Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2019: The same way?

Chapter 2019 Same Road?

The Holy Lord Leng Yan and the peerless powerhouses returned one after another. Leng Yan said to Shi Feng: "Jiuyou Lord, come with me!"

Shi Feng nodded, and then his heart moved, and the blood of his peers returned to the blood stone monument again.

Then Leng Yan, a group of peerless powerhouses, fluttered and moved towards the north of the Tianhuang Holy Land. The dozen peerless figures gradually disappeared into the sight of everyone.

There is a large array of heavens in the sky above the Holy Land. Since the last time Shi Feng broke the array, I do not know why. For more than a month, the Lord Lengyan has not started again.

"Who the **** is that person? He appeared, even the Lord and all the elders and the guardians came out to welcome him!"

"This is definitely a big man! And so young!"

"He! It must be him!" Then, a disciple immediately thought of where this was sacred, and shouted involuntarily.

Hearing the startled call, followed, as if there was a chain reaction, and all the disciples in the heavenly sacred land were shocked to think of who it was.

Peerless demon stepped on, the Lord met the elders in person, so young.

Nowadays, all disciples in the Heavenly Sacred Land know that more than a month ago, the Lord of the Nine Phantoms visited the Heavenly Sacred Land in order to break down the Heavenly Swarm array laid by the ancestor himself.

Then I heard that a deadly creature in the Tianhuang Temple was born, killing countless powerful people, and even the Lord and the elders almost died in the Tianhuang Temple. Fortunately, the Lord of the Nine Demon shot and let the sky. The deserted place escaped that calamity.

Then, it is said that the Lord of the Nine Demons stayed in the retreat of the Eighth Temple to practice. In order to please the Lord of the Nine Demons, the top 50 female disciples in the Holy Land were also selected!

"The fifty beautiful women are estimated to have been enjoyed by his master of nine ghosts!" Some disciples said with envy and jealousy again.

The fifty female disciples are still in the seventh temple of Tianhuang Shrine. They do n’t know that the Nine Demon Lord has gone out of the gate, and they are still waiting in the seventh temple for the favor of the peerless demon master.

The disciples outside did not know what was happening there, guessing according to their normal thinking.

Like this open-minded disciple, if he were, he would have enjoyed the fifty fellow teachers and sisters.

"Do you still need to say that? The fifty are all our beauties who are famous in the heavenly sacred land! I really don't know how the Lord of the Nine Umbrellas enjoyed it at that time?

Come one by one? Or two or three together? Or ... all fifty beauties come together? "

When he heard the words of this disciple, countless male disciples immediately came up with a scene that made them bloodline.

Especially the fifty beauties all stripped off their shirts, revealing their seductive bodies one by one, lingering with his nine masters ...

Many male disciples just became fierce when they just thought about the picture. Those beautiful people can be ecstatic when they get one. If fifty people are together ... that's almost ...

"Hateful!" Some male disciples were so jealous and uncomfortable, Yang Tian shouted.

"Jiuyou Lord, this life is worth it!" Followed, another male disciple shouted.

"Huh!" At this time, listening to the words from the male disciples, a female disciple in Tianhuang Holy Land issued a disdainful cold hum, and said secretly:

"These stinky men, what do they know! Those **** women can be favored by the Lord of the Nine Phantoms, that's a blessing they have repaired for centuries!

Nine Wraith Lord! Hey, Lord of the Nine Demons, why didn't I get selected! "

When it comes to the end, the female disciple's beautiful and pretty face reveals extreme unwillingness.

She had also participated in the fifty women's election before January. She felt that she was no worse than any woman in terms of beauty and talent.

In order to be favored by the Lord of the Nine Phantoms, she even betrayed her best sister, exposed the door rules she had committed, punished her, and disqualified her from campaigning.

But in the end, she didn't expect that she was not taken away!

"The Lord of Nine Youmons! The Lord of Nine Youmons! I don't expect to be able to accompany such an excellent man for the rest of my life, but only to be favored by him overnight.

One night, as long as one night, as long as I can get a night of grace to a man who is so powerful as the Lord of Nine Phantoms, I will not be a woman in this life!

And I have the ancestral secrets in my body. As long as the Lord of the Nine Demon can grace me for one night, I can definitely conceive his child! "

When thinking of these, when dreaming of being favored by the Lord of Nine Phantoms, dreaming of lingering with such a powerful man, this young woman also became fiery.


Shi Feng followed the strong men in the Tianhuang Holy Land and fluttered northward.

Soon after, they began to fall down, and constantly shuttled between the thick white mist, and immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly found that they had followed these people in the wild places and entered a somewhat dark world.

Slightly bowed his head, looking down, there was an abyss that could not be seen at a glance.

Just then, a white shadow suddenly fell from the sky, Shi Feng turned his head and saw the cold woman in white again.

This retreat for more than a month, if she was not seen here, Shi Feng would almost forget her.

Just then, Shi Feng found that the woman in white had a cold face on her face, and her brows frowned at the moment, as if something had happened.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked, asking her.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman in white slowly turned her head, looked at him, and asked, "Are you going to the small world?"

"Small world?" Upon hearing this, Shi Feng suddenly thought of something, and his expression moved. "You mean, this is the way to your world? It is from this way that you enter the wild outside world?" "

"Yes!" The woman in white answered neatly.

Upon hearing her answer, Shi Feng's brows frowned even deeper, and then she stared down at the abyss that could not be seen to the bottom, and the sixteen sacred sacred land leaders who led the way.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Shi Feng drank softly. Although the drinking sound was very light, it had echoed in this world.

Hearing Shi Feng's applause, the figure flying to the bottom stopped, then looked up one by one, and looked at the Nine Phantom Lord again.

At this time, Leng Yan, the Lord of the Famine, opened his mouth, and asked respectfully, "What's wrong with the Lord of Nine Youmon?"

"Are you sure, the road below is the road to the God War continent?" Shi Feng said.

"It can be determined below." Leng Yan said: "It is recorded in the books of the Heavenly Sacred Land that this path was found by the Heavenly Sacred Ancestor in that year. The Holy Ancestor came from the Divine War continent. After he found it, This is the God War to return through this road! "

When Leng Yan said these words, his face was full of seriousness.

Shi Feng can also see that he doesn't seem to lie to himself, and he does not need to lie to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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