Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2177: Dongyue Shenzhou

Chapter 2177 Dongyue Divine Land

"Why, no one came to death?"

When Shi Feng said this, her gaze was on the only three true gods on the battlefield.

The three of them suddenly shuddered when they felt that this man was looking.

They were really afraid that this man would kill himself in order not to be interrupted.

After a while, Shi Feng spoke again and said to the aliens below:

"Well, it seems that there is no desire to find death. Next, as long as your God asks you what you answer, as long as you are satisfied with your God, you can continue your war."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the warrior of the Rock Demon immediately opened his mouth and said, "I don't know what this adult has to ask. Your question is bound to be inexhaustible!"

While saying this, the Rock Demon War will be full of humility, as if he had not dealt with the purple Thunder alien race before, the peerless pride and spirit.

"Where is this? Oh, I just entered the Divine War Continent from another continent. What I want to ask is where does the Divine War continent belong here!" Shi Feng asked.

"You have just entered the war continent?" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the war of the rock monsters will soon begin again, and replied:

"This place where we live is called Tianman Ancient Battlefield and belongs to Dongyue Divine Land. Dongyue Divine Land's position on the Divine Continent is in the east direction!"

"Dongyue Shenzhou!" Shi Feng murmured these words.

According to this black rock alien, this Dongyue Divine Land should belong to a large region, such as the eastern region, the southern region, and the western region of the Tianheng continent.

"East side!" At this moment, Shi Feng finally knew where he was.

Then, I spoke again and asked these aliens below: "You, have you heard of the desolate ancestor of the human race, Leng Aoyue!"

"Sacred Father, Leng Aoyue!"

"The celestial ancestor of the human race!"

"Sacred Father of Heaven!"


When I heard the seven words Leng Aoyue, the sacred ancestor of heaven, I saw that the faces of the aliens on both sides changed greatly with Qi Qi, eyes widened, and utterly widened.

The seven words of light are just like a giant mountain, so that "people" can't breathe.

Shi Feng also asked with hope in her heart, but did not expect that when they heard the seven words Leng Aoyue, the ancestor of the Heavenly Desolation, they showed this look.

It seems that they have heard the name of Leng Aoyue, and this name is definitely not simple!

"Maybe, Leng Aoyue really lives in this world!" Shi Feng secretly said.

Then he said again, "Why, have you heard of Leng Aoyue?"

Every time when questioning, Shi Feng's eyes were mostly condensed on the three aliens in the real state of God.

"Naturally heard! In the name of the sacred ancestor of the human race, no one knows who can fight the continent! Who knows the endless years of our war against the continent!" Another warlord of the Rock Demon tribe also began Say.

"Oh, Leng Aoyue, is he still in the world today?" Shi Feng asked again.

"The celestial sacred ancestor of the human race has reached the realm of legend long ago, and I heard that he has already achieved immortality, immortality, immortality, and coexistence with heaven and earth!" At this time, the purple thunder Interracial young teenager also spoke.

"So abnormal!" Shi Feng secretly said.

However, the boy had a good talent, but now he has survived endless years in this warland continent without dying, presumably his current strength is definitely not simple.

I don't know what the so-called legendary state has reached.

When Shi Feng learned that the true gods were one, two, and three in the small world, he knew that there must be four, five, and six days behind him. He once heard such a sentence, martial arts Along the way, there is no end!

I don't know how Leng Aoyue now has reached several days.

"So cold and proud moon, where is the God War mainland now?" Shi Feng asked.

Now knowing that Leng Aoyue is still alive, he naturally has to find him first.

"The Heavenly Shrine of the Heavenly Sacred Ancestors is in Zhongao Shenzhou, which is the center of our **** war continent." Yan Mo Zhan will return.

"Do you have a map of the continent?" Shi Feng asked.

"I do not have!"

"I do not have!"

The two rock monster warriors shook their heads at the same time.

And then, the young teenager of the Zilei tribe also shook his head slowly.

Followed by Shi Feng's eyes, the power of the soul glanced at other aliens again. At this moment, the crowd below became surprisingly quiet, and after a while, no one spoke.

It seems that these aliens do not have a map of the continent! Or maybe there is someone who just doesn't want to give it to himself.

"If you go to Zhong Ao Shenzhou from here, how is the fastest? Is there a city nearby or is there a space to drive the altar?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Master, you have been going north. About a thousand miles away, there is an ancient teleportation altar. From there, you can leave the ancient battlefield of this day!"


Later, Shi Feng also learned from the mouths of these aliens. In fact, most of them learned from the two warlords:

Dongyue Shenzhou has countless races, but before the endless years, countless races united and expelled all the peoples of Dongyue Shenzhou.

In Dongyue Divine Land, human races are rarely seen, especially the weak ones!

In Dongyue Divine Land, there are very strong races. It is said that they are very strong and strong. Their Rock Demon, and Nareigu are in Dongyue Divine Land, but they are only middle and low strength races.

The truly powerful race is said to be very strong and extremely powerful!

The truly powerful alien is said to have entered the realm of the Seventh Heaven of the True God!

True God Seventh Heaven, this is already the existence of Shi Feng is not afraid to provoke.

And when he asked about the realm of Tian Ao's ancestor Leng Aoyue, they only heard that the human ancestor's Aohuang ancestor was very strong, but no one knew how strong he was.

There are rumors in the world that the heavenly ancestors stepped into the true God Nine Heaven, and some people even said that he had transcended the true God Nine Heaven!

According to their estimates, from here to Zhong Ao Shenzhou, at least halfway through the region of more than 20 races.

Going out of the teleportation altar to the north from the ancient battlefield on this day is the territory of the Haiwu tribe.

Listening to the Rock Demon Clan, the Sea Witch Clan is just in the middle of their Rock Demon Clan and the Leigu Clan. It is a very weak race, but it has a mission that other races cannot understand. Generations have guarded this Tianman ancient battlefield. .

Someone once doubted that since this sea-witch tribe has guarded the Tianman ancient battlefield for generations, is there an ancient treasure unknown to everyone in this very ancient battlefield?

However, after the endless years, countless people entered the Tianman ancient battlefield to search for treasures. However, in addition to the endless dry land, there are still the remains of the war. There is no other discovery at all.

"Then, go to that Sea Witch tribe, that Sea Witch City!" Shi Feng said quietly again.

(End of this chapter)

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