Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2175: God battles the continent, the Temple of Heaven!

Chapter 2175 God battles the continent, the Temple of Heavenly Desolation!

After Shi Feng rudely killed the Purple Thunder woman with one punch, she devoured the power of death and blood. The woman's blood, a piece of purple, contained the tremendous power of thunder.

The purple thunder blood of the true **** strong, after Shi Feng felt swallowed, the extermination **** thunder in his body seemed to have been slightly strengthened.

Although it is slightly enhanced, it is already very good!

Since the birth of the extermination black thunder in the body, if the black thunder is to be strengthened, it must go through a thunder robbing, and this is the first time that it has been enhanced by devouring purple blood.

A woman with a dark purple skin that was otherwise beautiful turned into an extremely dry corpse.

Shi Feng originally wanted to keep this woman's soul, forcing him to ask about her current location and some information about the warland.

But did not expect that after the death of this alien woman, she did not find her soul.

"No souls?" Shi Feng murmured frowning, but then he shook his head again.

It is not that there is no soul, but this creature is special. Once dead, the soul disappears instantly, and it is too late to capture it with the power of the soul.

"Well, such a beautiful alien woman, I didn't expect you to be blown to death like this, it was really cruel!"

Looking at the purple shriveled body that had fallen violently after Shi Feng had peeled off the storage ring, Jian Tong said sadly.

Followed her again and said, "Actually, you can go up before killing! Killing like this is really wasteful."

Upon hearing Jian Tong's words, Shi Feng glanced at her and said, "You think too much!"

After saying this, Shi Feng's eyes glanced at the Quartet again, the power of the soul, and then swept in all directions.

Below it is a dried-up land, this area is very barren, as if no living beings exist.

Followed by, Shi Feng's eyes moved forward along the dry ground, and the ground ahead was still dry, as if boundless.

Then Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to Jian Tong, "Let's continue to look forward all the way!"


Subsequently, Shi Feng and Jian Tong continued their journey and stormed forward.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In a world where purple wild thunder shone, a dark purple red fruit mighty body was suspended under this wild thunder, as if bathed by a wild thunder, as if it had been integrated with this heaven and earth purple wild thunder.

"Huh?" But then, seeing that dark purple mighty face, the closed eyes suddenly widened, and the eyes opened instantly and extremely large, showing an extremely incredible content.

Immediately afterwards, that touch was incredibly transformed into extreme fury, like a wild beast, and howled:

"Yaoer, my Yaoer, died! How could it be! How could it be! Who did it! Who did it! Ah! I want him to die without a burial place!"

At this moment, a huge image appeared above the sky where the purple wild thunder shone.

In the image, there is a violent battlefield. In the battlefield, a woman wearing a purple battle armor is holding a long sword and killing. Then, the woman points the sky with a sword in her hand and points to a tribal man.

Then he flew off the battlefield until the end, and was bombarded by the Terran man in a black robe!

"He! It's him! Ah! The humble human race! The human race, and the human race!" After seeing the image appearing on the sky, the dark purple mighty face was even more angry, with a roar of roar.

"The human race was a wicked animal! When she took my wife back then, she made Yaoer laugh at her since she was a child. She hated her since she was a child! She once said to me that she must slay all the people in the world and wash her blood and shame!"

"Ah! Human race animals, kill my beloved daughter now! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I am going to kill your humble innocent animals!"

The purple fury of this world suddenly became more violent.


God battles the continent, a temple stands in a gloomy heaven and earth, this temple is called the Tianhuang Temple!

Inside the Tianhuang Shrine, a body wearing a black robe was suspended in the air, her legs crossed, her eyes closed slightly.

But at this moment, the white, gloomy face opened his eyes, then turned his head and looked obliquely downward.

There stood a tall throne of white bones, a transparent container suspended above the throne, and there was a drop of bright red blood in the container.

At this moment, the blood was beating fiercely.

"The blood of the ancestor is beating!" Looking at the beating blood, the gloomy man suddenly exclaimed.

"Great protection!"

"Great protection!"

"Great protection!"


Immediately afterwards, exclaimed sounds continued to emanate from the Tianhuang Shrine, and those sounds all shouted to the man in a dark robe wearing a dark face.

He is the great guardian of the ancestor of the Heavenly Famine, a bad cause.

It is rumored that there are five great protectors and six heavenly kings under the seat!

All survive endless years, powerful and powerful.

At this moment, eight people also sensed the change and rushed into the Temple of Heavenly Desolation.

Then, eight figures stopped in front of the tall throne of white bones, all eyes were gazing at the **** blood in the container.

"Another descendant of the ancestor entered the warland!" A mighty voice echoed in the Tianhuang Temple.

It was the Godhead King, one of the six Kings, who saw this man, who had three eyes, and had a black vertical eye above his forehead.

Immediately afterwards, the six-armed king of one of the six kings also said:

"It seems that the descendants of the ancestor entering the warland this time are not simple. The blood of the ancestors beat so fast!"

The six-armed king, as the name implies, actually has six **** arms!

This drop of blood in the transparent container is the blood of God left by Leng Aoyue, the ancestor of the heavenly desolation.

This drop of blood has been used by Leng Aoyue to perform magical powers. It is rumored that as long as those who have practiced the peerless Nine Ghost Skills first entered the war battle continent, this drop of blood will be sensed.

It is rumored that the more talented the talent, the faster the blood of God will beat.

And at this moment, this drop of **** blood was ejected frantically in this transparent container, dazzling.

"It's more than simple, it's a metamorphosis!" At this time, the figure of Da Hu Fa Yin had floated above the Throne of the Bone and said looking down at the opening below.

"According to the direction indicated by the blood of the god, this descendant of Shengzu is also in Dongyue Shenzhou!"

Immediately afterwards, Da Hu Fa Yin re-opened and asked these humanities below: "This time, who of you are going to meet the descendant of the ancestor?"

"Go by my king!" Followed only by the sound of an unusually thick voice.

One of the six Heavenly Kings under the Heavenly Ancestral Seat is furiously fighting against Heavenly Kings.

(End of this chapter)

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