Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1974: Let's fight!

Chapter 1974: Qi Li Revolts!

The six-headed snake fell, and Shi Feng and the old man's figures stood proudly in the air, looking down.

The woman in white from the small world originally sat cross-legged on the body of the serpent. At this moment, the serpent fell and she sat cross-legged in the void. At this moment, her slightly closed eyes opened slowly, and she looked down. Go on.

"Oh no!"

"Okay ... so strong!"

"This ... this power!"

"The power of true God!"

"no, do not want!"

Looking at the huge six-color snake body that fell violently, the faces of Gu'er Mountain have changed dramatically, filled with fear and panic, countless bodies, all shaking violently.

"To ... will you die?" Countless people in the mountains said secretly that the force of the six snakes falling, they knew that this was not the force they could compete with at all.

This should not belong to this world power at all!

"Resist with all your strength! Everyone will do their best! Life or death, let's fight here!" At this time, a mighty drink rang out at the top of Gu'er Mountain.

The man who yelled was the old man wearing a fiery red robe, exuding a peerless scorching heat, he is the **** of the sun gods, Yangdingtian!

Yangding Tian proudly stands on the top of the mountain, like a little sun, with a mighty body, this is a peerless powerhouse that stands out from the sky!

And at the moment when Yangdingtian's drinking sounded, all the peerless breaths kept rising from the peerless strong man.

At this moment, hundreds of peerless powerhouses are already doing this last fight.

Despite knowing that the giant that fell down is powerful, who would be willing to die!

What's more, which one of them did not go through the storms and hardships until today, and has gained the strength, status, and status of today.

How willing to die.

At this time, not only the hundred strong men on the top of the mountain were ready for a fight, but also a warrior in this ancient Guer mountain. All have to do this last fight.








The sounds of drinking one after another continued to scream in Gue Mountain. At this moment, I saw six bright glare shining above the top of Gue Mountain, exuding unparalleled power.

Contained in these six rays are the six true gods of the six forces!

The Wang Family Knife, Ancient Erjin Mountain, Han Family's Ice God, the Sun of the Three Gods, Meniscus, Stars!

"All the people obeyed the order and once again gathered all your strengths on the six artifacts to counter the fiends! Ah!"

Yang Dingtian yelled, and another mighty yell, roared out of his mouth.

Now the ancient God of Gu'ershan is dead, and it must be the sun-top of his sun **** to be the highest prestige in people's hearts!

Immediately afterwards, powerful, violent, hot, cold, fierce, and chaotic powers rushed into the Gu'er Mountains. According to the order of the sun and the sky, the warriors of the major forces poured their power into the artifacts of their respective forces .

The six artifacts hovering above the hundred powerful men instantly became brighter and dazzling.

But at this moment, the six snakes that had fallen wildly came suddenly and fell heavily on the six suspended artifacts.

"Boom!" A blast of peerless blasting sounded again and again.

The void that is boiling in all directions has been like a rolling wave, and the Guer Mountains, which is shaking more violently, have stood on this land for endless years. At this moment, it seems as if it is about to collapse.




"I can't support it!"


The collision of the six-headed snake with six real artifacts, but just a few breaths, at this time, the top of Gu'er Mountain had already groaned with pains and pains.

In fact, many people also know in their hearts that this six-headed snake that exudes the power of peerless power is simply not the strength of these people.

Earlier, many people saw it with their own eyes. At that time, it was this big snake that swept away, breaking through its six ancient forces, and teaming up for a few days to lay out the peerless killing array!

Even the killing team that took a lot of effort to break down was so easy to break, not to mention that at this moment it was just gathering the power of everyone to resist with real artifacts.

In fact, they are even more clear, even if they can compete with this six-headed monster? Above the sky, there is still a peerless fiend, which is the Lord and that is the real powerful existence!

Who can conquer such a fierce creature as his mount?

The reason why they are resisting again is that they are unwilling to die, so they are not willing to die!

But in the face of peerless power ...

At this moment, I saw that the six true **** warfare can no longer compete with the huge snake body of the six big snakes. The six-headed snake body pressed these six peerless devices and continued to fall towards the bottom. He fell on top of the mountain Gue.

"Oh no!"







Just listening to the horror, the pain, the unwillingness, the tragic, and the screams of screaming.

The six-headed snake was so fierce and fierce that dozens of peerless powerhouses on the top of the proud mountain had already been crushed and crushed to death by this pressure!

There are also survivors who are just dying and struggling. Like a candle in the wind, the fire of life goes out at any time.

The true power of the gods at the peak of the sky really turned out to be so horrible and truly a peerless beast.

"Oh!" The six-headed serpent seemed as if someone hadn't died in this pressure, and the six venomous serpent faces were raised to the sky at the same time, and they roared angrily, and saw his huge six-colored snake body suddenly Shocked!

The last remaining peerless breath was finally annihilated at this moment. The six ancient forces gathered the hundreds of peerless strongmen in Gu'er Mountain, and they died completely.

"All are dead!" Shi Feng, proud of the void, looked down and said with a sneer.

The old man beside him heard the words of the new owner, and his slightly stunned body could not help but tremble. This is one of the hundred peerless powers of the six ancient forces. Existence is like this, dead!

This is simply a one-to-one massacre.

Then, I saw Shi Feng proudly standing in the void, moving towards the six snakes below.

And the new owner didn't order, the old man remained in the air, waiting to be sent.

Another woman in white, still only looked down very flatly, as if all this had nothing to do with her. But the following massacre did not have anything to do with her.

Soon, Shi Feng's floating body fell on the snake body of Liuli Shen snake again, and her heart moved again ...

(End of this chapter)

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