Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1973: Little grudge and big grudge!

Chapter 1973 Little Resentment And Big Resentment!

"Farewell?" After hearing the last sentence of the middle-aged man, Shi Feng finally understood what he meant, and sneered:

"You help them fight against me. Now, if you want to say go, go? Oh, when will this demon be you just want to go, or you can just walk away without him?"

"Nine ghost masters!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the middle-aged man spoke with respectful expression, and said, "From the beginning to the end, I didn't kill your heart. The reason is to help them compete. You just want to teach your magic! "

"Just want to teach the magic power of the demon master? Huh." Upon hearing what he said, Shi Feng hummed involuntarily and asked him with a smile:

"My demon asks you, you have no intention of killing my demon, but if your demon is defeated because of your nine-star demigod helper, what will happen to my demon?"

"This ..." After hearing the words, the middle-aged man didn't know how to answer.

It's not that he didn't know how to answer, but that he didn't dare to make a right. If this is what he said, then he is a dead end.

If he is defeated, how can the six major forces let him go! If he was defeated, how could he humiliate him at this moment.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Shi Feng said again to the handsome middle-aged strong man below, and said, "Did you just say it? Why, don't you talk?"

"The Lord of Nine Demons." At this time, the middle-aged strong man replied with a serious face again. "No matter what, the results of this battle have been determined. It is your Lord of Nine Demons who has won. Everyone here is here." Awaiting your disposal.

In the following, I did not think so much before, I just wanted to teach your peerless divine power. If I did wrong in the next, I hope you can open up one side and leave. "

"Have you been thinking so much about the demon director! Today you help them to kill the demon master, you have to be ready to die. Do you want to leave here alive? Huh, it's just a delusion and daydreaming!" Shi Feng coldly Say.

If everyone dares to kill themselves and be defeated, they say they have no intention of killing themselves and want to leave. If they really let him leave, how can they suppress this world in the future?

Wouldn't everyone dare to provoke his supreme power!

Upon hearing the words of that man, the middle-aged man's face changed quickly, and he quickly said, "This! This! Nine You Lord, if you really kill me today, then you will truly become an innocent monster Ah!

If you let me go, you will be grateful to you in the bottom of your heart. People in the world will say that you are a broad-minded master with clear grudges! "

"Get off! Why is this demon lord grateful for you?" Shi Feng sips coldly, and the sound of the drink has not fallen, "Ah!" I heard a terrible shout, and resounded on the top of this ancient mountain And then.

Then, "Pop!" I saw the handsome middle-aged strong man who had a strong body burst instantly and was bloody.

For the middle-aged man's death, the strong men on the mountain were not surprised at all.

He even talked to the fiend with no logical reason, and also said that if he was killed, he would kill the innocent devil, and what he let him know would be his broad-minded and resentful fart.

This fierce demon, the fierce name is outside, the strength is there, you have become his enemy, how can he evaluate him if he kills you?

It's just a joke.

Then, everyone in Gu'ershan heard that young and indifferent voice passed down: "Okay, these are just killed, some small grudges of the Lord of the Lord, it can be considered as over."




When the man in the mountain heard the words of this fiendish demon, his body suddenly trembled, and even the debilitating spirit followed at this moment!

He said the grudge ended? So, does this peerless existence want to kill only Gu Ze, Gu Qi, and Han Wei?

As for the middle-aged man, Mofu, he was trying to reason with the man himself, so he gave him a ride.

Then, many of them thought about the news discovered from the abyss of sin not long ago. At that time, the top ten demons would convene ten thousand martial arts to conquer. In the end, this fiendish demonic triumphed.

Although many people died in that war, the last survivor did seem to have let it go?

Even the top ten magic generals have only died for a while!

Then, they remembered the sacred land of Lei not long ago. This time ago, he did walk into the sacred land of Lei. Although the sacred land of Lei has ceased to exist in name, many people have survived.

This sacred place in Thunder did not kill everything!

Could it be ... is it true ...

In Goue, the more people think about it, the more they think it is possible!

Many people's original minds slowly relaxed.

Although this fierce demon is out, it does not seem to really kill innocent people!

Then, in Gu'er Mountain, one by one with expectation in his eyes, looking at the young figure standing on the serpent in the void, waiting for him to continue.

And just at this moment, I saw Shi Feng slowly speaking again: "Since the Lord of the Lord has settled some minor grievances of the past, we will come to settle this major grudge now!"

"Big grudge?"

"Eh? Big grudge? Why is there any big grudge?"

"Great grudge!"


When I heard Shi Feng ’s words, and when I heard “great grievances”, everyone in Gu'er Mountain had already let go of his heart, followed by a sudden shock, and his face changed suddenly!

Only then did they realize that the evil devil had previously said a "little grudge"!

Then, Shi Feng's voice sounded again: "This time, the Lord of the Devil came to destroy this ancient mountain of Guer, and at the time, the Lord of the Lord also thought that after destroying this mountain of Gu'er, I will go to you when I have time The royal family, the cold family, and the three gods took a trip and destroyed them by the way.

But I didn't expect that you people, together this time together in this ancient mountain, saved a lot of things for the Lord, then, you, all of you! go with! dead! Right! "

When Shi Feng talked about the last four, one word at a time, these simple four words were sentenced to death for these people below!

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

And just at the moment when the four words of Shi Feng sounded, the six big snakes under his feet immediately screamed out the fierce roar, and the huge snake body flew away from Shi Feng's feet, like a huge six-colored giant mountain. , Carrying the peerless fierce power, fell down to the Gu'er Mountain violently!

True God once again, the serpent at the top of the sky moved, and the calm void was boiling again.

"Boom Boom! Boom Boom Boom!" Even the huge golden mountain shook fiercely and fiercely!

A real catastrophe seems to be coming!

(End of this chapter)

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