Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1993: Nie Ying's Confidence

1993 Nie Ying's Confidence

Nie Ying didn't directly answer her father Nie Zhen. On her sweet face, a sense of perseverance gradually appeared, and she slowly turned her head and looked at Nie Zhen.

Then, when she saw Nie Zhen firmly, she said, "Abba, you believe me!"

Looking at the determined look on her daughter's face, I don't know why, Nie Zhen only felt that her daughter's feeling at this moment was different from the past.

This feeling is that as the master of the city of Luosha City, Nie Zhen, who is used to seeing the world, cannot say clearly.

It was as if her daughter had just said it, as if she could really conquer the Lord of the Nine Demons.

But daughter Nie Ying, with a sweet face, does have a natural temptation for men.

Although Jiuyou Lord is strong, he is also a man.

"Perhaps Yinger can really ..." While Nie Zhen was thinking about this, she suddenly saw that the figure beside her was moving.

The red glamorous shadow suddenly floated from the window to the void outside.

"Miss." The girl shouted at the red shadow, and saw that the red shadow went away instantly.

With the previous thoughts, Nie Zhen did not stop her daughter, but her eyes were quietly solidified with the beautiful figure in red, and said secretly:

"Sakura, Abba wishes you success here! With your peerless appearance, Abba believes that you will surely capture the heart of the world's first strongest!"

"Miss!" The maid next to her, also solidified the red shadow floating away in the void, murmured softly.

Just like the woman who had previously imagined that she might become the Son of Heaven, the maidservant was already fantasizing at this time. If the lady really married the Lord of the Nine Demons, she might be the woman of the Lord of Nine Demons.

The first strongest in the world, Jiuyou Demon, compared with him that day, the barren sage is not a level at all. If he could get the favor of his Jiuyou Demon, he would be embraced by such a powerful man and be with him It is such an honor to linger in the night.

Woman of the Nine Demon Lord ...

Thinking of this, the girl's whole body became hotter, her heartbeat accelerated, and even her breathing became a little heavy without realizing it.


Above the competition platform, Shi Feng and Zhuge Qingfeng were about to leave this city of Shasha. Suddenly, I saw a crisp and pleasant female voice sounding like a yellow cymbal:

"Jiuyou Lord, Uncle Qingfeng!" The voice was soft and sounded very comfortable.

Upon hearing the female voice, Shi Feng slowly raised her head and looked up.

In the void, a beautiful figure of red and enchanting flickered into his eyes, and even more glamorous under the reflection of the sunset.

On the fair face, the red lips were slightly grinned, with a slight smile, but it gave a very sweet feeling.

"Miss Three! Miss Nie Ying!"

"Yes! Miss Three! I finally saw Miss Three!"

"Miss Three! Beauty! So beautiful! Miss Three is so beautiful! Especially when she laughs."

"No ... no more! I'm about to suffocate! Miss Three, it's so suffocating! I ... I can't help myself anymore."

"Ah! It's just a pity!" At this time, countless people in the crowd were sighing secretly, because the three young ladies did not belong to themselves.

"The Lord of the Nine Wraiths defeated the Son of Heaven, that is to say, now Miss Three is already the woman of the Lord of the Nine Wraiths!"

"Hero loves beauty, beauty loves hero! Hey!"

"Jiuyou Lord, you can hold Miss San to sleep tonight. When I think of Miss San and other men ... hey, my heart is so painful now!"

"From now on, Miss San's body will belong to Jiuyou Demon Lord!"

"It's envy, jealous, and hate!"


Shi Feng looked at the woman in red, who was suspended in the void. This woman was truly stunning and beautiful.

Listening to the exclamation from all directions, it turned out that this is the protagonist of this contest, Miss Nie Jiasan!

Zhuge Qingfeng looked at the coming Nie Ying, nodded to her, and said, "Yinger is here."

"Well, Uncle Qingfeng." Nie Ying also nodded slightly, and gently replied to Zhuge Qingfeng with a full face.

Then the beautiful eyes turned and looked at the Nine Phantom Lord next to Zhuge Qingfeng again.

So young is the world's first evildoer, and has a magnificent manner and a handsome appearance.

"Isn't that what I've been waiting for?"

"Jiuyou Lord." At this time, Nie Ying shouted softly at Shi Feng who was looking at herself again.

"Huh!" Shi Feng said a little when she shouted again, and nodded politely to her, saying hello.

At this time, Nie Ying, with a sweet smile on her face, smiled, like a blooming red rose, and opened her mouth to the stone maple below, saying, "Congratulations to the Lord of the Nine Phantoms, and won this event from my father Contest to kiss! "

When it came to the end, two smears of red on Nie Ying's cheeks appeared and followed, only to see her slightly lowered her head a bit shyly, but she looked more delicate.

For the warriors below, such three misses, Nie Ying, are even more tempting.

"Shy! Look at me, Miss Three is shy! I really want to squeeze that shy face!"

"Dare you pinch? Don't be afraid that the Lord of the Nine Demons will chop you into meat sauce!"

"Miss Three is at this moment, it is already obvious that she is expressing her love to Lord Jiuyou! Congratulations to her Lord Jiuyou for winning the contest and congratulations on winning her beauty! Miss Three, Xu Fang's heart is secret ! "

"Ah, ah, ah! My third lady! My heart hurts!"


Looking at the glamorous lady above the void, looking at the peerless demon above the ring, the crowd talked again and again.

At this moment, many people are looking at these two more and more.

The Zhuge Qingfeng beside Shi Feng had silently watched and listened silently.

Nie Ying has already expressed her attitude. Next, it is to see what the attitude of the nine ghost masters is.

Followed, but saw Zhuge Qingfeng frowned secretly, secretly in his heart: "Although this girl is very beautiful, but this one, she must not fancy her!

I have heard that this demon evil seems to have something to do with Jiang Ning, the girl in Jiang's family. Compared with Jiang Ning Jiang Ning, this girl is far worse in any aspect. "

Nie Ying bowed her head, secretly looking at the person below. At this moment, she wanted to see him, but she was afraid to look at him.

The heart of that girl had already "banged" and jumped. At this moment, for her, it was the most tense moment.

As a daughter's family, you have already made such a clear statement. It depends on this person what attitude you have towards yourself.

Nonetheless, Nie Ying still has absolute confidence in her beauty, saying secretly in her heart:

"Now that he sees me, he will love me! It will!"

(End of this chapter)

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