Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2010: Nine hundred and eighty-one Thunder!

Chapter 2010 Nine Eighty-One Thunder!


"Yefeng has advanced!"

"The Emperor is mighty!"

"The Emperor is mighty!"

"Death King! First in the world!"

"Dark camp, invincible!"


In the battlefield below, the dark army saw that Ling Yefeng not only killed the alien general, but also stepped into a stronger realm, cheering and echoing the world, just like the mountain tsunami.

After Ling Yefeng stepped into the realm of Samsung Demigod, her face was full of mighty power, her head bowed slightly, and then she looked down at the battlefield below! A cold drink: "Cut!"

Immediately after, I saw the sickle of death, flying out of his Ling Yefeng's hands again!


The Tianheng continent, in addition to Zhongzhou, in the eastern, southern, western, and northern regions, and in various regions, aliens with scales all over their bodies constantly appear.

People don't know where those aliens came from, but these aliens are really strong for the people of Tianheng mainland!

Very strong!

Today, all parts of the Tianheng continent are filled with war and sorrow!

Some strong men lead the martial arts to resist with the aliens.

The weak are constantly slaughtered, captured, and slaved!

"Interracial, so powerful interracial! Ah!"


"Kill! In order to defend my homeland, I will fight for this life!"


"Battle! Everyone who commits my land must die!"


"Those aliens! Isn't the real catastrophe of Tianheng continent coming?"


"No! No! Let me go!"


"The strong men of the Tianheng continent! Where are you, anyway? Come out soon, drive away these aliens, and return me to the peace of the Tianheng continent!"


"Nine You Emperor, where are you! As the Lord of Heaven's Ever, where are you? Now, there are alien troops occupying your land and killing your people! Nine You Emperor!"


Manghuang continent, the eighth temple of Tianhuang Temple!

During this time, Shi Feng has been retreating in the Eighth Temple of Tianhuang Shrine.

When he slowly opened his eyes and awakened from the retreat, he was already in the eighth hall, a month long ago.

But at this moment, the momentum of Shi Fenghun's body obviously changed dramatically, and his martial arts realm reached the peak of the Eight-Star Demigod.

After one month's comprehension of martial arts, the road to Jiuxing Demigod has been broadened, just one step across it!

However, Shi Feng did not step directly into the eighth temple. He knew that his extermination black thunder was powerful, and now the eight-star demigod stepped into the nine-star demigod extermination black thunder. It will be hard to imagine.

Under the dark mad thunder, Shi Feng didn't think this heavenly temple could resist!

Once, the Tianhuang Temple was icy, and this month, the ice had already melted. The Tianhuang Temple once again showed his simple and glorious appearance, filled with the vicissitudes of ancient times.

However, Shi Feng had no time to admire, and his heart moved, the flame tree floating behind him was immediately taken back to the blood stone monument, followed closely, and then saw his body flickering and disappeared in the eighth temple.

In an instant, Shi Feng came to the Seventh Temple, which was different from the ice and snow in the past. Now the seventh temple is really beautiful like a cloud!

When Shi Feng was about to retreat in the Eighth Hall, Leng Yan, the Lord of the Famine, told him that he would arrange 50 smart and excellent female disciples!

A glance at the Seventh Hall revealed that the fifty female disciples were all young and beautiful.

These female disciples, it can be said that all of them were carefully selected from the heavenly wasteland, just like the concubines of the empires of Tianheng.

And when they learned that they might become the woman who is now the world's first strongest Jiuyou Lord, in order to compete for the fifty places, those days can be said to be fighting each other.

It can also be said that it has exhausted all efforts and means.

In order to get the quota, some female disciples betrayed their sisters who had been with each other for many years, framed each other, and shake out the door rules she had committed privately. Due to the penalty, the quota was naturally cancelled and replaced.


Anyway, when Shi Feng was closed in the eighth hall, the outside world was still turning. The heavenly wasteland, it took a lot of effort for him, the master of the nine ghosts!

But now I didn't expect that it would be difficult to enter the seventh hall, expecting that the female disciples who were pampered by the Lord of the Nine Demons had passed for more than a month, but not even the shadow of the Lord of the Nine Demons.

At first, one by one with full confidence, as long as she became the Lord of the Nine Wraiths, it was soaring into the sky.

In the minds of many female disciples, I dreamed that I would be spoiled by the Lord of Nine Phantoms! Imagine being with the world's first strong man in the future and becoming the Nine Demon Mother.


Shi Feng's figure flashed to the seventh palace, but she didn't look at the women any more. Without anyone discovering, she flew away from the seventh palace and entered the sixth palace.

Fifth Hall!

Fourth Hall!


First Hall!

If the gate of the deserted temple opens today, it is only a few breaths, and Shi Feng flashes out of the temple of the deserted desert, the body rushes up, penetrates the clouds and rushes into the endless void.

Since it is about to enter the nine-star demigod, and since it is subject to the baptism of extermination Heilei, since it does not want to rob the heavenly sacred place, Shi Feng naturally chose to stay away.

"Here, it should be almost!" Shi Fengfei Chong's body stopped suddenly, standing in the vanity, the power of the soul swept out in all directions.

At this moment, he was hundreds of miles away from the sacred place.

Looking at the endless void in front of him with a calm expression on his face, at this moment, Shi Feng said calmly, and said, "Okay! Step into the nine-star demigod!"

And just as his bland words sounded, all of a sudden, a white light shone from his body, a peerless breath, suddenly burst out of him.

The entire void, because of his peerless momentum at the moment, had a fierce boiling. This void seemed to have become extremely unstable.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the clouds changing color, the sky suddenly dim, and a huge dark vortex suddenly appeared on the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of violent thunder, bursting into the heavens and earth, the dark and thunderous light shone, full of endless violentness and danger.

Shi Feng was still calm and looked up slowly, looked up, and looked into the dark vortex, the dark magic thunder that rushed like a black crazy dragon.

A glance at this time, this time, there are a total of 9,981 Dark Demon Thunders!

A magic thunder contains all the momentum that can destroy all the world, and his undead monster will be subject to the gathering of eighty-one magic thunders to destroy him.

"Oh my God! I want to destroy this Lord more and more!" Although Mo Lei was violent, Shi Feng's face could not see the slightest fear, but he grinned sneer, his face seemed to be filled with the sky. Disdain!

(End of this chapter)

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