Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2176: No one came to die?

Chapter 2176 No One Comes To Death?

God fights the continent, the endless barren land.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong have flew over a large area in this heaven and earth, and as a result, what they see is still a dry land, and there are still corpses and bones on many areas.

This world is like a battlefield.

Soon after, Shi Feng and Jian Tong returned to the battlefield where the Black Rock aliens and the Purple Thunder aliens fought. By this time, the fighting had evolved increasingly fiercely.

On the ground, the bodies of these two races have been lying. There were tens of thousands of people on both sides. At this moment, there are about 10,000 people in the Heiyan alien race, but only the Heiyan alien race is left. half.

The Black Rock alien is already tall, and it seems that the army of the two races has already differed countless times.

The true **** strong, this purple Thunder alien has only one young purple Thunder warrior.

Black Rock aliens, all three true gods are present, have begun a siege to the young war general.

"Hahaha, Qilu, I admit that your talents are extraordinary, but you have survived to the present under my strength, but you will never escape today!"

A black rock alien strong man made an extremely happy laugh, uttering words, smiling at the young teenager of the purple thunder alien.

If there are no accidents and no reinforcements, the winner today will be this black rock alien.

But at this moment, the accident really happened. Just listening to a young and leisurely voice, suddenly reverberating in this world: "Okay, you can fight here first, all stop first, God has Ask you. "

Although this tone is full of casual indifference, but it can't be rejected.

After hearing that voice, countless eyes noticed the sky and stared at the young figure.

"Human race!"

"Huh? It's a personal race!"

Cries rang out from the mouths of the aliens, but the fierce fighting between the two sides, without killing the other side, could not stop because of such a sentence.

Mainly, the aliens didn't take that person seriously.

"Where is the Terran Boy from here, so crazy! When the real God is so heavy, he thinks that nothing can be done?"

A black rock warrior who was besieging the young teenager of the Zilei alien race, and after seeing the black figure in the void, immediately made a disdainful voice.

Immediately afterwards, he said to two Yitian companions: "You and the two will kill each other first, and I will go back. I will let this kid, know the strength of our Rock Demon tribe, and he will soon understand. What is cruel! "

When he said these words, the tall body of the warrior of the Rock Demon had soared into the sky, rushing towards Shi Feng fiercely.

"Iwasa, be careful!" A companion of the true **** below, immediately warned the warlord who was flying away.

"Relax!" The rock monster warrior replied with a disdain, and a sneer like sneer appeared above the black rock face like a beast.

Looking at his appearance, he simply did not put the black figure in the void in his eyes at all, or the tribe in the void was no different from a dead body in his eyes.

Followed by, the rock monster warrior named Yan Yan sneered at Shi Feng from the sky and said, "Human race, you dare to be arrogant above my head? You will regret your arrogance and regret it! "

When he said this, his right fist was already clenched, and then one punch raged up.

This punch carries billions of divine powers, as if to destroy everything. If it is a big mountain, it can be instantly turned into nothingness under this punch.

Facing such a punch, Shi Feng's face was still indifferent, and he slowly said, "Look for death!"

They have ordered the fighting below to stop, and at this moment, these aliens are still fighting.

It seems that his deterrent is not enough!

Since it's not enough, let's kill chickens and tamarins!

"Dead!" Shi Feng only said these two words lightly, and these two words, indifferent, echoed immediately in this world.

Subsequently, Shi Feng pointed with his right hand, and put it on the huge fist from the blast.

"Boom!" Just heard the sound of an unusually violent violent sound, and then, countless faces changed dramatically at this moment, all showing their incomparable shock.

They saw that the mighty Rock Demon Clan, Yan Yan, was violently broken under the finger of that man, and instantly turned into thousands of black stones, flying wildly in all directions.

And in this world, there was a black rain immediately.

Although the body of this rock demon is condensed by black rock, blood is also flowing in his body, but his blood is black and black, just like ink.

And Shi Feng, naturally, will not let this black **** blood turn into raindrops and fall to the ground. With a moment of thought, the black **** blood swirls down towards him and is swallowed up by his body.

When Shi Feng devoured the death force, blood, and soul of this rock demon godland strongman, and then looked down at the battlefield below, those people looked at him completely differently, full of panic and fear.

Thinking of the previous leisurely sound that echoed the world, the two sides who killed each other stopped the fight instantly.

"Iwasa, that's it, it's dead!" There are still two strongest true warlords left in the Rock Demon clan, one of them is incredulous to speak to the other.

Iwasa is the same level of existence as them, and he was given a finger spike by this person, which also proves that if that person wants to die himself, it will be an instant spike.

Followed by, another rock demon war will speak Shen, saying: "This person, absolutely concealed the real state, he, definitely more than one day!"

At this moment, the two rock monsters have also stopped the joint killing of the young purple teenager.

Shi Feng gave a pointer to kill the Demon Warrior. At this moment, all the aliens had been deterred.

"Qi Yao, I'm afraid it's already more fierce!" Looking at the man in the void, Qi Yi sighed, secretly in his heart.

He recognized this young man in the void, and Qiyao was chasing him at that time.

Now he is back here, but Qi Yao has disappeared.

Looking at the end of the war, Shi Feng smiled at the bottom and laughed: "Okay, this time it's finally quiet! But God felt that in order to avoid the interruption of God's words and not to waste God's time, If you still want to find death, come up first and suffer first. "

When Shi Feng's words came out, the sky and the earth suddenly became silent and silent, one by one at this moment, even dare not to snoring.

The power of Shi Feng's soul sensed everything below, one by one, naturally all in his induction. At this moment, the sneer on his face was even worse, and then he said, "Why, no one came to death ? "

(End of this chapter)

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