Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1986: Improved Ghost One Finger!

Chapter 1986 Strengthened Nether Finger!

Everyone looked at the old man saluting in front of the void, and gradually, they saw a white misty figure appearing.

Later, the white figure gradually became solid, and a young man in a white robe, who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, appeared indifferent, as if he had no joy or sorrow.

The visitor is naturally the master of the nine ghosts, Shi Feng!

"Good mysterious figure!" Seeing the young man in white appearing below, the Eighth Elder Zhuge Qingfeng once again exclaimed.

That man arrived, not even his Zhuge Qingfeng just noticed it.

"Such a dazzling figure, does this person come from hell?" What Zhuge Qingfeng first thought of was the killing power of the so-called first figure in the world, hell.

And the old slave saluting him below practiced a kind of demon warfare, and he was not a decent person at all.

"Heaven, Four Polar Seals!" Although Shi Feng had no joy or sorrow on her face at this moment, her heart caused waves.

The essence of the Four Heavenly Seals of the Heavenly Sovereign Son, which was just cast by him, was created by himself in the previous life.

This wild four-pole seal was improved and strengthened on the basis of his nine quiet four-pole seal, forming this eight-star demigod-level combat technique!

Your Nine Ghosts! Jiuyou Quadrupole Seal! Unexpectedly, they all appeared in this heavenly sanctuary!

At this moment, Leng Xi, the arrogant prince at the edge of Wubitai, looked at the white young man in front of him with a dignified face, and said with a cold voice, "Who are you?"

"Nether." Shi Feng said calmly, and returned.

While speaking these words, Shi Feng's gaze was still looking at the Heavenly Son in front.

"Nether." Leng Xi secretly thought about this strange name, and looked at the other side as he hit him on Shi Feng.

This person's age is six or seven years younger than him, but he can't see his martial arts at all.

Regarding this, Leng Xi is not very concerned about it. In his opinion, there are hidden treasures in the martial arts realm, and the other party should not see through his martial arts realm.

What Leng Xi cares about most is that just now, this person broke his mark of the Four Heavens in the blink of an eye.

Although it is not his strongest means to deal with the cold weather, it is definitely not easy to break it easily.

Leng Xi thought about it for a while. If it was replaced by himself, it would not be so easy to break the Four-pole Seal of the Heaven and Earth.

Then, I saw Leng Xi staring at Shi Feng's eyes suddenly, and said secretly in my heart, "Maybe today, I will use that trick!"

"This person is young, in what realm? Eight-star demigod? Or, nine-star demigod!" Above the sky, the eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng also kept looking at the young man in white and said secretly.

"You step back to heal first," Shi Feng said at this time, and said to the old man behind him.

"Yes, my lord! Thank you my lord!" The old man said, following his figure slowly flying back, retreating to the void in the rear, so suspended in the void with his knees crossed, and after swallowing an elixir for healing, he Run the healing method.

Retreat healing is such an important time, but the old man at the moment is not taking any precautions. He believes that there is the new master, and no one touched him.

After the old man retreated, Shi Feng looked at Leng Xi ahead and said quietly, "Go ahead!"

At this moment, Shi Feng seemed to be full of young strong, and Leng Xi saw that someone dared to do so in front of himself, and was a young man several years younger than himself.

"Huh! This person has to die today!" Leng Xi said ruthlessly in his heart, followed by a flicker of the figure, and in an instant, he had reached Shi Feng, pointed out his right index finger, and killed him. Shi Feng.

The trick he used seemed simple, but in fact, he had already used another super skill from the heavenly ancestors. God of Heaven said that both belonged to the eight-star demigod war technique.

The **** of heaven and wilderness points, senses the heaven and earth, merges into the heaven and earth, mobilizes the extremely overcast power of heaven and earth, and then gathers the power of the whole body, the power is superimposed layer by layer, point out with one finger!

"God's Wild God's Finger! This boy has even understood the God's Wild God's Finger! Could it be ..." Another eight-star demigod's combat skills were performed by Leng Xi, and the Zhuge Qingfeng in the floating sky was shocked again.

There are many opinions in the world of martial arts in the coldness of the Heavenly Son, and some people speculate that he has now entered a five-star demigod, and some people have said that he has entered a six-star demigod, and some say he has reached a seven-star demigod.

As for the realm in which it is, even people in the heavenly sacred place are guessing.

As the eight elders, Zhuge Qingfeng, the exact news received a few days ago is the Seven-Star Demigod.

However, at this moment, the cold Xi successively exhibited two eight-star demigod combat skills. Zhuge Qingfeng already thought that the news of a few days ago was wrong!

Or maybe this evildoer has advanced in the near future!

If he is a seven-star demigod, he can already understand the four extreme seals of the sky, and he can already call it against the sky.

But as far as Zhuge Qingfeng, who knows the God of the Wild, knows that it is impossible to understand this combat technique under the Eight-Star Demigod!

Unless this is the case, Leng Xi, the Holy Son of Heaven, has successfully entered the eight-star demigod state.

A twenty-five-year-old eight-star demigod, this is definitely a peerless demon!


At the same time, when Shi Feng saw the finger pointed out by Leng Xi, her face changed quickly.

This finger, like the quadrupole seal, is strengthened, and the finger is a ghost!

Nine Youming exercises! Jiuyou Quadrupole Seal! At this moment it's a finger! Heavenly Holy Land! This desolate holy land!

The Celestial God's finger, in addition to condensing peerless power on the finger, the surrounding air has become extremely cold and cloudy under the Celestial God's finger, penetrating into the bone marrow.

The horror that had just appeared on Shi Feng's face appeared fast and disappeared faster, but was caught by Leng Xi, the Heavenly Son.

Leng Xi grinned, smiled coldly, and said coldly to Shi Feng: "Are you afraid?"

Leng Xi originally thought that this person was not simple, but because of the shock that appeared on this person's face just now, a touch of disdain appeared on Leng Xi's face immediately.

At this moment, the God of Famine refers to the rapid speed of reaching Shi Feng's forehead, seeing that it will soon be tapped in, breaking his head.

"Huh, I'm afraid?" Shi Feng grinned dismissively at the three words Leng Xi said.

The finger of the ghost was created by him in the year of the ghost. Even now, even if the Emperor of Heaven was showing this strengthened finger of the ghost, he did not put it in his eyes at all.

I saw Shi Feng at this critical moment, his right hand was slightly shaken, a white hand shadow, actually faster than Leng Xitianhuang God's finger, thrown on the one finger carrying the cold cold peerless force.

There was a crackling sound, echoing in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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