Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2148: Never give up

Chapter 2148: Never Leave

At this time, to others, to those strange eyes, Shi Feng no longer cares.

Turning his head to look at Jian Tong, he said, "Taixu Mountain! Go!"

After saying this, Shi Feng had got up, at the same time, Jian Tong had also got up, and then the two went outside this Qingshi inn, and a bone stone was shot at the counter where the shop Xiao Er was sitting, which was used to check out .

"Huh? What a strange man!" The young man who had previously told Shi Feng that Taixu Mountain saw that man had left that way, said strangely.

There are many others, looking at the departing figure.

At this time, another young man said, "He said just now, Taixu Mountain, go. So, is he going to Taixu Mountain?"

"Well, I should." The young man said, then turned his head and looked at the guest table where Shi Feng was just sitting, and said, "I ordered the wine but didn't move, just left."

A middle-aged strong man also said, "Is he the swordsman's evil injustice? After learning that the three major forces have gathered in Taixu Mountain, he is going to go to Taixu Mountain and find the three forces to end their grievances."

However, despite saying so, the middle-aged strong man did not care about his face.

He just talked about it, and felt that it was impossible at all.

How could he just run into that demon.

That evildoer, where can I still come in to drink now.

After hearing the words of the middle-aged and strong man, someone immediately said, "Huh? It's very possible that you say that! At this age, it is also accompanied by that evil!"

"Oh! That's true!" Followed, again humanely.

Nowadays, although Shi Feng has left the inn, but one by one, he looks with interest at the direction he left.

"The ages are the same, and we are going to Taixu Mountain, shouldn't we be so lucky tonight, in this Qingshi inn, meet this peerless monster. Hahaha!"

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, we continue to drink, how can that evil spirit come here, come, do it!"


After Shi Feng and Jian Tong left Qingshi Inn, they went straight to the space to deliver the altar to Boulder.


Too Virtual Mountain, Too Holy Land!

In the Taixu Hall, the important figures of the three major forces are gathered here, and each figure sits in a circle in the void. Even the Holy Master, Cao Family Master, and Hu Family Master of Taixu Holy Land are here!

But above them, there are three peerless figures, which are the three strongest ancestors of their three forces!

At this time, the vain old patriarch's vain old face, full of anger, said to Pu Qing and Cao Xiong, "I said that at the time, I was allowed to stay in Aotian to help Yuan Yao kill the evil, and now it is better what!

Yuan Yao was killed, and the Lingxiao God Tower fell into the hands of the swordsman evildoer, which is even harder to deal with now! "

When he said these things in vain, Wang Xiang's eyes were cold.

At that time, he and Yuan Yao were most opposed to staying in Aotianwudi. He finally listened to them and went to Jiancheng.

"Laoxu, what use are you saying now?" Said Qing Qing. "The most important thing now is to think about how to deal with that evil, and deal with that evil evil and Jiangu old guy together!"

Now that evil spirit has killed Yuan Yao, they have to treat it carefully!

In particular, there is another person at the same level with them, Jian Gu.

Following that, Cao Xiong, the ancestor of the Cao family, also said, "Yeah, it's really useless to say these things now."

"Ah!" The vain sighed deeply, and thought about it for a while, and now it's no use to say that these things should have happened. Yuan Yao's old fellow is also dead.

Following that, False will speak again, asking Cao Xiong and Yun Qing: "Have you prepared everything you want?"

"Natural!" Cao Xiong nodded, following a flip of his right wrist, and saw three heavenly treasures floating out of his hand, suspended above the three of them.

Three items, each of which exudes an unparalleled momentum, all of which are peerless treasures of true **** level, and were formed in the treasure for tens of thousands of years!

For ordinary people, these natural treasures exist only in legend.

"Mine is ready too!" At that moment, Qi Qing also spoke, and then three heavenly treasures flew out of his hands.

Six treasures of heaven and earth, at this moment, are exuding incomparable divine power, there are exuding extremely hot temperatures, there is also extremely cold energy, there is also the incomparable thunderous power, the incomparable mysterious power ...

Seeing these six items, on the vain old face, this revealed his satisfaction, and nodded, and the next moment, three items flew out of his hand.

Nine treasures suddenly flew together, forming a circle above the three.

Then, False deliberately spoke again, saying, "Nine treasures, nine and nine return to one, the too empty door left by my too ancestor ancestors will surely reproduce the sun!"

As he said this, a pride was revealed on the false old face.

"That's good!" Cao Xiong said in response to the false words, and then said with a sneer: "If the Taixumen reappears, if the kid and Jiangu dare to come to the too sacred sacred place, they will make them come back forever!"

At this time, Wu Qing also said, "What are you waiting for? Let Taixu Mountain come back to the sky quickly! The legendary Taixu Gate, I am thinking of seeing the might of God!"

It seems that they used unbelievable confidence in this too empty door, knowing that Shi Feng killed Yuan Yao and got the Lingxiao God Tower in Lingxiao Holy Land, but they still did.

It seems that this is too fictitious, it must not be simple!


"Too virtual mountain! Too sacred place!"

Shi Feng and Jian Tong looked at the front in suspension and said secretly.

In front of it, a cloud of white clouds shrouded, and between the vast clouds, a mountain range loomed and looked a little bit empty.

This is where Taixu Holy Land is located, Taixu Mountain!

In this area, it is also called Xianshan!

"They must know that you will be here. The three forces, after all, have endless years in the small world, and they have deep roots. You must not take care of everything. You must be careful." At this time, Jian Tong said to Shi Feng.

"Well, I understand!" Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to Jian Tong, "You stay here, I will go first."

When she heard Shi Feng's words, she saw that she slowly shook her head and said, "I, go with you, if there is anything, I can help you."

There was hesitation on Shi Feng's face, and after a while, he saw him nodded slightly and said, "Okay! Follow me!"

"I will follow you tightly," Jian Tong said, followed by: "Keep on!"

(End of this chapter)

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