Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1999: Calamity Temple

Chapter 1999 The Calamity of the Celestial Deity Temple

The three of Shi Feng also instantly flashed into the white light curtain. Suddenly, Shi Feng felt that he was in a strange space power, and a white and bright light appeared in front of him. White light world.

The next moment, the bright white light disappeared, and they came to an ice-snow palace frozen like ice. The extremely cold air permeated, as if everything here was frozen into ice by the cold force.

"Here?" Zhuge Qingfeng stood on the ice at this moment, his face covered with shock and unbelievable content.

"Huh?" At this moment, the old man's old face changed too.

Shi Feng frowned tightly, he had seen that the ice in this space had just been frozen for less than three days.

That is to say, this temple in the wilderness was invaded by the strong who cultivated the power of ice.

"Sure enough, something happened!" Shi Feng secretly said.

Seeing such a scene, there is no need to say anything more, the four figures entering this "Ice and Snow Temple" flashed again and flashed inside.

The Tianhuang Shrine is rumored to be divided into eight temples. Here, it is only the first temple, and they have glanced at it. Although it has been frozen here, a warrior and corpse in the Tianhuang shrine have not been seen.

Then, the four of Shi Feng flashed into the second temple of the Tianhuang Temple, and like the second temple, everything was frozen by ice.

But here, Shi Feng and the four saw the ice sculptures that were not far away.

The shape of the four of them immediately stopped before these twelve human-shaped ice sculptures.

You don't need to guess that these twelve ice sculptures must be the warriors of this desolate sacred place.

With a wave of Zhuge Qingfeng's white sleeve robe, with a bang, he saw the twelve ice sculptures shattered together, revealing twelve people.

However, these twelve people are extremely stiff and have no breath. They are dead and their spirits are scattered.

"This!" Zhuge Qingfeng said "this".

Although these twelve people are only twelve corpses at this moment, Shi Feng has already seen that the martial arts state before these twelve lives is in the state of eight stars and demigods.

"Before they died, they had not done any resistance, and they were frozen into ice!" At this moment, Shi Feng said to them.

After listening to Shi Feng's words, the old man said in shock: "The twelve strong men in the eight-star demigod state were frozen into ice in an instant, so the martial arts state of the opponent reached at least the nine-star demigod state. ! "

"At least step into the true god." Shi Feng said.

Followed him and said, "There should be a lot of nine-star and demigod-level strong men in the Heavenly Sacred Land, and there is also a true God of War weapon, but this important Heavenly Sacred Temple is still made like this by the opponent, which is sufficient to explain The opponent is not simple. "

"Huh!" Although Zhuge Qingfeng showed a touch of sadness, he nodded because of Shi Feng's words.

He then said: "This is our twelve church masters in the heavenly wilderness. Each martial arts realm has stepped into the top of the eight-star demigod, and only a few steps away from the nine-star demigod. Is the best among the eight-star demigods.

In our heavenly sacred place, they are called twelve half steps and nine stars and demigods. "

It can be heard from Zhuge Qingfeng's words that the loss of such important twelve places in the heavenly wasteland is really distressing.

However, people can't be resurrected after death. These twelve people have already disappeared in spirit, completely exhausted, and their distress is useless.

"Go!" Shi Feng drank again, and then the four of them flickered again.

The former Heavenly Sacred Land had previously disappeared from the five stars and demigods. Now I have seen the twelve church masters here. It is estimated that many people in this ice and snow temple are already more ferocious.

Sure enough, the third hall, which has also been covered by ice, has more human-shaped ice sculptures, more than a hundred of them.

Hundreds of five-star demigods in the heavenly holy land!

"They are all dead. There is no need to waste any more time on the corpse and continue to move as fast as possible!" Shi Feng said.

The most important thing now is to seize the time to see how powerful beings come to invade, and then to see if there is still a strong person to survive in the deserted holy land today.

"Huh!" Zhuge Qingfeng nodded when he heard Shi Feng's words.

Followed by, Shi Feng, Zhuge Qingfeng, and the old man, the speed of the teleportation suddenly increased at this moment. Only the white woman still maintained the original speed.

For her, what people in this holy place are dead or alive has nothing to do with her.

In a hurry, the distance between several people also instantly opened.

Shi Feng flashed into the fourth hall instantly, and Zhuge Qingfeng flashed in after a while, then the old man, and finally the white woman flashed in a hurry.

When entering the fourth hall, the number of human-shaped ice sculptures frozen by the ice increased several times, and there were hundreds of them at a glance.

And Shi Feng has also found that the deeper the depths of the icy ice become, the deeper it goes into the desolate temple.

Following this, he entered the Fifth Hall again, in the middle of the air and on the ice, still full of human-shaped ice sculptures.

Subsequently, in the sixth hall, human-shaped ice sculptures were densely packed, and thousands of strong men were frozen in this hall.

Then, looking at the seventh hall, all were ice sculptures at a glance.

Heaven is a holy land, so many powerful people have been frozen, this time it is really a heavy loss!

After reaching the seventh palace, at the speed of Shi Feng's full strength, Zhuge Qingfeng had been left behind by him.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard a dull weird sound coming from the eighth hall in front. The sound was like a huge heart, beating vigorously in that rhythm.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Followed by, Shi Feng felt the force of peerless collision.

"There is still power in the collision? It seems that the existence that invaded the Tianhuang Temple is in this Eighth Temple! It seems that there should still be alive in it!"

At this time, Zhuge Qingfeng and the old man had not yet come to this Eighth Temple, and Shi Feng's figure was moving rapidly on the ice, and he immediately entered the Eighth Temple.

Just rushed into the eighth hall, Shi Feng immediately felt an extremely violent, extremely cold storm, sweeping fiercely on his body!

This power is very strong! Even the six serpents that have reached the peak level of the true **** one-day sky are all inferior!

"How on earth is this!" Shi Feng was shocked, and then he did not dare to neglect. Eleven real war fighters were urged by him at the same time.

At the same time, a sound of thunder and blast exploded suddenly from Shi Feng's body: "Boom!"

In order to counter the impact of the ice storm, he used the strongest peerless skill, Thunder God of War!

At this moment, the momentum of Shi Feng's body was completely changed.

"Drink!" In a rage, the peerless ice storm that swept through him had been completely blocked by him.

"Oh?" And just then, just listening to an old startle sound, it sounded from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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