Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2200: Shattered War Witch

Chapter 2200 Shattered War Witch

After Checo had said that to Dana, he turned and left.

Nowadays, it is obvious that he can no longer count on the Haiwu tribe, but his daughter Qi Yao will not give up his enemies, and he will think of other ways to kill this person.

"Checo, you!" Dana suddenly shouted at him when he turned and said, "Checo, your little Leigu tribe, do you want to disobey me the Sea Witch tribe? Do you miss your Leigu tribe? Billions of souls, died because of your stupidity? "

"Yeah!" Hearing Dana ’s words, the turned Chico stunned, followed by turning around and looking at Dana, saying: "Your sea witch is really strong, but I am a Legu, not a subsidiary of your sea witch. !!

I Qi Ke, also have friendships with several races as strong as your Sea Witch tribe, they will never let you Sea Witch tribe against my Leigu tribe! Do it for yourself, Dana! "

After saying this, Checo no longer directly controlled Dana, his body flickered, and he left the void at a fast speed.

"Checo!" Dana spit out these two words fiercely, and he did not expect that this little Leigu people dare to hit themselves like this and dare to say such things to themselves.

At this moment, if the Checo could be killed, Dana really wanted to rush to him and kill him.

"Ah!" Leng coldly gave out a rage, Dana turned her head, eyes, and then stared at the battlefield over there.

At this moment Jiantong and the evil demon have arrived, guarding beside Shi Feng, quietly floating in the void without moving.

And Shi Feng, still angry at the war witch of the sea witch tribe.

"Don't you like tearing creatures into pieces? Now Ben Shao will let you taste the flesh that is slowly torn."

Speaking coldly, Shi Feng's hands moved, and she slammed into the sea's shameless body.

pain! Very painful! But at this moment Hai Wuyan was severely wounded, and even the pain could not be heard.

But the flesh was convulsing violently.

"His!" Followed, a sound of torn body fluttered.

The distant voice also passed into the ears of Dwarf of the Sea Witch tribe. Dana wanted to rush to save the war witch of the Sea Witch tribe, but eventually he chose to turn away.

There was that evil demon, and Checo also left him away, and with his Dana power, he couldn't compete with that evil devil at all.

His body flashed fiercely, and Dana left the world with swift force, everything, and waited for the supreme response from that one.


In another piece of void, Shi Feng slowly shredded, shredded, and shredded the sea again!

Blood splattered and pieces of minced meat fell into the messy ground below.

In this way, this powerful war witch was tortured to death by Shi Feng.

With the move of Jiuyou Gong, the death force, blood, and soul of a true God Sixth Heavenly Power were swallowed up by him instantly.

And at this moment, I saw Shi Feng's broken body, healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Shi Feng!" Shouted coquettishly, coming from behind him.

Shi Feng turned his head and looked at the red shadow of the giant demon standing proudly, grinning at her.

At this time, Jian Tong smiled at him and said, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Shi Feng said, thanking her.

At that time, he thought that he could not catch up with the sea witch clan, and finally he could tear up the sea witch clan. Thanks to Jian Tong's timely shot at that time, he appeared in front of the sea witch clan. Suffered the baptism of God Thunder together.

"No thanks!" Jian Tong was still smiling.

At this moment, Shi Feng's broken body has been completely restored, and Jian Tong can clearly feel that his momentum at this moment is completely different.

Not only Jiantong, but even that evil demon has felt it.

The power of Shi Feng's soul spread out in all directions, and he searched again carefully for the "person" hidden in the dark.

Shi Feng felt that the peeper hiding in the dark was not the shameless sea torn by himself.

And when the power of the soul moved, he found that the power of his soul had also reached the edge of the impending breakthrough.

"Gone?" At this moment, Shi Feng frowned, and said secretly.

Then he slowly shook his head, but he was not sure whether he had left.

At this time, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong again, and said, "Let's go! Leave here first and then talk."

"Huh!" Jian Tong nodded, she naturally listened to Shi Feng.

However, he saw the vicious and huge face of that evil demon, revealing a complex human nature.

The evil demon abyss, he can't remember how long he has lived there, let it leave like this, a feeling of overwhelming in his heart.

"I ... you ..." Then, the evil demon slowly spoke again. "You, can you let me go?"

As he said this, the evil demon seemed to begging.

"Why should I let you?" Shi Feng said coldly, asking him instead.

This evil demon wanted his own life with Jian Tong at the time, but later he was finally overcome by himself. How can he let it go like this?

And a true five-day peak of the true God of the thugs, very good.

"As long as you let me go, I promise never to be against you again, I swear!" The evil demon vowed swearingly.

"You do n’t have to be so troublesome. It ’s impossible to let you go. From now on, you will listen to my orders. As long as you are obedient, I will let you live peacefully. ! "

When Shi Feng said the last sentence, the evil demon immediately felt a cold chill, straight into his demon body.

It felt that if this man, the humble creature in his eyes, had annoyed him, he seemed to really tear himself slowly.

When the evil demon wants to speak again, Shi Feng interrupts it: "Let's go! Leave this mountain!"

Tone, can't refuse.

As she said this, Shi Feng's figure fluttered and flashed onto the evil demon's back.

Drinking for a while: "Go!"

"Oh!" A roar sounded, and the monster's huge demon body reluctantly moved, rushing outside the mountains of the evil demon.

With this man's attitude, it seems that he cannot just let himself go.

"In the depths of this mountain range, is there any stronger presence than you?" At this moment, Shi Feng spoke again and asked the evil demon beneath him.

"Yes!" The evil demon replied without hesitation.

"Oh?" Hearing his reply, Shi Feng showed curiosity, turned his head to look at the depths of the endless mountain range, and then said, "A stronger existence than you? What level has it reached?" "

"I don't know!" The evil demon replied, "That existence is very strong! I have only seen it once, but I know it is an existence that can instantly kill me instantly."

(End of this chapter)

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