Reference 2149

Shi Feng and Jian Tong fluttered, moving towards the mountain range between the vast clouds.

It is rumored that the Taixu Mountain is very large and boundless. Shi Feng's soul power has already glanced out and swept into the mountain range between the clouds and mist.

The vast area swept by the power of the soul, looking at the mountain, is just the edge of the Taixu Mountain.

And in this mountain, except that it is a suspended mountain, it does not look much different from the ordinary mountain. The dense woods and the galloping beasts.

Soon, the two figures entered the dense fog and entered the Taixu Mountain.

The power of Shi Feng's soul continued to glance in all directions, and at this time, he grinned sneerly and said, "It seems those people already know that we are coming!"

"Oh?" Jian Tong said, "Oh," and asked, "How do you say?"

Shi Feng continued to sneer and said, "For the sacred shrine, here should be their mountain gate! And such a large sacred site, even without a disciple guarding the mountain gate."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong's charming face appeared stunned, and then said: "That is to say, they know you have come, if you stay disciples here to guard the mountain gate, it is just death."

When speaking these words, Jian Tong's gaze also glanced, and then said: "It seems that you said so!"

"I'm a little curious. Now that I know I'm here, these three forces have prepared what gifts are waiting for me!" Shi Feng said.

Followed by, their fluttering figure accelerated slightly.

Along the way, Taixu Mountain is very calm, it is too calm, and it feels unusual and even scary.

At this time, Jian Tong spoke, telling her feelings at the moment, and said, "I always feel a little uneasy at this moment."

Hearing Jian Tong's words, Shi Feng's complexion gradually became a little dignified, saying: "I also feel that this time, it will not be as simple as previously thought."

Following this, he proposed to Jian Tong again: "Let's do it, you follow me behind you and keep a distance from me."

"Well ..." Jian Tong seemed to be thinking, and she said after a while: "Well, that's it!"

Then, Jian Tong slowly lowered his flying figure and gradually distanced herself from Shi Feng. Very quickly, the two were about 100 meters apart.

The vast white mist, although Shi Feng disappeared into Jian Tong's sight, but within her induction.

The same is true of Jian Tong. The force of Shi Feng's soul sweeping in all directions has been watching her.

Not only did she help herself, but now that she is here with herself, she should protect her.

Although I don't know what kind of mysterious existence she belongs to, Shi Feng has always treated her as a woman, and the feeling she gave him is indeed a woman's feeling.

The two were marching one after the other, and until now, apart from seeing wild beasts in the mountains, they still did not see half a figure or half a building.

This is too virtual. There doesn't seem to be any monsters. Anyway, Shi Feng and Jian Tong haven't seen the shadows of monsters.

When I got here all the way, two hours passed quickly. On the surface, everything seemed so smooth.

As it got deeper and deeper, the dense fog in the mountain forest became more dense.

Time passed another hour, and at this time, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, followed by her eyes widening, her face suddenly changed, and her face was shocked.

Suddenly he found that he had gone back to his place!

Under the influence of the power of the soul, the forest at this moment is exactly the same as the area where the three hours have just entered!

"What's going on? Um? Not good!" At this moment, Shi Feng exclaimed again, the red shadow that had been in his soul induction just disappeared suddenly.

When he returned to his place, Jian Tong disappeared, and Shi Feng finally realized that it was bad!

At this moment, I estimate that I have entered the trap set by those three forces.

What kind of magical power was actually not even aware of the power of his soul.

"Oh, boy, have you finally found it?" Just then, just listening to an old "ha" laughter, suddenly sounded.

The voice was illusory, making it impossible to hear from which direction he came from, and it seemed that the old laughter sounded in each direction.

"Sure enough!" Shi Feng secretly said.

"Huh!" At this moment, Shi Feng uttered an extremely cold hum, saying: "Ghostly, sneaky, lived for half a year, old guys, really lived on the dog!"

"Jianfeng, let's just say it! No matter what you say, today you will be a dead end!" At this time, the voice of a middle-aged man resounded.

Immediately afterwards, an icy whine echoed: "Huh, I heard this kid was cheap!"

This voice is also an old hair, but Shi Feng can hear that this old voice is not the same as the previous old voice.

The power of Shi Feng's soul still carefully senses in all directions, hoping to discover any flaws.

Followed, I saw him slowly looking up, staring into the void, followed, the body suddenly moved, violently rushed straight up, above the fist, already shone fiercely dark thunder.

But then, Shi Feng found that weird, no matter how his body rushed up, but the forest below kept a distance of about ten meters from himself.

It's as if I was imprisoned in this wooded land by a mysterious and strange power. No matter how I fly, I can't fly out.

The next moment, Shi Feng's figure suddenly halted, and stopped the rushing figure, and the dark mad thunder shining above his fist also dispersed immediately.

"What the **** is going on here? It doesn't look like magic!" Shi Feng's brow frowned tightly.

The holy flame once consumed the illusion black flame and got the illusion power of the illusion black flame. Therefore, nowadays, Shi Feng is extremely proficient in illusion, so he can be sure that the strange things happening to himself now are not Illusion.

At this moment, he was still worried about Jian Tong's safety.

Although it is said that Jian Tong is weird, many people cannot see her at all.

But at the time when Aotian had no land, that Yuan Yao saw her.

Now that Yuan Yao can see her, the three old guys who are at the same level as Yuan Yao might also see her.

"No, I just want to break these old guys' weird supernatural powers as soon as possible!" Shi Feng said, "Boom!" A burst of blasting sound of a peerless thunder burst from his body.

He is using his unique skill, Thunder God of War!

At the same time, I saw pieces of true God war weapon appearing around him.

(End of this chapter)

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