Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2008: Undefeated myth, God!

Chapter 2008 Undefeated Myth, God!

The violent energy raged and boiled, but immediately afterwards, the flame of the flame under the fierce bombardment was dissipated under the flying slash of the death sickle.

The sickle of death, which had been cut into the palm of the flame, disappeared, and then appeared again.

And just then, only a sound of surprise sounded: "Huh? The two star demigods, actually broke the power of the god!"

When the panic sounded, Ling Yefeng, who was standing in the air in the midst of the air, followed his eyes slightly, and when he saw the sky, a human figure wearing a purple armor appeared.

The skin of this "person" is covered with dense purple scales. This is a purple scale alien, with a strong and peerless atmosphere.

After the death sickle slashed the flames, it flew back to Ling Yefeng.

At this moment, Ling Yefeng can clearly sense that the family who is looking down at him has a look of his eyes full of disdain. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

"Kill!" Immediately, the extremely cold intention of killing revealed from his Ling Yefeng's body, and saw his body suddenly move, rushing straight up, towards the purple figure in the higher night sky.

And just as Ling Yefeng moved, the corpses flying in all directions also moved and followed closely.

Although he knows that this person's realm is above himself, he has led his alien army into his own territory. How will Ling Yefeng retreat!

Fight if you want! Invaders, swear to death!

"The two star demigods have such a strong intention of war and killing, interesting!" Another disdainful voice sounded from the mouth of the purple scale alien in the night sky.

Although Ling Yefeng brought his army of corpses to death with a mighty force, his purple scales on his face were still full of disdain.

After all, it is only a two-star demigod. This is a warrior who is not taken into his eyes at all.

Then, I saw his right hand condense the sword finger, and then lifted it slightly. At the same time, I saw a flame sword appeared under him, and then cut from the top with the action of this purple scale alien. hit.

The Great Sword of Flame, suddenly like a mountain of flames, fell wildly and fell towards Ling Yefeng.

"It's strong! It's really strong!" Ling Yefeng's figure was still rushing up, staring at the flame sword, and secretly exclaimed.

Although they are enemies, they are really powerful.

"Joy!" Then, following the army of corpses of Ling Yefeng in all directions, they all sent out a thick black death force, gathered towards him, and gathered in the death sickle of his hand. on.

And Ling Yefeng, again toward the death scythe in his hand, rushed into his Nine Nether Forces frantically.

"Ah!" Followed only by Ling Yefeng yelling loudly, and at this moment, the death sickle trembling violently in his hand burst out an unparalleled power.

"This! This power! How is this possible!" The power of death on the sickle of sickness had just rushed up, and the purple scale alien with a proud and disdainful face suddenly changed suddenly at this moment.

He sensed that power, that, it should not belong to the power of a two-star demigod at all.

"Xuan Qi! It is the Xuan Qi in his hand! This ... this is the case! So it is so!" At this moment, the attention of the purple scale alien was gathered in the silver scythe of Ling Yefeng. I saw that his face was now full of excitement and madness.

"Drink!" Ling Yefeng's figure was getting closer and closer to the falling Great Sword, and saw the death sickle in his hand, slashing out toward the Great Sword.

A huge silver knife light flickered. Under the attention of the purple scale alien, I saw the silver knife light, and swallowed the flame sword launched by himself.

"That's right! That's right! The sickle is like the weapon in the legend, but the two star demigods have launched this power, maybe! Perhaps! It is really the one of the peerless war Soldier! "

The purple scale alien looked down, the more he said in his mouth, the more excited his face was.

Immediately after, he saw a black figure, rushing out from the silver knife light below, and continued to rush towards the night sky.

"Burning flames! War flames unparalleled! My protoss, **** of fire!"

"Boom!" An unparalleled flame burst from his body, burning wildly, devouring the night, and in the night sky, a huge sea of ​​fire appeared.

And then, I saw Ling Yefeng's black figure rushing into the giant sea of ​​fire fiercely.

Just this moment, the huge sea of ​​flames that was already burning, suddenly burning more fiercely.

"Ye Feng!"

"Ye Feng!"

"Great Emperor!"


In the violent battlefield below, the Dark Emperor, the Dark Lord, and the Destroyed Emperor, and countless soldiers of the Dark Camp, exclaimed after seeing Ling Yefeng burst out of the peerless fire.

The flame was too powerful and violent!

In all fairness, even the dark and dark who used Ling Yefeng as a two-star demigod, did not dare to enter the sea of ​​peerless fire and resist.

Other dark camp martial arts, the body is trembling in the hot breath sweeping down.

"Huh! Where do you stand, your opponent is me!" Just then, an alien powerhouse full of blue scales made a cold voice against the Dark Lord.

Then, he saw a palm covered with thick black mist, violently bombarded away towards the dark puppet, and blasted the dark puppet heart.

"Hmm! Broken!" A humming sound was heard from the stunned mouth in front of the peerless force in front, and then saw a dark beam of light burst out of his right fist, banging towards the bluescale alien Punch blast.

This bluescale alien, but like him, is also a strong man in the state of two stars and demigods. In the face of his palm, the assassin dare not have the slightest intention.

"Boom!" Another peerless blast sounded in this world.


"It's gone! The flames are gone!"



At this moment, countless soldiers who paid attention to the night sky burst into shock again.

This time, not only the soldiers of the dark camp, but also the alien soldiers full of scales looked up, waiting for the situation.

However, compared with the nervousness of the dark camp soldiers, the faces of the alien warriors covered with scales are calm.

They know the strength of that one and believe the strength of that one!

In countless years, they have followed him to fight countless low-level continents, never seen him defeated, and they have never thought that this one will lose, that is, their undefeated myth.


(End of this chapter)

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