Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1984: Just a ruthless person

Chapter 1984: A Ruthless Person

"Heaven! God! Fist!"

Just as the old man's fierce fist was about to hit Leng Xi's face, he suddenly heard the sound of a very cold drink, and drank from Leng Xi's mouth.

At the same time, I saw Leng Xi's violent punch punching out, and in an instant, he fought with the old man's violent fist.

"Oh!" The powerful forces clashed, and another loud sound resounded.

Immediately afterwards, under the eyes of everyone, people saw the figure of the old man, and immediately flew out under the power of Leng Xi.

In contrast, Leng Xi still looked cold and proud in his stand, as if standing on a giant peak between heaven and earth, generally unmoved.

"Victory! Did Leng Xi win?"

"Leng Xi, worthy of being the Holy Son of Heavenly Sacred Land! With just this blow, the old man was blown away."

"Looking at the beginning, Leng Xi didn't move at all, it was just a random shot."

"Well! Natural! Otherwise, the attack of Leng Xi, the Son of Heaven, is so easy to break."


The old man's body immediately flew out of Bibiyutai, and just before the fall, he saw the old body suddenly shake, forcibly stopped the falling body.

The old man was suspended in mid-air like this, and when his eyes stared at Leng Xi again, the old face had become abnormally dignified, and he secretly opened his mouth and said, "Good boy!"

The old man thought that he has now entered the realm of eight stars and demigods, and even if the talent of the Heavenly Son is outstanding, he cannot even compete with himself.

However, it was not expected that the punch that Leng Xi just blasted out not only blocked the blow of the power of eight stars and demigods, but also gave Hong Fei himself.

"God's Fist!" Then the old man secretly remembered the name of the combat skill that Leng Xi had just blasted out, and said, "If I don't remember, God's fist is a seven-star demi-level combat skill!" "

"Okay! Now that the boy has used the seven-star demigod combat skills, then I can get my hands on it!" After saying this, I saw the old man's figure move again, flashing at that speed to the seat again and again. Biwu Yantai.


"Miss, this old man, rushing towards the Heavenly Son again."

In the seventh-floor room of Wangyue Tower, Nie Ying and her girl-in-law were staring nervously at the Biwudai, two cheeks filled with panic.

At this moment, they were really worried, that the bad old man had won.

"Miss, why is this old man so shameless! It's such a big age that you have even come to participate in your contest with Miss."

"And the Zhuge Qingfeng is really true. The Lord of the City invited him to be a referee. How did he do it? The old man has already exceeded his age tomorrow, and even let him go to the ring to compete with the Heavenly Son."

"Ah!" Nie Ying sighed when she heard the complaining words beside her.

At this moment, I saw the old man above the platform and Leng Xi, the Son of Heaven, again fighting. At this moment, the two seemed to be evenly matched.

Looking at the scene on Biwu's stage, Nie Ying's two fair little hands had already clenched her fists tightly, Xiu's eyebrows tightened tightly, her sweet face seemed more and more tense, and secretly prayed in her heart: "Son of Heaven, you must not lose!"

When the Son of Heaven Falcon descended from the sky, Nie Ying had already acquiesced in her heart that she was this one.

And she also thought at the time that this one who participated in her own contest recruited a relative, and who else could defeat him.

But now I did not expect that the shameless old man who didn't know how many times had played, and played so fiercely with the Heavenly Son, regardless of victory or defeat.

Nie Ying was anxious. At this moment, the girl looked anxiously at the battle on the platform and said anxiously:

"Miss, what should I do! This old man seems to be really powerful! If he defeated the Heavenly Son, what should you do? Miss, can you really marry this bad old man?"

After hearing the words from the girl-in-law, Nie Ying stubbornly said, "If he wins! I will die if I win!"

As soon as Nie Ying's words fell, suddenly, only a mighty voice was heard, sounding behind her: "Do you really want to marry this cold light?"

Upon hearing that voice, Nie Ying and Yayi looked at each other, then turned around and looked at the person.

The visitor is the master of Ning Zhen, Nie Zhen.


"Master City Lord!"

Wang Xiang Nie Zhen shouted immediately.

Nie Zhen continued to move on both feet, step by step towards the two women, followed by, Nie Zhen also went to the window and looked towards the beating ring.

"Abba, this old man is obviously beyond his age, why did he let him go to the stage to fight against the Heavenly Son?" Nie Ying said to Nie Zhen with a look of conviction.

Nie Zhen did not answer Nie Ying's words, just as Nie Ying did not answer his words just now, his eyes were still looking at Biwudaitai, and after a while, he listened to Nie Zhen slowly and said,

"Yinger, you haven't told Abba, do you want to marry that desolate child?"


"A dad, which woman in the world doesn't want to marry the pride of heaven!" Although Nie Ying didn't directly answer Nie Zhenzhen's words, but these words are tantamount to saying that the coldness of the Heavenly Son is naturally a deserved heaven Proud.

Upon hearing her daughter's answer, Nie Zhen sighed deeply, "Yeah, which woman in the world doesn't want to marry the pride of heaven!"

"But Yinger, this cold light is not a good man worth entrusting. I have already inquired about him, but he has been messing with flowers all these years."

"He is the Holy Son of Heaven and the Holy Land. A man like him who is doing such a big thing naturally doesn't put his mind on a woman." Nie Ying said, even after she said this, she didn't even think of herself. He would say such things for him.

Not only did Nie Ying, but even Nie Zhen was a complexion, and she told her those things, but she did not expect her daughter to have started to speak for Leng Xi.

"Abba." At this time, Nie Ying spoke to Nie Zhen again: "The reason why Tianhuang Shengzi used to mess with flowers everywhere must be that he didn't touch his true love in this life. If he meets me, wait for him When he really falls in love with him, maybe he will be different.

Dad, I'm confident. With my stunning looks, he can definitely tie his heart, it's okay, dad! "

When it comes to the last sentence, Nie Ying's sweet face has become full of perseverance.

Seeing his daughter like this, Nie Zhen sighed in his heart, "Hey!"

"Sakura, Sakura, where do you know that this cold Xi is a ruthless person! And more than once or twice, I have done the ugly things that can only be achieved by animals and animals!" Said.

(End of this chapter)

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