Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1985: Congratulations to my Lord

Chapter 1985: Welcome To My Lord

"War Devil Slash! Slash!"

Above the battle table, the old man yelled, and another fist blasted towards the Lengxi, the Holy Son of Heaven, using his seven-star demigod technique that is now fully understood.

When the old man punched out, Leng Xi immediately saw a peerless war demon standing in the sky, holding a tomahawk, and slashing at himself fiercely.

"The Four Seals of the Wilderness!" At this moment, Leng Xi burst into a cold drink, and under the sound of a drink, I saw a seemingly illusive Sifangsen white seal, and then appeared on his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, the imaginary Four Seals became solid, and Leng Xi swallowed them instantly.



On that day, the four poles of the desolate land appeared, and the faces of the old man and Zhuge Qingfeng changed at the same time.

The four wild seals of Tianhuang are rumored to be peerless combat techniques handed down by the Emperor Tianhuang himself in ancient times. This is an eight-star demigod combat technique!

"Isn't this kid's martial arts realm in the realm of Qixing Demigod?" Zhuge Qingfeng looked at Biwu Yantai below and said in surprise.

Not that the seven-star demigod can not understand the eight-star demigod-level combat skills, but that he knows the difficulty of comprehending the advanced combat skills.

Haven't stepped into that realm, haven't realized the realm of that realm, do you know the mystery of other realms.

What's more, it is such superb combat skills as the Four Extremes of India!

And at this moment, the old man punched with a fierce bombardment on the Tianhuang Siji Seal!

"Boom!" Another peerless blast sounded through the sky, the entire void, and the entire Biwutai trembled fiercely at this moment.

At this moment, the old man's old face changed again and again, and he was instantly filled with extreme horror. He already knew that the four-pole mark of the wilderness was much stronger than his own blow.

"Uh!" The body suddenly trembled, and the sound of extremely painful roar came out of the old man's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the old man's body again flying upside down, and at the same time the red blood was pouring from his mouth.

From this it can be seen that under the four poles of the wilderness, this old man's motivating force is simply unbeatable.

The Four Polar Seals of Heaven and Earth is worthy of the Four Polar Seals of Heaven and Earth! Deserves to be an eight-star demigod super-combat skill!

And at this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, people saw that Zun Sen White Four Great Seal, which was also a fierce shock.

"Miss, Tianhuang Shengzi has won! Tianhuang Shengzi really is so strong! In my opinion, this old man is more ferocious this time!"

In the Yueyue Tower, Nie Zhen, Nie Ying, and the maidservant still looked at the Biwudai.

At this moment, seeing the heavenly Emperor Shengzi performing a stunt to shake the old man, the girl-in-law hurriedly cheered with excitement.

As a personal girl, if she is married, she will have to marry him.

In the future, if that uncle wants her to sleep together, she will not refuse, so of course, she is also very reluctant to be her bad old man.

"Sacred Son of Heaven! Maybe one day, I can also be blessed by Heavenly Son and become his woman, and maybe I can have children for him."

When I remembered that I might be spoiled by the Son of Heaven in the future, and gave birth to a child for him, the whole body of the girl-in-law suddenly became hot and suddenly became more excited.

"That's great!" At this time, even Nie Ying shouted with joy for the Son of Heaven.

"Ah!" Only the city owner Nie Zhen sighed secretly. Nie Zhen had no intention of letting Leng Xi marry his daughter Nie Ying.

From now until now, Nie Zhen hopes that old man defeats Leng Xi.

If the old man wins, Nie Zhen can unite Zhuge Qingfeng and cancel the marriage by force. After all, this old man is not in compliance.

And if Leng Xi becomes the uncle of this contest, then Nie Zhen would not dare to drop the marriage!

Nie Zhen did not expect to hold this contest to recruit relatives. He originally wanted to find a good young talent for his daughter, and a friend Zhuge Qingfeng pressed the field, thinking that everything could be under his control, but in the end, it turned out to be like this.

Really people are not as good as the sky.


Biwu Yantai.

The old man's wolf flew upside down, and once again flew out of Biwu Yantai, and the senbai sibai seal printed by that statue had also rushed out of the ring, and at a faster speed, the old man was about to be epicenter.

This time, the old man can be described as fierce!

"Fight it!" And at this moment, the old man with a pained expression moved again, showing a stern expression, followed closely, only listening to another low-drink, and yelled from his mouth:

"Star! Luo! Magic! Kill!"

Suddenly, he saw a towering magic column, suddenly rising from the old man's body, the old man's momentum suddenly changed suddenly, like the awakening evil spirit.

"This ... this power?"

"This ... so strong ... this ... what level of combat skills is this?"

"This old man is really not easy!"

"Did the old man keep his hand when facing the Son of Heaven, this is his real strength?"

"This power puts a lot of pressure on me!"


As soon as the Xingluo demon killed, exclaimed and rang out, even the Zhuge Qingfeng in the void, because of the towering dark magic column, his complexion changed again.

"Ah!" A rage sounded loudly from the old man's mouth. The old man carried a peerless magic power, and his palms pushed violently toward the four great seals in front.

At the same time, the dark magic pillar that rushed from him collapsed, and it was extremely violently blasted to the Four Heavenly Seals.

"Now that you are seriously injured, you haven't realized this warfare skill. If you run it so forcefully, it's almost death!"

Just when the old man's palms and the knocked-down magic pillar were about to collide with the Four Great Seals of Heaven and Earth, all of a sudden, I heard only a young and leisurely voice, and it sounded in this world.

Hearing the voice and the words, the old man's face changed again and again, his body shivered involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the dark pillar of magic falling down, and the Four Great Seals of the Famine coming from the front shock, which suddenly collapsed and dissipated instantly.

The palms pushed out by the old man immediately retracted. Due to the destruction of the four polar seals of Tianhuang, the golden and extraordinary figure of Leng Xi, the son of Tianhuang, appeared again.

At this moment, Leng Xi appeared again, and the young face was filled with shock, and he exclaimed: "Who! Who!"

The four polar seals of the Heavenly Famine, but passed down by the Lord that year, was so easily broken that he would not be allowed to be cold and shocked!

Not only Leng Xi, but also Zhuge Qingfeng, there was a shock on his face, and even he realized that the person who came was not easy.

"Greetings to my Lord!" At this time, everyone saw the old man holding his fists in his hands, bowing, facing the void ahead, saluting respectfully and reverently.

(End of this chapter)

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