Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2011: Wicked Demon King!

Chapter 2011 Evil Demon King!


The sound of a peerless thunder roared the world, and the violent and terrible dark magic thunder finally came, but in an instant, it engulfed the seemingly tiny white figure.

Below the dark magic thunder is the forest of all evil spirits!

At this moment, after the huge peerless dark thunder column devoured the white figure, he continued to blast down and into the forest of all evil monsters.

The whole world has become chaotic and violent. The endless forest of all evil monsters has begun to tremble violently, as if a great disaster is coming.

It's shocking!


"What happened? What the **** happened?"

In the depths of Wan evil demon forest, a huge six-armed black ape was awakened, raised his head, and issued a roaring roar towards the sky. The already trembling Wan evil demon forest suddenly became the roar of this black ape. More violent.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of roar continued, "Who disturbed Wang Anning in the end! Check! Check it for my king! Go!"

"Yes!" In the forest of demon, a response sounded immediately.

The six-armed black ape is the black ape demon king, one of the five demon kings of all evil monster forests. He is violent and cruel. It is rumored to be an ancient alien. He has lived endless years, has a huge body and is powerful. Many creatures at the level of nine stars and demigods died in his hands.

In the forest of all evil spirits, there is a generation that made all the demons dreaded.

"Oh!" Then, the black ape demon lord the earth's body suddenly stood up, like a huge black mountain rising suddenly, standing upright, Yangtian sent a burst of angry howling.

Under the roaring sound of the black ape demon, all the great demon exuding unique peers approached from all directions.





At the same time, a shout of respectful shouts sounded.

There were a total of twelve demon monsters. Each of them was the existence of Megatron Evil Demon Forest, and all of them entered the nine-star demigod!

These twelve demons are the twelve demons under the throne of the black ape!

"King!" At this time, a night demon bat who went to investigate the situation returned and immediately stopped in front of the black ape demon's fierce face.

The shape of this night demon bat is as big as a tiger, but compared with the giant black ape devil, it is like a fly, as if the black ape devil patted it lightly and shattered it.

"Say!" The Black Ape Demon said, his voice sounded like a thunder.

"Yes! King!"

"Just now, the children of our family returned the news. About a thousand miles away, the wind and clouds changed, and a huge black vortex appeared. A dark giant thunder descended from the dark vortex and blasted into the forest of all evil monsters.

The great movement of the evil forest of all evils came from thousands of miles away! "

"A dark giant thunder blasted into my wicked monster forest? Is it from thousands of miles away?" Hearing the news from the night demon bat, the black ape demon's huge, black-haired ape face moved, as if there was a touch of appearance.

However, the shock disappeared as soon as it appeared, and his face was full of mighty power. Then, the black ape demon king ordered to the demon: "Go! The public will follow the king to see!"



The bursts of Yingying kept echoing, followed by, the black ape demon king led his twelve demon generals, flew towards the source of movement thousands of miles away.


"Destroyer Black Thunder! Is this the legendary Destroyer Black Thunder?"

"I've heard for a while that this maple master, Shi Feng, is carrying a legendary undead body!"

"I didn't expect this master of nine ghosts to advance! The terrible master of nine ghosts is advanced again! God!"

"Nine ghost masters, this is the existence of super gods! If this is advanced, is it possible to kill the sky?"


Shi Feng crossed the savannah hundreds of miles away from the Tianhuang Holy Land, so much movement, naturally also shocked the Tianhuang Holy Land.

At this moment, countless warriors in the heavenly sacred land were all brought here by the extermination black thunder. The dense figure stood proudly in the void, and looked at the peerless mad thunder not far away.

At this time, even Leng Yan, the Lord of Heaven and Famine, showed a startled expression on his face.

Fortunately, this fiend came here, if he was robbing directly in the Tianhuang Temple ... such a dark and mad thunder, the consequences are simply unthinkable!

The heavenly desolate temple that passed down from the ancestor to the present day will definitely be destroyed under this extermination black mine.


"Heavenly Harmony, it turned out to be your ghost!" And at this moment, I heard only a roar of anger, and it rang from the void ahead.





As the roar sounded, the sight of everyone in the heavenly sacred land was immediately drawn to the past.

Suddenly, they saw a black ape like a giant mountain!

"The Black Ape Demon King!" Leng Yan secretly murmured when he saw the black ape.

"The black ape demon! The black ape devil is one of the five demon kings of Wan evil demon forest!"

"Um! And his twelve demon generals of the black ape demon!"


Seeing the arrival of the black ape demon, the people of the heavenly sacred land immediately made a noise.

The great demon of all evil monster forests can also be regarded as their old neighbors, but after all, they are human races and demons. Over the years, there have been frequent frictions, and the desolate holy land and this demons often fight.

"Who the **** is that bothering me, Lin Anning!"

And just after the violent drinking of the black ape demon king just dropped, suddenly an old but loud voice sounded from the void on the other side.

The people in the heavenly sacred place are in the east, and the black apes are from the west. At this moment, the black ape and the twelve demon will be in the middle, across the peerless thunderstorm.

And the old loud voice that just rang from Nan.

Then, all the people in the heavenly sacred land and the black ape demon king looked at the south!

"It's this lion old demon!"

"Like the old demon!"


Then, the crowd and the demon saw the southern void, and two mighty figures came.

The visitor is the lion demon king and the elephant demon king, one of the five demon kings of Wan evil demon forest.

Although the appellation is simple, it looks very simple. The tall shape of the person looks like the two elders of the human race.

But in the forest of all evil monsters, there are no people, no monsters, dare to despise these two, even the fierce black ape demon king, dare not be too pretentious in front of these two!

Throughout the forest of all evil spirits, his black ape demon king only jealous of these two, he knows the horror and power of these two.

"Lion demon king, like demon king!" The black ape demon king said, shouting at the two old demon.

"Hmm!" The lion and the two elephants nodded at the same time as the black ape demon king in the distant void, saying hello.

Then, the eyes of the two old monsters also stared at the huge dark mad thunder.

At this time, I could only hear the elephant-like demon slowly saying, "If I read correctly, this thunder is the thunderous thunder of ancient times, the black monster of extermination!"

"Destroyer Black Thunder? This is the Destroyer Black Thunder?" Hearing the words "Destroyer Black Thunder", even the old lion and the solemn old face next to him changed at this moment .

It seems that although he is a demon, he has also heard the legend of the exterminator Heilei.

(End of this chapter)

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