Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1978: Zhuge Qingfeng!

Chapter 1978 Zhuge Qingfeng!

As soon as the city's owner Nie Zhen appeared, in the city of Shasha, there were even more noisy discussions, and exclaimed.

Although this Nie Zhen is the owner of this small sandy city, here in the northern wasteland, although this mangling continent is not a character, but in this sandy soil, he is a generation of hegemony and peerless existence.

"Master Nie Zhen, the martial arts level is at the level of eight stars and demigods! If I can hold such a father-in-law's thigh, then I can really walk sideways from now on!" Someone looked at Nie Zhen above the sky , Said with a smile and fantasy.

For him, this is a peerless backer.

However, this warrior's realm is only in the state of Qixing Wuzun. He has a very mediocre existence and can only think about it.

Unless all the martial arts under the age of 28 were seriously injured, and let him pick up the bargain, and he really thought so.

However, this is not possible at all. Even if this is the case, the Lord Lord of the City would not agree at all.

"Father-in-law! Master father-in-law! Haha, hahaha!" The contest has not yet begun, but at this moment someone is shouting at his father-in-law against the figure above the sky, and he laughs out of the air, with an unbridled look.

This man dared to be so, it is estimated that his origins are not ordinary.

"Father-in-law!" And when he heard the word father-in-law, the old man Luan Be also grinned and spit out these two words from his mouth.

The city owner Nie Zhen is quite a few years younger than him. His age is estimated to be about the same as that of Nie Zhen's father.

Regarding the shout below, respectful or disrespectful, the Lord Nie Zhen did not seem to hear it. With a touch of indifferent smile on his face, as the Lord of Shasha City, he now held a fist at the bottom, Road:

"Thank you all for cheering, the little girl's contest for the pro contest, wait a moment and it will start!"

When Nie Zhen said these words, his eyes had been glancing at him secretly, as if waiting for someone, his heart secretly said:

"That guy, promised well, said that he was willing to come early to shock me, and said that he would be the referee for this contest, why, why not come!"

"Ha ha!"

However, while Nie Zhen was talking in that heart, a leisurely "huh" laughter suddenly sounded from the distance in the void.

"Come here! Finally come!" After hearing that "huh" laughter, Nie Zhen looked instantly and said, "This guy!"

Then, Nie Zhen turned her head slowly, and looked at the void from the laughter just now.

At this moment, in the rolling void, a white figure slowly appeared.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a white robe with a handsome appearance. His white robe and long black hair fluttered in the wind, looking a bit uninhibited, looking like a very laid-back look, holding a book in his hand. , Step by step towards the void here, as if walking pacing.

"Zhuge Qingfeng! It's him, Zhuge Qingfeng!"

"Zhuge Qingfeng! It turned out to be Zhuge Qingfeng!"


As soon as the man in the white robe appeared, many people in the Shasha City recognized the man, and his face was covered with shock, and his name was called out.

This is why the middle-aged man who appeared was so famous!

Zhuge Qingfeng, a forty-year-old nine-star demigod peerless powerhouse! And the most important thing is his identity, one of the eight elders in Tianhuang Holy Land, the eight elders!

In the ancient and powerful sacred place, the sacred place is a powerful and prominent existence.

"Nothing wrong! It is indeed the Eighth Elder Zhuge Qingfeng of the Heavenly Sacred Land! I did not expect that Zhuge Qingfeng came to us to sacrifice Shacheng! Is he also here to recruit relatives for our contest, and to us, Miss Peking Three Miss Shacheng? ?"

"But ... but if Zhuge Qingfeng participates in this contest, he will hold a fart? Let Zhuge Qingfeng win directly!"

"Isn't it that this contest recruits relatives, can only participate under the age of 28? This Zhuge Qingfeng is rumored to be forty years old, shouldn't he ... be eligible to participate in this contest?"

"What age and rules are all made for the weak. If Zhuge Qingfeng wants to join this contest to recruit relatives, would Nie really dare not refuse?"

"This ... also! Who dares to reject the Eight Elders in the Heavenly Sacred Land! If that's the case, he will live to the end."


The eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng of the desolate sacred place was still walking leisurely, getting closer and closer to the proud and empty city-lord Nie Zhen. At this moment, Zhuge Qingfeng showed an embarrassed expression, facing The crowd below fists and says:

"Sorry, everyone, I have kept you waiting."

As soon as Zhuge Qingfeng said this, people even thought that his Zhuge Qingfeng really came for the third lady of the Lord of the City!

I didn't expect that the eight elders in the Tianhuang Holy Land all came for the three young ladies in Shasha City, which is enough to see the three young ladies' temptation to men.

And when Zhuge Qingfeng appeared, and when he heard Zhuge Qingfeng's words, he was lost and suddenly appeared in the hearts of many people.

He Zhuge Qingfeng, Jiuxing Demigod, he's all here, how can this game be played?

Miss Three, will definitely belong to him Zhuge Qingfeng! Will surely become His Majesty Zhuge Qingfeng_Plaything!


Although many people are unwilling, but they are helpless and have to face this reality.

"Zhuge, the breeze!" The old man in the crowd, Luan Wu, secretly muttered the name.

When his old man was in the heavenly sacred place, the Zhuge Qingfeng didn't know where it was, but the eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng, who was newly entered, heard about it when he was in the abyss of sin.

Then, the old man's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he said quietly: "I didn't expect this guy, but also came here to grab a woman with the old man! Or, the eight elders in the heavenly holy land, right? Let's start the first battle! "

Although the old man is an eight-star demigod now, because he once had the experience of challenging the eight-star demigod when he was a seven-star demigod, the old man has always been very confident in himself and in his combat skills!

Now, I have the confidence to fight against the Eight-Star Demigod!

At this moment, people saw the city owner Nie Zhen speak again and said, "Well, everyone, the young lady's martial arts recruits will start here. In this competition, the city owner specially invited the eight elders of Tianhuang Holy Land to host it. ! "

"Eight elders preside?"

"The eight elders presided over! So, the eight elders Zhuge Qingfeng did not come to participate in the contest, but to preside over the competition?"

"That's it! That's it! I said," The eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng, how can he participate in this contest? If the woman he likes, Zhuge Qingfeng will just marry and leave, so why bother? ! "

But when hearing Nie Zhen's words, countless people showed up suddenly. As a result, they became relieved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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