinking at this moment.

Maybe I'm thinking about how to get rid of this crazy man's clutches, or maybe I'll think about how to make him regret it later and make him pay the price for these evil things he has done to himself.

Or maybe thinking, how to take back that phoenix gold jade bracelet from the hand of that madman! More likely, she just thought about something, some people.

Miss her parents, miss her lover.

I don't know if she has a lover ...

(End of this chapter)

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