Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1988: It's stupid enough!

Chapter 1988 is stupid enough!

"Ah!" An extremely angry roar roared from the mouth of Heavenly Son.

Lian Xi, the Holy Son of Heaven, was not only as simple as being beaten, but he was beaten up in the eyes and lying on the ring. It was no different from slap in the face.

What is happening today may soon be spreading across the northern wasteland, and perhaps even the entire wild wasteland, and it will become the laughingstock of the world.

Strange shame! This is simply a shame!

"Ah!" The sound of the raging roar continued to echo, and the air in this space has been violently shaking and boiling from now until now.

Immediately after, she saw Leng Xi's body lying on the top of the platform, and then stood upright, with a fierce face, facing the stone maple outside the platform not far from the platform.

After seeing the desolate son standing up again this day, Shi Feng's feet started to walk slowly, and after three breaths, he entered this match Wudai.

Subsequently, he continued to walk slowly, step by step towards that Heavenly Son.

On Shi Feng's face, there was still the indifferent look that did not put anyone in his eyes. The breeze came, and the white robe on his body fluttered with the wind.

Looking at the person in front of him step by step towards such coquettishness, Leng Xi's figure in the roar immediately flashed fiercely, flashing to Shi Feng again.

At the same time, Leng Xi drank again: "Godless! Seal of Life and Death!"

Leng Xi's hands, each with two ancient mysterious seals, radiate a strong breath of life above his right hand, while his left hand is filled with a strong momentum of death, and a faint stream of death haunts it.

At this moment, Leng Xi, the Holy Son of Heaven and Famine, feels like a person who controls the life and death of this heaven and earth!

"The seal of death and death in heaven! No, this kid has realized the seal of death and death in heaven!" Zhuge Qingfeng, who was originally surprised by the strength of the young man in white, was surprised by the coldness again this time!

From now until now, the surprise on his face does not seem to have receded.

The Eighth Elder Zhuge Qingfeng of the Heavenly Sacred Land has few things that can move him on weekdays, and today he is really too surprised.

The Seal of Life and Death in Heaven is one of the peerless in the Holy Land of Heaven, and this combat skill is a combat skill at the level of nine stars and demigods! Leng Xi, however, has already realized this combat technique!


"That! That is! Seal of Life and Death!" Wang Yuelou, the city's owner Nie Zhen looked at the Heavenly Son on the stage of Biwu, looking at the ancient handprints made by his hands, feeling the breath of life and death that he exudes, and was involuntarily shocked. Exclaimed.

When Nie Zhen exclaimed again, Nie Ying spoke. Asked him, "A seal of life and death?" Dad, what is it?

"The Seal of Life and Death, one of the special skills of the Heavenly Sacred Land, is a nine-star and demigod-level warfare skill. I once saw your uncle Zhuge show it! The Seal of Life and Death controls the life and death." Nie Zhen said .

"What, Jiuxing demigod-level combat skills! Heavenly Sovereign Son, actually realized the Jiuxing demigod-level combat skills!"

When Nie Zhen's words were heard, Nie Ying, who had just recovered, and the girl-in-law were startled again.

"This heavenly dear son is indeed a portrait of heaven! But it is a pity. The opponent he encountered today is this one. Today, he is doomed to defeat!

I don't know if this war will leave a shadow in the heart of his Son. "Nie Zhen said again.

But at this time, the eyes of the three young lady Nie Ying had stared tightly at the young white figure, and she secretly said in her heart:

"The Lord of Nine Youmon! This is the Lord of Nine Youmo who is now famous all over the world! And his battle at this moment is to participate in my contest! He will, if he wins the Son of Heaven, then ... Marry me? "

"Nine Youmon Lord! Nine Youmon Lord!" At this time, not only was Nie Ying secretly thinking about this Nine Youmon Lord, but even the girl next to her was secretly thinking about the name Nine Youmon Lord. .


Above the beating platform, Shi Feng has stopped and walked, looking at Leng Xi, the Son of Heaven who is approaching quickly, and a look of appreciation appeared on his face:

"One person is in control of the power of life and death at the same time. This combat technique is indeed exquisite! It is not easy to create such a peerless combat technique."

It turned out that Shi Feng's appreciation was not the appreciation of the cold sun, but the person who created the seal of life and death.

Followed by, Leng Xi had flashed in front of Shi Feng, and at this moment, Shi Feng finally shot, and saw that he just bent his right middle finger, pressed his thumb on the middle finger, and then faced forward, just so Flick.

"This!" Under Shi Feng's understatement, the coldness of the Heavenly Son's face changed suddenly again.

At this moment, the breath of life and death on his body had completely dissipated, and the power of life and death gathered on his hands had disappeared without a trace.

The mark of life and death, one of the stunts in the heavenly sacred land, was broken with one finger!

Leng Xi's swift body has stopped, standing in front of Shi Feng's body, staring blankly at Shi Feng.

At this moment, he is neither advancing nor retreating. He is a bit lost, and just feels that he is in a dream. If this is a dream, Leng Xi really hopes to wake up soon, I really hope that the young man in white in front of me disappears Never appear in this world.

Unfortunately, this is not a dream!

"I see, he! It's him! It must be him!" At this time, even the Zhuge Qingfeng above the sky, staring at the white figure below, thought of that one.

In this world, it's the only one who can be so bad at this age.

"Ah!" And at this moment, Leng Xi, the sacred Son of Heaven who had been full of misgivings, burst into an angry roar, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

When roaring these two sentences, the ancient and peerless momentum of life and death erupted again from his coldness. The coldness of the Heavenly Son, once again, exhibited the stunt of the Heavenly Heaven!

This is the coldest skill he has learned today!

"Drink!" With a loud shout, Leng Xi contained the marks of life and death, and blasted at Shi Feng at the same time.

"Stop! Hurry up, Leng Xi! If you don't stop, you will harm our entire heavenly sanctuary!" Seeing Leng Xi like this, the eight elders Zhuge Qingfeng on the sky shouted in shock at Leng Xi below. .

If this cold Xi continues to fight with this entanglement, Zhuge Qingfeng is really afraid of his heavenly wasteland and holy land, into the sacred place of Thunder, Gu'er Mountain, and the triad religion.

However, at this moment, Leng Xi, where he could hear the words of Zhuge Qingfeng, contained the marks of life and death, and was getting closer and closer to the white figure in front of him.

"Huh! Stupid!" Seeing this man even dared to attack himself, Shi Feng immediately gave a disdainful sneer and said, "It's stupid to know that I'm not my adversary, but dare to attack me!"

(End of this chapter)

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