Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1977: Liusang City, contest to recruit relatives.

Chapter 1977 Liusang City, Competition to recruit relatives.

The cabin was ready soon.

The old man originally requested that the tavern prepare a good room.

However, the best box room in this run-down tavern just looks clean, bright, and very simple. It is not as good as those in the old big city inns.

However, Shi Feng has no requirements for these, and now he just wants to find a quiet place to break through the soul.

In the room, only Shi Feng was left. After laying an enchantment in this room, he crossed his legs with his legs crossed and sat in the air half a meter above the ground.

This time, Shi Feng broke through the soul, and did not use the mysterious flame treasure tree of flames, because he already felt that the power of his soul was already breaking through the edge, there was no need to resort to foreign objects.

Followed by, Shi Feng concluded a mysterious fingerprint with both hands, eyes closed slightly, calmly, and entered the soul perception.


"Woohoo!" The wind howled, blowing between the heavens and the earth, rolling clouds appeared on the sky, the sky gradually fainted.

However, on the various avenues of the city, there was still a crowd of people, and looking at the direction of the crowd, it seemed to be all the way to the center of the city.

Look at this scale, as if something is happening in the city?

The old man Luan Wu, originally wanted to protect Shi Feng's law, but Shi Feng said when he entered the compartment, he thanked him, went out of the tavern, walked around and walked into the crowded avenue in.

As the crowd didn't leave for a long time, the old man discovered that the people around him were not quite right, so he asked, and the old man learned that today, it was the day when the owner of the Shasha City was competing for his little daughter.

The old man even heard that the three daughters of this city's main daughter, although young, are unparalleled in beauty, but in Shasha City, they are the first beauties!

In the past, in Shasha City, I don't know how many men fell for her beauty.

As soon as this was heard, the old man was also interested.

Although the old man had love in his heart for so many years, he had been thinking about that person, but this did not affect his interest in beauty.

So, the old man followed the crowd and walked to the center of this city. The old man also wanted to see how beautiful the three daughters of this city's owner were.

And he even thought about it, but now, himself, is a peerless powerhouse in the Eight-Star Demigod Realm, in this Shasha City, do not yet dominate the king?

It is said that the owner of the Shasha City is nothing more than a warrior in the realm of eight stars and demigods.


When the old man came to the Grand Plaza in the center of the city, it was overcrowded. At the center of the square, a platform was standing, which was five or six meters high. It seems that this platform is the platform used for competition.

But at this moment, the contest of recruiting relatives has not yet begun. Above the ring, there is no one at this moment.

Among the crowd, people have been talking a long time ago, and noisy.

"I heard that Miss Three's beauty is as memorable as a glance. I have a low level of martial arts. I don't expect to be here to embrace the beauty, just to see the beauty."

"I am a martial artist now, but I have already entered the state of two stars and demigods. If I can hold Miss Three home, I will certainly pamper her and spoil her forever." A young martial artist said.

"Your martial arts situation is only in the two-star demigod. If you want to win this competition, it is estimated that it is difficult." After hearing the words of the young martial artist, a serious-looking martial artist shook his head slightly.

"Well? You look down on me so much?

The Lord of the City set the rules this time. Only martial arts under the age of 28 are eligible to participate in the competition, and in Shasha City, how many people can enter the two-star demigod under the age of 28? "The young warrior disobeyed.

"Well? It turned out that people under the age of 28 were eligible to participate in the contest!" When the old man heard the words of the young warrior, he was slightly disappointed.

My own age ... seems a little older!

But thinking of this, the old man grinned suddenly again and said coldly: "Why the old man should take care of this! Now the old man is the capable man. The old man says he is eighteen years old, who dares to say that the old man is not eighteen years old?

The old man said that he was eighteen years old, and how could they take the old man! "


"Did you think that this time the city host put down this contest to kiss the protagonist, and only those of us in Shasha City participated? It is said that there are a lot of powerful geniuses in Beihuang, and the news has arrived! The battle of protagonist is definitely a battle of dragons and tigers. ! "

"Eh! Nothing wrong! We are the three beautiful ladies of Shacheng. They have long been known for their famine in the north. They must not be delusional about Miss Three. If they are not good, in the battle of Yantai, the saints of ancient forces, Heirs are likely to appear! "

"Son of the ancient holy land! This ... this won't be it." Hearing the man's words, the young military man who was still full of confidence just now was a little embarrassed.

In such small cities as Luosha City, he stepped into the two-star demigod at a young age, which can also be called a generation of Tianjiao.

But in the presence of the ancient saints, he will be nothing.

The saints of the ancient forces are all perverts. Younger but younger people may be Samsung demigods and four-star demigods. There are even more in the legend, but they have entered the five-star Demi god!

Those who are older, close to twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, are said to have been metamorphosis of six-star demigods and seven-star demigods!

These existences are not at all comparable to this two-star demigod.


"The descendants of those ancient forces!" And the old man murmured secretly in his mouth when he heard the words of the waves.

And just as he murmured secretly, he had already conceived in his heart that if any metamorphosis was encountered, it would be a big deal. He would then use that eight-star demigod combat technique, and he would be as injured as before and not let the other Better.

For the beauty, the old man's thoughts have become a little crazy.

But he thought again and thought that it was impossible at all, because he was too much.

How could the descendants of those ancient forces participate in this contest to recruit relatives, and how could they marry the daughter of the city's master of Shasha City.

Even if they thought, the forces behind them would not agree at all.


"Unexpectedly, so many friends came to hold Niemou's field!" Suddenly, people suddenly heard a mighty voice, sounding from the sky.

After hearing this voice, people looked up and looked up, and saw a mighty figure standing proudly. This is a middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow and a majestic Chinese face, with a smile on his face. .

At the sight of this person, many people recognized it. This is the owner of the city of Shasang, Nie Zhen!

"City Lord, City Lord is out!"

"Recruit yourself, is it finally about to start?"

"Miss Three? How about Miss Three? Why isn't Miss Three coming out! I'm here to see Miss Three!"

"I heard that the contest of recruiting relatives will be held for three days. Today is only the first day. It is estimated that Miss Three will not show up!"


(End of this chapter)

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