Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1987: Could it be him!

Chapter 1987 Is It Him?



An extremely bland sound sounded, but the two faces who were so prominent in the heavenly holy land changed face to face. Only with the simple hit of the young man in white, the eight-star demi-level peerless combat skills day The desolate **** pointed out that it was so, it was broken.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! How is this possible! Ah!" On the face of Leng Xi, the Heavenly Emperor's Son, was full of unbelievable content.

He is cold and cold, as Zhuge Qingfeng thought, and now he has indeed entered the realm of eight stars and demigods. He has long thought that he is the first day in the world to be worthy of pride.

However, he did not expect that the eight-star demigod-level combat technique that he launched with all his strength was broken by the person in front of him so easily.

At this moment, Leng Xi couldn't accept the matter in front of him. When such a person emerged from the wild continent.

"Take another move." After Shi Feng broke away from Leng Xi's attack, she didn't attack Leng Xi, and spoke quietly, and said to Leng Xi.

He wanted to see again, what "wild warfare" is there in this wild place!

The more she saw Shi Feng in front of her, the more angry Leng Xi became, and the more she felt that the person in front of her was humiliating herself, at this time, she only heard Leng Xi screamed and yelled into the sky: "Heaven! Destroyed! "

And just as Leng Xi sounded the shout, the martial arts under the platform immediately had an illusion, as if the space around him, as if his own body, had been destroyed at this moment.

"This battlefield of heaven and sacred land is not my own skill, but it is a bit interesting." Shi Feng said secretly, feeling a strange force surrounding the whole body.

Leng Xi's use of this weird warfare technique can make others hallucinate, but how can he bewilder him Shi Feng.

Now that Shi Feng has gone out of the game, it has already shown that his soul reaching the peak of the four-star demigod has entered the five-star demigod.

How powerful is the soul power of the five-star demigod!

Leng Xi stared straight ahead, and yelled at Shi Feng: "Break!"

Suddenly, Shi Feng felt only a cold, weird, and violent invisible force appearing on his body, seeming to tear his body violently.

The famine is destroyed, and the enemy is first deceived, causing the enemy to have the illusion that his body is broken, and then torn apart with violent force. It can be said that this combat technique starts with the enemy's "heart".

Those who are not in a good mood can easily be recruited.

However, his opponent this time in Leng Xi was Shi Feng.

"Broken!" When Leng Xi's "broken" word just dropped, Shi Feng spit out a "broken" coldly.

Immediately afterwards, this "Desolation of Desolation" had been instantly broken by his Shi Feng, and the hallucinations produced by the people disappeared immediately. The strange and invisible force that appeared on Shi Feng also disappeared instantly.

Leng Xi's face once again revealed an incredible look.

"Eh!" Then, no one saw what was happening, but saw Leng Xi's figure startle, a painful roar emanating from his mouth, and then saw his figure, flying backwards. Out.

"God ... the Son of Heaven is blown away!"

"God! Heavenly Sage! What happened just now? At that instant, I didn't see this man's shot?"

"This ... this man! He even flies to Heavenly Son!"

"No ... no! In this world ... there are still such young people! Who is this ... in the end!"

"Oh my God! Judging from this person's roots, it's just eighteen years old! This ... this is incredible!"


Lian Xi, the sacred child of the sky, was blown away, and the sound of exclaiming continued to rang from the crowd below the ring, and the sound of exclaiming came one after another, like a turbulent wave,

Every face was filled with shock at this moment.

"Unexpectedly, the Lengxi was flying!" The eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng was also screaming in surprise.

Although the young man in white appeared, Zhuge Qingfeng thought he was not easy, but he did not expect that he was so simple!

Just now he knew that Leng Xi entered the realm of the Eight-Star Demigod, and he thought that this was indeed a generation of unbelievable demons, and this one, seven or eight years younger than Leng Xi, beat Leng Xi to fly, what was he saying?

It's simply a peerless evil!

"Heaven ... Heavenly Sovereign Son, actually ... actually flew out!"

At the same time, in the Yueyue Tower, Nie Zhen, Nie Ying, and the girl-in-law have all changed their faces, and the girl-in-law screamed involuntarily.

For them, the cold dawn of the Heavenly Son is supposed to be the invincible existence of the younger generation. Even if there is a Tianjiao who is stronger than the Heavenly Son, it should be with him in the middle of the middle and fight for three days and three nights. Divide the kind of winner.

But he did not expect that the heavenly wasteland was like a child in front of the young man in white, and was not his opponent at all.

"This person! What kind of person is this!" Nie Zhen stared at the young man in white floating in the distant void, stunned.

At this time, Nie Ying next to Nie Zhen asked, "Abba, who is this? There is such a genius in this world!"

Nie Zhen shook his head slowly and slowly said, "I don't know. I have never heard of such a character."

"No!" Then, Nie Zhen's face changed suddenly again, as if suddenly thinking of something, suddenly thinking of that "person".

Seeing Nie Zhen's eyes widened suddenly, his face looked like a horrible look of fear on the cloth, and Nie Ying's sweet face immediately appeared worried, and asked, "What's wrong, dad?"

"He! He! Could it be him! He came to Shasha City for us! Yes, yes, it is probably him! It must be him! Who else can do so badly except him!" Nie Zhen did not answer her daughter Nie Ying's words just kept mumbling to herself.

"Abba, what are you talking about? What is he? Who is it?" Nie Ying asked.

The girl-in-law looked at Nie Zhen puzzledly.

Hearing her daughter's words, Nie Zhen slowly spoke and spit out the name: "He! Lord of the Nine Demon! Shi Feng!"



Upon hearing the six words, "The Lord of the Nine Demon Stone Maples", Nie Zhen and Aya suddenly exclaimed in unison, and the two pretty faces also changed wildly.

Nowadays, who doesn't know this one!

Following that, Nie Ying and the girl-in-law slowly turned their heads again, and the two pairs of beautiful eyes once again condensed on the white figure.

Nie Ying secretly said, "This one, will he really be him? Jiuyou Lord, Shi Feng. Now the strongest man in the barren continent!"


With a bang, Leng Xi's figure fell down heavily and landed heavily on the Biwu platform, and the entire platform trembled violently.

"I ... I ... I even ..." Leng Xi was lying on the ring, and his young and handsome face had become extremely fierce and embarrassing at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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