Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1998: Temple of Heaven.

Chapter 1998 Tianhuang Temple.

Led by Zhuge Qingfeng, under the rapid teleportation, the power of Shi Feng's soul finally swept to the top of this giant peak.

On the top of the mountain stands a huge and incomparable statue. It looks like a giant standing in the sky, with a majestic and solemn face. For Shi Feng, the most obvious feature is the two-handed mustache above the corner of his mouth.

This is the holy ancestor of their heavenly sacred place, his three disciples of Emperor Jiuyou, the giant statue of Leng Aoyue!

"Awesome moon!" The power of the soul sensed the colossus, looking at the familiar figure, this familiar face, once again in Shi Feng's mind.

I have to say that this giant statue of the ancestral ancestor is indeed realistic. Even his master of the heavenly ancestor did not find any flaws.

It can be seen that those who made the statue of the Emperor of the Heavenly Desolation at that time did indeed take great care.

And behind the huge statue, there is also an immensely huge white building shining with bright white light. This is the legendary temple of Tianhuang, which is in the rolling clouds and mists, like a fairy palace and a white jade giant. Beasts on top of the mountain.

The land on top of the mountain is like a fairyland.

"Pop! Pap! Pap! Pap!" The four sounded loudly, and the figure of Shi Feng had already reached the top of the mountain and landed in front of the Tianhuang Temple.

"Jiuyou Lord, this is the Tianhuang Shrine of our Tianhuang Holy Land!" Zhuge Qingfeng stretched his right hand to point forward and introduced Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng answered. But at this moment, he gazed at the Tianhuang Temple, but frowned.

When the two feet stepped on the top of the mountain, the power of Shi Feng's soul rushed into the Tianhuang Temple, but was blocked by the Tianhuang Temple and unable to enter.

This looks like an ordinary huge building. In fact, it is not as simple as it looks.

Under the gaze and the glance of the power of the soul, Shi Feng did not find anything special in this temple of the wilderness.

From the exterior, this is a huge temple built of white jade, and even the array and runes, Shi Feng have not been sensed in the Tianhuang Temple.

But it blocked the power of his soul.

"Perhaps the problem with that white jade?" Shi Feng murmured again, looking at the white jade that shone brightly with white light.

"Well? The Tianhuang Temple did not have an entrance? How did you enter?" Then, Shi Feng discovered the strangeness of the Tianhuang Temple, and it didn't even have a door to enter.

Then, the power of Shi Feng's soul carefully scanned it again in this huge white jade palace, front and back, up and down, left and right, there was really no entrance to this heavenly deity temple.

At this time, a weird white jade fragment appeared in the hands of Zhuge Qingfeng, and Shi Feng's attention immediately gathered on the white jade fragment in Zhuge Qingfeng's hands.

It can be seen that this piece of white jade is exactly the same as the white jade on the deserted shrine that day, and it also shines with bright white light.

However, Shi Feng, from this piece of white jade, sensed a mysterious and strange forest cold force, which is slightly different from the deserted temple that day.

"Heavenly Shrine, the old decay is finally seen again! How many years have passed!"

At this moment, the eyes of the woman in white and the old man all stared at the heavenly temple, the old face, as if excited.

Standing on the top of the mountain again, returning to this native land, staring at this temple again, the old man's heart was filled with emotion.

Although he was an ordinary disciple in the sacred place in the past, it stands to reason that due to his position in the sacred place, there should be no chance to reach here.

But for a while, he often came here with his classmates, brothers and sisters, sisters and sisters to enter this heavenly desert temple.

Looking at the Tianhuang Temple, the scenes of the past are constantly emerging in his old man's mind.

Then there was that glamorous face and that beautiful figure.

I have now returned to this sacred place, I do not know where she is now.

I don't know how she has been in these years. I don't know if she's doing well, I don't know if she's married now?

"Yes, you are already married!" Thinking of this, the old man sighed in a loss in his heart.

"She is so beautiful and so tender, her heart is so kind, her talent is so outstanding, and she is so outstanding that she was countless pursuers."



At this time, I saw Zhuge Qingfeng holding the right hand of the white jade fragment, and a white beam suddenly radiated out of the white jade fragment, hitting the heavenly temple.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!" Under the white beam, I saw the heavenly shrine shuddering violently and burst into a roar.

Shi Feng and others suddenly felt that the entire giant peak at their feet was shaking violently at this moment.

Feeling the turbulent world, Shi Feng frowned again, and said, "Entering this heavenly desolate temple, every time you enter it, it will be so troublesome? Will it cause so much movement?"

At this time Shi Feng saw Zhuge Qingfeng's move and had guessed that he should be opening the entrance.

"No, my lord!" Zhuge Qingfeng has not yet answered, the old man said, explaining for Shi Feng: "This heavenly shrine has a hidden gate, which requires the heavenly **** stone to open.

Previously, the hidden gates of the desolate temple road were always open. Hmm ... or the subordinates haven't been to the Tianhuang Holy Land for so many years. The rules of the Tianhuang Holy Land have changed. "

Hearing the words of the old man, Zhuge Qingfeng turned his head and looked at him. He did not expect that the old slave of the master of the nine ghosts knew about the Tianhuang Temple, and what he said meant that he had been to the sky. Desolate Holy Land, came to this desolate shrine.

Following this, Zhuge Qingfeng opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng: "The Lord of the Nine Spectres, the gate of this temple has always been open. At this moment, something must have happened inside and the gate will be closed!"

"So it is!" Shi Feng nodded.

Then, the shock gradually became less severe than before. Suddenly, I saw a bright white curtain of light suddenly descending from the sky, like a waterfall, before the Tianhuang Temple.

Immediately afterwards, the white desolate stone in the hands of Zhuge Qingfeng had disappeared, and the tremor of the giant peak had completely calmed down.

At this time, the old man pointed at the white light curtain in front of him and said to Shi Feng: "My lord, that light curtain is the door to enter this heavenly desolate temple! As long as we go all the way, into this light curtain, You can enter the Temple of Heavenly Desolation. "

"Oh, then come in!" Shi Feng said.

Now that something is obviously happening in the desolate shrine, it is urgent!

"Yeah! Go!" Zhuge Qingfeng was naturally the most anxious. His body flickered first, and the next breath, he saw that he flashed into the white light curtain, and then was swallowed by the white light curtain, disappeared instantly. .

(End of this chapter)

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