Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2018: Unwilling old man!

Chapter 2018 The Old Man's Unwillingness!

On the cliff surrounded by clouds, it was already obvious at this moment that the impatience on the pretty face of the middle-aged beautiful woman appeared.

She really didn't want to hear the old man say these things. If it wasn't because of the Lord of the Nine Demons, or if he was the person of the Lord of the Nine Demons, the middle-aged beautiful woman had already left here.

Laughing at herself, the old man suddenly called the woman's name softly: "Xuan!"

Upon hearing this word, I saw the beautiful woman's frown wrinkled deeper. Obviously, he didn't like the old man calling her so intimately.

Then, I saw the old man slowly turned his side, pointed to the bottom of the cliff, and then opened his mouth, and said to the dignified and beautiful woman:

"Xuan, the Holy Land let us go into the forest of all evil monsters. Fortunately, I was in a team with you.

At that time, if it weren't for your timely shot, I would have been swallowed by that Snowfang Python!

Xuan, although you don't remember these, it may be a trivial matter for you, but for me, it is a matter of life and death. This event, your style that day, every night, involuntarily emerged in my mind, just like yesterday's event!

Xuan, although countless years have passed, but I have never forgotten you! I……"

When he heard the old man continue to talk, the middle-aged beautiful woman could not help but finally interrupted the words he wanted to continue: "Sorry, I have something to do, I want gone."

With these words, the beautiful woman wanted to leave.

"No ... don't, Xuan!" Seeing her like this, the old man immediately spoke and stopped her.

The middle-aged beautiful woman turned her head again and said to him, "I'm sorry, I really have something to do and I can't delay here!"

When she had finished speaking, she stopped no longer, her figure flickered, and finally, she left the place and left the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, I saw only a single old man left above the cliff.

"This ... this ... this ..." Looking at a thick white mist, looking at the distant shadow, completely disappeared into his sight, the old man's old face, full of unwillingness and loss.

From the evil abyss of hundreds of thousands of miles away, she came to this sacred place in the northern wasteland, thinking about meeting her at all times. In exchange, she was so ruthless.

"Brother Luan!" At this time, only another old man's voice was heard, ringing from under the cliff.

Then, I saw the old man Luan Be, who looked almost old, flew up from below, and fluttered to the old man's side.

"Ju Yu, my brother. Hey!" The old man sighed softly as he looked at him.

This man is an old man whom the old man Luan Wu once knew. Not long ago, the old man found him in the heavenly wilderness.

Originally, Yu was also frightened because the old man suddenly appeared in this desolate holy land, and worried about him. Although countless years have passed, the old man Luan Wu, after all, committed the death penalty of the desolate holy land!

After all, many people are still alive today.

But the old man quickly told him the sentence Yu, now he is different, but he followed the world's first strongest, Jiuyou Lord.

This makes Tokuyu even more shocked!

Jiuyou Lord, does he not know?

At this time, Ju Yu's eyes were staring at the white mist in front of him, and he said, "Brother Luan, this Qing Xuan, I really don't know how to deal with it! Brother Luan, what is your status now? Xuan, that's a blessing from her past life! "

Juyu has been in the Tianhuang Holy Land for so many years. Due to his low talent, he is now only in the state of Samsung Demigods. His status in the Tianhuang Holy Land has always been very low. Therefore, he has always complained about this Tianhuang Holy Land.

In particular, he has always been very upset when he saw these high-ranking characters on weekdays.

This Qing Xuan, who has now become the three elders in the heavenly wilderness, has always been everything in his eyes, from proud to present.

"She is now a peerless powerhouse in the state of nine stars and demigods, and the three elders in the heavenly sacred land. Perhaps, it is really me, Luanbei, who is not worthy of her! Moreover, the person she married, It is the elder of the Heavenly Desolate Holy Land, with a high weight, under one person, over ten million people! "

When he said these words, the old man's old face was a little self-deprecating and inferior.

"Hum!" And when he heard the old man's words, Ju Yu sneered dismissively again, saying:

"A thousand heavenly sacred places are not as good as a Jiuyou Demon! Brother Luanbe, now you are the big red person in front of Jiuyou Demon. In terms of identity, the elder and Yi Qingxuan, how can you Compared to you!

If I were to say it, it was because she Qingxuan didn't deserve you. "

"Ah!" Hearing the words of Yu Yu, the old man Luan Wu sighed deeply, and said secretly in his heart: If everyone in the world thinks like him, he would be fine.

At that moment, Yu suddenly grinned and smiled, and then said to the old man: "Brother Luan, you are the big red man in front of Jiuyou Demon, why not use Jiuyou Devil's hand to get rid of him? Yi Xi! "

Twenty years ago, he sentenced the door rule. At that time, the elder Yi Xi was in charge of the law enforcement hall, and sentenced him to the strictest punishment for the disciples of the law enforcement hall.

Although twenty years have passed, he sentenced the hate to his heart. At that time, he secretly vowed, the pain, the shame, and one day, he would have to pay it back a thousand times.

"How to borrow?" When he heard the sentence, the old man's old face moved immediately, and the old eyes flashed with light.

He Luanbei, originally was not a good generation, but it exists in the place where evil people gather in the abyss of sin.

"Just say that Yi Xi, secretly said that his nine ghosts are terribly ferocious, killing souls indiscriminately, these demons should not exist in this world ..."


"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The angry roar of peerless beasts resounded from above the heavenly holy land, and the entire heavenly holy land was shaken and shaken by the roar .

"What happened? What happened?"

"Isn't it the great demon of the wicked monster forest that come to commit me a sacred place?"


In the sacred place of heaven, there was an immediate riot, and the people shouted in shock, constantly echoing in the sacred place.

It was the roar, the fierce momentum that fell from the sky, it was too shocking.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors in the heavenly sacred land looked up and saw an extremely large six-headed giant snake, like a huge one, suspended above them.

As if from an ancient peerless atmosphere, shrouded in the entire heavenly wilderness, it is heartbreaking and trembling.

"Then ... there is someone on that fierce beast!" Followed, another shouted.

Immediately after, a line of sight gazed at the black figure on the arrogant beast.

"Who is this? Who is it? He even stands alone on this fierce demon?"

"Sir! Lord is here!"

"There are elders, two elders, five elders, seven elders ..."

Soon after Liuli Serpent and Shi Feng appeared in the Tianhuang Holy Land, Leng Yan and a group of strong men in the Tianhuang Holy Land hurried back.

This is still Shi Feng ordered the Liuli Serpent to slow down a little bit, otherwise, under the rapid leaping of Liuli Serpent, they would have been thrown away.

(End of this chapter)

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