Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2009: Death King, Ling Yefeng!

Chapter 2009 Death King, Ling Yefeng!

Zhongzhou, the boundless dark world where the dark camp is located.

The chaotic and violent battlefields were slowly calmed down by the sea of ​​fire burning in the night sky. The dark camp and the alien army seemed to make an appointment at this moment, and they stopped the attacks in their hands, raised their heads, and looked at the night sky.

"The Great! The Great is invincible!"

"Death Emperor is in all directions and cannot be defeated!"

"Emperor! He must be alien!"


The dark soldiers shouted in their hearts.

And the Protoss army, each face full of scales is full of firmness!

"Retreating!" At this time, I don't know who shouted, and saw that the blazing sea of ​​fire in the night sky had already receded.

At this moment, I saw the raging sea of ​​fire suddenly collapsed, disappeared and cleaned, and the world was reduced to a dark, night, and then appeared in the sight of everyone.

Two mighty figures that had previously disappeared in the blazing flames appeared again!

Death King, Ling Yefeng!

Protoss undefeated god, God!

But at this moment, I saw that the death sickle that Ling Yefeng had shook hands with had been gone, but the Protoss **** held God in his hands.

"Hahaha! General mighty! General is invincible! The weapons of lowly creatures have been captured by our general!"

"Hahahaha! I have previously discovered that the reason why this lowly creature can compete with our general for a while is because of the sickle in his hand! Now that he has lost his sickle, see how he fights our general!"

"The moment he fought with our general, he was doomed!"

"A cheap creature is a cheap creature, knowing to lose, but still doing stupid struggle without any meaning!"

"We have seen this kind of creature on many continents, but in the end, we are not all in control and become slaves in captivity!"



Suddenly, bursts of arrogant laughter emanated from the mouths of the protoss army, and the scaly faces were full of pride.

This is proud to follow their undefeated admiral, a protoss warrior, with great morale and great momentum!


"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"

"This ... the Great!"

On the other hand, the dark army, a sudden change in their faces, with shock, even more despair, and panic and anxiety.

The three great kings of death, darkness, and destruction are the pillars of their dark army. The dark camp is even more rumored. Ling Yefeng, the death emperor, has passed on the ancient **** of death, and has also received the sickle of the ancient god.

But now, the sickle of death is taken by this alien warlord!

"Ye Feng!"

"Ye Feng!"


Not to mention the other Dark Warriors, even the two Great Emperors, Dark Emperor and Mie Tian, ​​were shocked by their faces.

But no one found that Ling Yefeng, the dead emperor in the proud night sky, stared at the protoss warrior in front of him. His cold face suddenly grinned, revealing a cold disdainful smile.

Ling Yefeng, who was taken away by the death scythe, laughed!

"Eh!" Suddenly, all the beings in the dark world suddenly heard a painful moan.



"This this……"

After hearing the painful moan, the faces of the dark army and the protoss army changed again.

Although the moaning sound was slight, they had heard it, and it was the protoss warlord, God!

"Why! How did the general make that kind of voice!" The protoss warriors said unbelievably one by one. Since they followed the god, they were the first protoss warriors to hear that voice .

In their subconscious, God will God, it should not be possible to make such a voice in this life.

Many Protoss warriors wonder if they heard it wrong! Doubt that the voice was actually issued by the warrior of that race.

"Nothing wrong! I must have heard it wrong! The generals have already won that man's weapon, which is obviously a victory! I must have heard it wrong!" Many Protoss warriors said to themselves in their hearts.


"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"


On the side of the dark camp, after countless dark soldiers heard the painful moan, the spirit of languishment immediately revived.

perhaps! However, their hearts are just like maybe.

"Perhaps the emperor, there is no defeat!"

At this time, all the creatures between this heaven and earth could only hear a cold voice, echoing in this night:

"Protoss warlord, you are very good! You can say that you are the strongest opponent that Bendi has ever seen in his life! If Bendi has not guessed correctly, your martial arts situation should have entered the four-star demigod!"

"It's just a pity that you met this emperor today and you are destined to die!"

And just in the end, the extremely cold "one death" fell, and suddenly, "Ah!" Only a terrible scream rang out.

Under all eyes, the dark army and the protoss army fighting below, suddenly saw the **** holding the sickle of the **** split the body to the two sides, as if split by an extremely sharp weapon from the middle.

A splash of purple blood splashed in the night sky.

A generation of protoss gods called the gods, who were once called invincible myths by the protoss warriors in the army.





God killed God in that way, bursting into disbelief and crying from the army.

At the moment of God's death, the momentum of the former Protoss army collapsed like a rainbow at this moment!

"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor! Win!"


In contrast, at this moment the dark army side, cheers echoed in the army, one after another on the face, exuberance and excitement appeared.

Fighting in war, they rose from the dark army.

"Hahaha! OK! OK! OK, Ye Feng!" The Dark Emperor secretly looked at the higher night sky and said three "OK" in his mouth!

At this time, even he was infected by Ling Yefeng, and his warfare soared into the sky. His palms shone with bright black lights, and he shot forward violently, and shot at the protoss warrior with blue scales in front of him .

"Boom!" Under the violent bombardment of both palms, the blue-scale warrior was assassinated to shoot directly and furiously!

"Battle!" Followed closely, and the dark body rushed out of shape, rushing towards the inverted blue scale.

The Death Scythe, slashed in the hand of the other half of the god's body, instantly split the half of the body into pieces, and then flew back towards Ling Yefeng.

Ling Yefeng stretched her right hand forward, and the sickle that was about to fly back took hold of her hand, and at this moment, I saw Ling Yefeng's body, and then a white light shone!

After this powerful battle, he had a deeper understanding of martial arts, and Jiuyou Gong had swallowed the power of the death of the four-star demigod. Ling Yefeng successfully entered the Samsung demigod!

(End of this chapter)

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