Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1992: Emperor of Heaven, Leng Aoyue!

Chapter 1992 Heavenly Desolate Ancestor, Leng Aoyue!

Heavenly Father! It's the Heavenly Father!

Obviously, these nine nether meditations created by himself have become the creation of their heavenly ancestor!

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked, "It is said that your ancestor of the Heavenly Desolation came from another continent in ancient times?"

"Well, there is nothing wrong!" Zhuge Qingfeng nodded and replied.

This matter is not a secret to the heavenly wilderness.

Later, Zhuge Qingfeng also said, "In ancient times, our ancestors in the heavenly desert sacred ancestors were cold and proud, coming from the **** war continent. After that, we created the heavenly desert sacred land in our wild desert land. The ancestor found the mysterious land that returned to the warland, and it is you ... "

"Wait!" While Zhuge Qingfeng was speaking these words, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved, interrupting the words he wanted to continue.

Following Shi Feng quickly, he said again, "You said that your ancestors in the wilderness were called Leng Aoyue!"

Leng Aoyue! Leng Aoyue! Leng Aoyue, Lord of the Famine City! Three disciples of Emperor Jiuyou!

"Yes, Jiuyou Demon!" Zhuge Qingfeng replied, but he found that when the Jiuyou Devil heard the name of the ancestor, he seemed to be a little bit wrong.

"Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Tianhuang City! Liao Aoyue, the Lord of Tianhuang City! Aoyue, is it really you?" Shi Feng murmured secretly. The Holy Land of the Desolation in Ancient Times!

But the magic of the desolation, the four marks of the desolation, and the desolation of the desolation! All come from their own exercises and combat skills.

Therefore, the name of "Leng Aoyue" must not be a coincidence.

"Did Aoyue go to the God War continent and go back? Then came to this wild continent, and finally, returned to the God War continent?"

"If that's the case, can this heaven be a holy land?"

For a while, Shi Feng felt a little incredible. If that was the case, his disciple Leng Aoyue might have crossed time and space!

In Shi Feng's previous life, he has seen records about travelling through time and space, but the authenticity of that record has been controversial in the Tianheng continent.

After all, this travels through time and space, going back to the past or going to the future is really incredible.

"Jiuyou Lord? Jiuyou Lord." Suddenly saw the Jiuyou Lord a bit stunned, Zhuge Qingfeng called his name softly.

Hearing Zhuge Qingfeng's call, Shi Feng gradually woke up, looked at him, and said, "Nothing."

After saying this, Shi Feng turned her head slightly, looking at the golden figure still lying on the ground, Heavenly Son, Leng Xi.

His last name is also cold!

Followed by Shi Feng, he asked Zhuge Qingfeng: "His surname is cold, so in terms of bloodlines, he is the descendant of your heavenly ancestor?"

"Huh!" Zhuge Qingfeng replied: "The sacred place in the heavens has a legacy of ancestors long ago.

"Oh." Shi Feng said "Oh" softly. I didn't expect that Leng Xi was the descendant of his apprentice Leng Aoyue.

This heavenly sage, Shi Feng originally thought it was not a good thing, and wanted to kill him at that time.

But now I did not expect that this person was actually a descendant of Leng Aoyue, and he was regarded as his own disciple.

If it was only his own sons and daughters, Shi Feng might have killed him, but after all, the blood flowing in his body was the blood of Leng Aoyue.

"Let him be spared! Let's go to the deserted Holy Land that day and let the Lord strictly discipline him." Shi Feng secretly said in his heart.

But he was thinking, Leng Aoyue traveled through time and space to go to ancient times. Now, is he still alive?

Then, Shi Feng remembered that day in Destiny Mountain, the old Tianyong said to himself that Leng Aoyue and Jin Mo were still alive.

"Anyway, I'll go to that **** war continent before talking!" Shi Feng said.

"Let's get up now and go to the heavenly wasteland!" At this moment, Shi Feng said to Zhuge Qingfeng with an irresistible, command-like tone.

Hearing this tone, Zhuge Qingfeng did not feel any discomfort. Today, he is the strongest man in the wild continent, and it can be said that he is now the master of this wild continent!

"Okay, Lord of the Nine Demons!" Zhuge Qingfeng respectfully responded, then he slowly turned his head and looked at the Heavenly Son: "Lord of the Nine Demons, this ..."

"The Lord of the Lord spared his life today, and brought it back to your heavenly wasteland, so that your Lord can take good care of it in the future, and don't do anything wrong." Shi Feng said.

"Yes, thank you Lord Jiuyou!" Zhuge Qingfeng thanked, and followed the sleeve robe toward the golden figure.

Leng Xi's body flashed a white light immediately, and then disappeared. Zhuge Qingfeng was included in his mysterious space.

After doing this, Zhuge Qingfeng seemed to remember something again, followed by shaking his head immediately, saying in his heart:

"According to regulations, this is the lord of the ring, but how can he be regarded as the daughter of the lord of the sand city. How can he be willing to be the son-in-law of the lord of the sand city?"

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qingfeng will no longer mention the matter of recruiting relatives directly. If he really intends to recruit relatives, he will naturally say.

However, he has already ordered and now he is heading to the Holy Land of Heaven.

Following that, Zhuge Qingfeng's hands moved again, and the enchantment previously laid in this space was instantly removed.

There was that enchantment before, all the outside sounds were cut off, and it was very quiet above the ring.

Now that the enchantment has withdrawn, I just listen to the uproar and keep ringing from all sides.

"What the **** are you talking to the eight elders?"

"I thought that the Lord of the Nine Wraiths would fight the Eight Elders, but they didn't fight at all!"

"It's really fighting, who is the eight elder's opponent to the Lord of the Nine Phantoms? Didn't you find out that these eight elders are now respectful to the Lord of the Nine Phantoms? Maybe the eighth elder Zhuge Qingfeng has already submissed this Nine Wraith Lords. "

"Return, isn't it?"

"Why not, what are the surrenders for the sake of life under the power of the Nine Nether Demon Lord? Haven't you heard that the top ten generals of the evil abyss have now all the Nine Negemon Lord?"


Wangyue Tower.

"Abba, this time the contest invites pro, the winner should be the Lord of the Nine Evil Monsters!" Nie Ying said to Nie Zhen, the master of the city of Shasha.

"The victor, it stands to reason, is indeed his master of nine ghosts. But Yinger, this master of nine ghosts, we can't afford to climb at all!" Nie Zhen was willing to let the famous ghost of the world nine The Lord became his son-in-law.

However, they have to look after their daughter.

Then, Nie Zhen only listened to her daughter Nie Ying and said, "Aba, I decided to give it a try!"

"A try?" Nie Zhen didn't understand what his daughter Nie Ying said.

How to try?

(End of this chapter)

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