Chapter 2207 Threat

"Boom!" At this moment, Shi Feng, the evil demon, and the fifty-eight real artifacts worked together to finally break the invisible barrier.

"Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The large array of defenses against Haijing City was broken. Suddenly, the entire Haijing City was shaking violently.

The city of God's eyes and five-eyes dangled with Haijing City's violent shaking. At this moment, all eyes of hatred had gathered together on Shi Feng and the evil demon.

Shi Feng bowed his head and looked down at the dense alien creatures beneath him. He had the idea of ​​destroying the Wuyu tribe in Yihu City.

At this moment, with his power plus evil demon and sword Tong, it is no problem to slaughter all the souls of Haijing City.

However, it was found that Shi Feng did not take a shot against the aliens below, nor did he order the evil demon to take a shot.

From now until now, especially when the owner of Haijing City is killed by him, he feels the same emotions as people from this family of God's eyes and five eyes.

Although they are aliens, their emotions give Shi Feng a feeling that is very similar to the human race.

At this time, Shi Feng said coldly, "My God wants a map of the Divine War Continent. If he hasn't seen the map in ten breaths, they will die."

Shi Feng's voice echoed instantly in this sea crystal city.

Long waves.

When I said these words, I saw twenty-three silhouettes immediately, floating to the void under the power of his stone maple.

And these 23 aliens have one thing in common, they are all children.

The children of the God's Eye and the Five Eyes, the oldest look, are only ten years old.

"Ah! Ah! Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"


"Mom, mom, save me!"

"Woohoo, save me, grandpa! Woohoo!"

The cry of mercy, crying, and crying for help suddenly sounded from the mouths of these alien children.

Facing the "devil" at the center, they didn't even dare to resist.

"Ah! Child! My child! Let go of my child!" The petite figure looking at the void snarled a woman with divine eyes and five eyes.

"It's so abominable, this human race threatens children! It's abominable!"

"This tribe, even our city owner was killed by him, what else can't he do!"

"This is a beast!"

"Yeah, livestock!"

"So cruel, he will certainly do something more inhumane next!"

"Kill! Let him kill! I've already prepared to coexist with our Haijing City!"

"Me too! Coexistence and death with Haijing City! When I am transformed into a ghost, I will not let him go!"


Every sound came to Shi Feng's ears.

Hearing some words of these aliens, Shi Feng's face became colder and colder instantly.

If these stupid **** feathers Wumu tribe, if they really want to slaughter, they would have already started, regardless of whether they are children or children.

The use of these children is nothing more than to make them want to hand over a map of the Continent of God.

Because of feelings similar to the human race from these aliens, Shi Feng just cancelled the thought of killing these aliens.

He didn't want to waste time here, nor did he want to use brutal means to persecute anyone, so he thought of "humanity" again, and threatened this alien child.

Although the Shenyu Wumu tribe is a child, after all, if no one surrenders the map of the Continent of God War after ten breaths of this alien race, in fact, he would not kill them.

In an instant, six breaths passed.

"Who has a map of God's war on the continent? Whoever has it, give it to him and save my children, I beg you."

One child's mother yelled at the people, her voice full of pleading.

If she could rush into the sky at this moment, she would rush up long ago, and even if she had fought this life, she would have to rescue her biological son.

However, that person was enveloped with a peerless atmosphere, and the entire city of Haijing had been covered, so that all the souls of Haijing City could not be broken.

"Yes, whoever has a map of the continent of war, quickly hand it over, everything, wait until the children are rescued."

An old man with a god-eye and five-eyes also spoke.

At this time, eleven breaths had actually passed, and it was time for Shi Feng to kill them.

"Is there such a large sea crystal city, so many aliens, there is no map of the God War Continent? This map of the God War Continent is so precious? No."

Shi Feng frowned, looking down at the aliens secretly.

"I handed over the map of the God War Continent! I would like to hand over the map of the God War Continent. Don't hurt the children, let the children hurry up."

At this time, just listening to the voice of a middle-aged man, suddenly echoed in Haijing City.

When he heard the voice, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved, his eyes stared at the past, and he immediately stared at the figure.

It was a middle-aged, realm of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, but in the four-star demigod.

However, his body looks unusually tall, and he is in a strange group like a chicken.

"Give me the map!" Shi Feng said in an irresistible tone at the middle-aged Shenyu Wumu tribe below.

"You put the children down first," the middle-aged man said to Shi Feng.

It stands to reason that Shi Feng is now standing proudly, overlooking the city of Haijing City, and the middle-aged alien of the three-star divine realm in that district has no capital to talk to him about the conditions.

However, Shi Feng had no intention of killing these children. When her body moved, twenty-three alien children suddenly fell down and fell into Haijing City.

Seeing Shi Feng released the children in this way, the middle-aged alien was a little surprised. Not only him, but other aliens were surprised.

According to their thinking, this brutal human race should do some brutal things and continue to threaten.

In the end, even if the map is surrendered, the 23 children are still likely to be killed by him with fierce means.

Just as he killed the Lord of the Crystal City and killed the Second General of the World.

But ...

"Here you!" At this moment, the man with the God-eyes and five-eyes cried, and saw that his right hand was thrown, and a pale ancient stone was immediately thrown out of his hand and shot up at the stone maple upward.

Shi Feng reached down and grabbed it, and immediately grabbed the ancient stone in his hand, looked down and looked at it carefully, and the power of the soul swept over the ancient stone.

This ancient stone looks like a stone, but Shi Feng doesn't look at it.

But what is the real material, Shi Feng does not know, this is a material he has never seen before.

Then, flicking with his right hand, he placed this ancient stone in his brows ...

(End of this chapter)

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