Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2201: The figure on the vicious body

Chapter 2201 The Figure On The Vicious Body

The evil demon that Shi Feng conquered was the great demon of the Five Realms of True God.

And it is more terrifying, more powerful, and it can even kill him in seconds. What level of terror is that powerful?

True God Sixth Heaven? Seventh Heaven? Yaeten?

Anyway, Shi Feng didn't want to continue deep into this mountain range to see the existence of that horror.

Now he just wants to leave here and go to Zhong Ao Shenzhou as early as possible, to the deserted holy land that day.

"Do you know how to get to Zhong Ao Shenzhou from here?" At this moment, Shi Feng said again, and asked the evil demon beneath him.

"I don't know how to go, I rarely contact the outside world." The evil demon said, answering Shi Feng truthfully.

"It's useless!" Shi Feng said angrily after hearing its answer.

"You!" He is a generation of demon kings. At this moment, he was said to be useless. The evil demon wanted to have an attack, but ... he didn't dare to have an attack.


"I didn't expect that the sea shame of the Haiwo tribe was killed by him. This tribe from the heavenly wilderness is really not provoking!"

As Shi Feng drove away from the mountain of evil spirits quickly, she did not know the distant void and darkness, and a figure was watching him.

That figure was covered with feathers all over his body, and five erect eyes were on his face. It was the strong man of the God-eyes and five-eyes family, and Dana and Qi Ke, all of the same level.

Earlier, when he received their king's order, he quit the killing of Shi Feng, but also sneaked into the evil demon mountain range to see how the Haiwo and Leigu tribe dealt with that tribe.

He didn't expect that later, the sea witch tribe sent their mighty war witch to the sea, and as a result, the sea shame that made all races in Dongyue Shenzhou frightened was torn to pieces by that person.

That clan thought he was going to die every time, but in the end, he could always fight back unexpectedly.

"It is said that my God-eye Wumu tribe fought against Yihucheng of this people. He threatened to destroy my God-eye Wumu tribe in the future, and my king meant to see if he could resolve the grudge with this people."

"Resolve!" The two words murmured again in the mouth, and the strong man of the god-eyes and five-eyes murmured in his mouth.


After a long time, Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the evil demon rushed out of the mountain of evil demon. At this time, Shi Feng saw the edge of the mountain, and there were five figures traveling through the jungle.

"Go down and ask them." Shi Feng said, and ordered the evil demon under him.

Hearing the orders of Shi Feng, the giant demon fell to the jungle.

There were five weird-looking, green-looking, hard-skinned aliens who instantly felt that the entire sky was instantly darkened, looked up, and looked up.

Then, I saw the five green faces suddenly changed, eyes widened, and their bodies were shaking involuntarily.

At this moment, they only felt an extremely huge black mountain pressing down violently towards them.

In the face of that mountain, they did not have the slightest resistance, as if the "mountain" was pressed, they could be crushed into powder.

"This ... this ... this is not, it is the ... horrible ... existence of the evil demon mountain." There was an alien voice trembling, muttering in his mouth.

"His!" Hearing his companion's words, another alien took a deep breath: "The existence ... doesn't it mean that the evil monster abyss never comes out? It ... it even ..."

"Yeah ... it ... it ... it's an evil abyss ... it found us ... is coming towards us ..."

Shrouded in that terrible coercion, the five aliens found that even the power to escape had been lost.

Seeing that the huge monster body was about to fall down, the five aliens saw it again. The huge body suddenly stunned. In this way, the stunned body stopped.

"I ... we ... are ... alive ..." said a green-skinned alien, saying.

He even reached out to touch his body and found that it was still intact.

"It ... stopped ..." another alien began.

He didn't understand why the vicious existence in the legend stopped like that.

Five aliens, five green faces, still staring wide open.

"I ask you, apart from the city southward, is there any other city?"

At this time, only a young voice was heard from above.

To the south, it is naturally Yihu City, but Shi Feng does not want to go to that Yihu city. After all, it is the site of those five-eyed bird people.

He wanted to go to other cities.

Upon hearing the question from above, the five aliens did not dare to neglect, and one alien spoke quickly and replied: "From this point onwards, about two thousand miles, there is a sea crystal city!"

"Hai Jingcheng? Which race's place?" Shi Feng asked again.

"It is the site of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, and the vast territory here is ruled by the Shenyu Wumu tribe." Another alien answered.

Because Yihucheng is the site of the Shenyu Wumu clan, Shi Feng did not want to go, but did not expect that this territory was the site of the Shenyu Wumu clan.

If you want to rush to Zhongao Shenzhou as soon as possible, you must also enter the city of the Shenyu Wumu tribe.

After thinking for a while, Shi Feng looked at the evil demon under him again and said, "Go east!"

In the end, he decided to enter that sea crystal city.

Hearing Shi Feng's order, the evil demon's huge body moved again, fanning the huge black flesh wings and flying into the sky.

The five aliens in the jungle still looked at the huge black demon body as they continued to lift off, getting farther and farther away from them.

"It ... it ... just, come with us and ask for directions?" Another alien trembled and asked his companion.

The evil demon looks almost exactly like the legend, but this ferocious disposition seems to be different.

It stands to reason, according to the legendary ferocity, it should tear itself into five pieces with the crickets beneath it.

"You see, there is a figure on its back!" As the huge body flew eastward and farther, a stranger suddenly saw something and shouted in shock.

"Ah! There is a figure!"



Immediately afterwards, just listening to one of them screaming in horror, one after another in this jungle.

It really shocked them too much. Such a terrible and powerful legendary demon had a figure standing proudly on its back.

So isn't the one who stands proudly on his back more powerful and horrible?

"This ... what kind of existence is this anyway? It is said that this terrible monster is already at the peak of the true God Fiveth Heaven! Then ... isn't that existence ..."

"Human ... That figure! It seems to be human!"

(End of this chapter)

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